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Pensyarah  : En. Wan Burhanuddin & Prof Madya Dr. Ahmad Sanusi




(english version)


Since there is so much conflicting information concerning the new world order it is difficult to clearly define exactly what it is. Fortunately, a professor of International Law at the University of Chicago did so and it was published in the Baltimore News-Post on December 8, 1941. In the article, Dr. Quincy Wright described what he called "the new world order" as opposed to Hitlers' New Order in which the sovereignty and independence of individual nations would be subject to the limitations set forth by a world government. In other words, the independence and sovereignty of the nations of the world, including the United States, would cease to exist. Wright went on to say that in addition to the world system that three continental systems would emerge, also under this world league.

At the end of the Cold War, some people began to talk about leaving an ineffective "Old World Order" and moving into a better "New World Order". However, the definitions were not clear, such as how "old" our "Old World Order" has been. There was a feeling that we might define our "Old World Order" as the system under which we had 2 World wars and the Cold War that followed. Our 'New world Order" was going to be something different, merely because the Cold War had come to an end. But, what is its definition ??????

In summary, we propose the following working definitions:-

  • Definition : Our Old World Order places priority upon the rights of sovereign governments over the rights of subjects. The government owns and controls its subjects. Empires are created by military conquest. Both individual slavery and collective slavery are allowed.

  • Definition : Our New World Order places priority upon the rights of citizens over the rights of governments. The citizens own and control their government. Regional integration is accomplished on a gradual and voluntary basis. Neither individual slavery nor collective slavery are allowed.


Around the year 70 AD Romans destroyed the Jerusalem Temple. A group of Zadokite priests practitioners of an early form of Judaism & guardians of the secrets of an Egyptian Mystery school escaped, certainly to Europe, probably to France, probably to the Chartres region. Known as the 'Sons of Light', it was their traditions that gave birth to Illuminism & the 'Illuminati'. There their descendants founded a secret Order called the 'Brotherhood of Light', which became extremely powerful over the years - some say because they possessed the Holy Grail, though this seems a little farfetched. Posing as Christians or modern Jews they preserved their ancient and mistrusted traditions within the inner-doctrines of secret societies and writings.

 A good example of this is the fact that the British Royal family circumcise their male children - hardly the behavior of real Christians. They eventually founded the Knights Templar, who became an extremely powerful Military Order, apparently Christian but in reality their inner-Order still guarded the knowledge or gnosis of Egyptian Occultism that would eventually form the basis of modern Hermeticism and Gnosticism and that would be a major source of inspiration for the Rosicrucians and the Golden dawn, both of whom like inner-Freemasonry, use ancient symbols including the Pyramid, Sphynx & Star of David. Many important Historical Figures have been members of these Orders, including George Washington.

Islamic fundamentalists were preventing Christian pilgrims from visiting the Holy Land and the famous Crusades began when the Templars went out there, ostensibly to protect them. However, the Templars excavated under the site of their ancestors' Temple, finding scrolls left there by them. These scrolls contained the traditions and rituals of the Egyptian Mysteries.    


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Last modified: 12/29/04