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Wasabi.... Wow I haven't typed that in years.... Well here I am, doing what I do. I will be back on track with updates of everything, seeing as I now going to have plenty of time on my hands. I love you all, and will see you in a little while.

The Links:
Flobee Playstation 2 page
Game Faqs web link
Flobee music page
Flobee India Page
So,who am I?
Thank you for visiting my site.Feel free to visit my other pages.God bless you!
Flobee Movie page
Flobee Retro Games page
Flobee Dragons page
Flobee Xbox page
Flobee Gameboy Advance page
May the force be with you as we embark on a new year of great titles,played money makers,and over looked marvels!But please be warned fool.Choose wisely...
Flobee Gamecube page
This is what I do, this is what I know....But this is not what makes me who I am
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