Jewellery to buy
x.   ROM Helios necklace
x.   MET / Byzantine Scroll Disc earrings
x.   MET / Celtic Brooch necklace
x.   MET / Russian Imperial magnifier
x.   MET / Hatshepsut Scarab pendant

Books to buy
x.   The Brothers Karamazov - Fyodor Dostoevsky
x.   The Count of Monte Cristo - Alexandre Dumas
x.   MET / Antonella da Messina: Sicily's Renaissance Master
x.   MET / Painting and Illumination in Early Renaissance Florence
x.   MET / Diane Arbus Revelations
x.   MET / Byzantium: Faith and Power
x.   MET / Hatshepsut: From Queen to Pharaoh
x.   MET / Greece and Rome

CDS to buy
x.   Erotica - Madonna
x.   True Blue - Madonna
x.   Debut - The Distilles
x.   Coral Fang - The Distillers

DVDS to buy
x.   Da Ali G Show: Seazon 1
x.   Da Ali G Show: Seazon 2
x.   The Merchant of Venice

Films to see
x.   Wild Strawberries
x.   Persona
x.   Before Sunrise
x.   L'Avventura
x.   Il deserto rosso
x.   Last Tango in Paris