The school, located in the center of Clermont-Ferrand and associated with the Michelin Company, has been in the group Massillon/Notre Dame since 1996.

It caters for all ages groups from nursery to 12th grade.

The International School is open to all children of axpatriates employed by Michelin, and also to students from other companies (M.S.D., Limagrain...). In addition, students who want to study in an international atmosphere are also welcome.

 Massillon/Notre Dame School is a private Catholic School under state control.

It is five minutes a foot from the train station and within easy access of the city bus systel (lines 1, 2, 4, 9, 10, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16)


In the courtyard remains Massillon's foundation stone, which is Volvic stone, and dated 1658.

It was, at that time, a convent for the order of the Bernardine sisters. Then, after the French revolution, it was a seminary for priests.

Finally, in 1907, the school was established and named after Bishop Massillon, a very well known Catholic bishop of Clermont-Ferrand.