12. Controversial extensions to London roads

 City politicians and environmental activists are shocked as plans 
for major roads through environmentally sensitive areas come back 
to life.  Under review are extensions to Adelaide Street across the 
Westminster Ponds, Windermere Road across Medway Creek and the north 
branch of the Thames River, and Huron Street across the north Thames.  

 The City engineer stick-handling the review said all options have 
to be considered in London’s transportation plan or that plan could 
be rendered invalid.  Shane Maguire, division manager for the City’s 
Transportation Division has ordered a full-scale and expensive 
environmental assessment of the entire transportation plan which must 
be in place by 2004.  The City has to consider all options, agreed 
Councillor Sandy Levin, a member of the City’s Environment and 
Transportation Committee.

 A public meeting on the transportation plan is planned for late June.

Source: London Free Press, Tuesday, May 20.

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