Welcome to Eclipsace's Homepage!

There's nothing up right now! But check again later, I'm sure I'll muster up something or another.

Here are some links to my favourite sites on the Interblag! (in no particular order)

VG Cats - An EXTREMELY funny web-comic by a nephew of a business prof and friend of a friend.
xkcd - Another extremely funny web-comic; those of you with computer knowledge may get more out of it.
Dinosaur Comics - Yet again, more webcomics! This one by Toronto native Ryan North.
Perry Bible Fellowship - Don't let the name fool you - this is probably one of the most sacreligious websites on the internet. Oh and yea it's yet another webcomic.
Ozy and Millie - This was the first webcomic I started to read. It's pretty funny and has some good political innuendo.

Ok, no more webcomics. Here are some other sites:

Something Awful - Still probably the funniest site on the interblag. Nothing is sacred and they make fun of everything.
Magic Official Website - Call me a nerd but I still play Magic the Gathering. It's still fun!
Disgaea: Hour of Darkness - Probably one of the best games ever created. I suggest you go out and purchase is immediately. And when you're done with that...
Disgaea 2: Cursed Memories - ...go out and buy the almost as awesome but still really good sequel. :) I have a friend with 200 hours on his timer for this game.
hydroxyl.net, my other webpage on stuff other than dragons that I am interested in. Give it a look (eventually, there will be interesting things there).

Au revoir,
