
The following is a list and information of places in the Thunderbird 2086 universe. They're listed in alphabetical order.

Babaloo Island

A fictional resort island in the South Pacific. It was completely devastated by the hurricane caused by the malfunction weather control satellite.

Hawaii Fault Line Geo-Thermal Plant

An experimental powerplant created by Dylan's friend, Sara and her brother Edward. It harness the heat from earth, and outputs very low amount of pollution.

International Rescue Organization Arcology

A huge superstructure, similar to those found in Simcity. It's the main headquarters of the Thunderbird squad. Commander Simpson heads the force from the command center. This superstructure is a self supporting city, and believed to be located around the south Pacific.

Marine Mammals Research Center

A U.N funded research center for better understanding of marine mammals life and intelligence. It also has an effort to save endangered species.

Mars Orbital Research Station

A station dedicated in research for terraforming Mars for space colonization.

Metal City

A city completely operated by artificial intelligence. It's located off the coast of Vancouver, British Columbia.

Moonbase Omega

A permanent human settlement on the moon. It has agricultural dome and many industrial complex.

Pluto Outpost

A research center on Pluto, dedicated to deep space travel research.
Rocky Mountain Preserve

An American national park. It houses cybernetic experiments to save endangered species.

Seacore Niagara Falls Research Center

Seacore's secret lab located under the Niagara Falls. Maximum security research center, dedicated in building next generation Thunderbird machines.

Space Colony "Rosinante"

Commanderred by one of Dylan's closest friend. This station is dedicated for the development of U.N Space Colonization Program. Shaped similar to the space colony in Mobile Suit Gundam.

Space Colony "Nitroid"

A space colony in the asteroid belt. It houses a huge bio-tech company. It is shaped much like the space colony in Mobile Suit Gundam.

Space Colony "Deltoid"

Another space colony in the asteroid belt. It is presumed to be the base where Star Crusher operates from. It's also believed that it has a large cybernetics/cyborg/bionics research labs.

Space Station TB-6

Described as a floating city. It houses some of the IR space operations vehicles, notably the TB-17. It also houses U.N Space Colonization Program, and Weather Control Service.

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