content :



writing art music

electric snake directory

community photo sharing

photo collections





Adirondack Camping Propaganda!

Welcome to the electric snake, the internet home and archive for the large group of Bucks County expatriates and friends. Please select a link on the left to access any feature.

writing art music offers a somewhat regularly updated archive of artistic works by electric snake visitors. To have work posted, either e-mail it to me or post it on the forum.

the electric snake directory offers a comprehensive guide to the contact information of visitors to the electric snake. Post your information on the forum to have it added.

community photo sharing offers a place where visitors can post photos themselves for anyone to look at, while photo collections offers campfire and other large collections of photos.

the forum is probably the most active location on the site, and offers site news and a free for all commentary by electric snake visitors. Links offers a small collection of friend's sites that don't quite fit anywhere else.

Thank you, and enjoy.



© 2003 all respective artists.

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