Tuesday, February 10th -- Friday, February 13th

Tuesday February 10th - Derek and I drove to Toronto.  We got up at about 6:00 a.m. and drove.  We stopped in at the TV studio on the way and picked up some tapes from Ray.  We had to drop them off to Ed Robinson at The Comedy Network when we got to Toronto.  We drove straight there, I was supposed to be doing an interview with Canadian Press at around 4:00.

When we got to the CTV/Baton/Comedy Network building we were tired.  I was unshaven.  There were Dini Petty people all over the place.  The parking lot was filled with Dini Petty audience members arriving at the show.  They all looked really excited about going out to see a television show get taped.  They were all very happy looking....  The Dini Petty People.

Derek and I went into The Comedy Network.  Derek met Ed Robinson, our big boss, for the first time.  Normally Merilyn our show's producer deals with the network, so this was fairly exciting for us.  It's a little bit intimidating walking into a network to drop off your tape.  We were both shivering with fear.  Fortunately Ed seems like a real comfortable guy to be around.  He's about ninety feet tall, but other than that there is no reason to be nervous around him...  We chatted for a few minutes and then left to go to our hotel.  Turned out my interview had been rescheduled to the next day so Derek and I just hung out in Toronto for the rest of the afternoon.

Wednesday February 11th - I woke up at 6:30a.m.  Rachel and Libby met me in the Lobby of our hotel.  They work for Holmes Creative Communications and had set up a string of interviews for me...  They set up the whole week, and gave me a printed schedule for where I was supposed to be and when.  They also brought me to all the interviews. 

8:00 a.m. - 9:00 a.m.  We were at The Humble and Fred Show.  This is the biggest morning show in Toronto I hear.  I'm not sure how they have been affected by the coming of Howard Stern.... but I don't think they'll have any problems competing.  These guys are funny!  And really nice!!!  I was expecting it to be all burns on me and on the show, but they actually were really supportive.  They played clips from the TV show.  We took calls from all over Toronto.  It actually seemed like they had seen the show before, and they seemed like they liked it.  So that was great.  It was a fun show and I hope some of you heard it.

10:00 a.m. - Did an interview with Claire Bickley in the cafeteria at the Toronto Sun.  I don't think she had seen the show before we sent her our tape.  I think she was expecting me to be some lunatic who was frothing at the mouth.  She seemed surprised that I was a normal human being.  (Oh yeah, I can act normal around important people if I really have too.)  I had the feeling by the end of the interview that she might be nice to the show.  I think she understood what we were all about....  See these interviews are pretty important because some people don't really like our show right away.  To the skeptics, it's good if I can sit down and explain to them why our show is funny.  Once people have that explanation, they then have all the ammunition they need to give us a horrible review.  I had a good feeling that Claire got the show... but you can never tell.  We had to wait and see what she would write in the paper on Friday.

11:00 a.m. - Interviewed by Paul Sambla for The Ryersonian, at Ryerson University.  He had a busted leg and was on crutches.  We did the interview in a photolab/dark room.  We left the lights on.

1:00 p.m. - Had lunch with Doug Cudmore.  He is the entertainment editor from The Toronto Star.  I was surprised to see that he is about my age.  A young guy.  He seemed to really get the show...  I hope he likes us.  It's weird doing these interviews because you want everyone to like you.  I just want people to like me!!!  I had already talked to him before on the telephone when I was in Ottawa.  His story was also coming out on Friday.  Friday was going to be a weird day for us.  We want these people to like us.

2:30 p.m. - Taped a radio interview with Nat and Kat from The Mix 99.9.   This was a fun interview.  Seems like they had been reading my diary, so right off the bat I was embarrassed.  I am starting to wonder why I am so honest.  I forget that people may actually read this thing.  Katfish Morgan and Nat Lauzon do a show together every afternoon on The Mix...  I think it's from 3:00-7:00...  Nat is really cute, and Katfish is very handsome.  They were also nice to me and I was again relieved.  I don't know why but I keep expecting to be burned.  I'm sure it's coming.  They gave me some wonderful gifts at The Mix.... some Beano and some Meat Baby Food.   (Beano is mixed with food to prevent farting.)  I haven't farted since, even after eating all that baby food.  (And I always fart after eating meat flavoured baby food so this stuff works!)

4:15 p.m. - I had a telephone interview with John McKay from The Canadian press.  He had a really nice voice.  I hope he is nice to me.  I like when people with nice voices are nice to me.

So that was about it.  It was an insanely long day.  I went to bed early because the next day was going to be a stresser.

I'll tell you about it later.
