The Victors Write History.
The Victors Write Scriptures.

The Victors Control Your Curriculum.
The Victors Control the Media.
The Rulers of the Industrial Nations Are Primarily Interested
In Accumulating Wealth and Maintaining their Power,
and NOT in perpetuating equality among humans and peace with all creatures.
Therefore They Perpetuate Traditions of Deception
Like their Predecessors in History,
Who Revised and Wrote Scriptures to Sanction Their Evils.

True Religions Affirm the Sacredness of All Beings.
False Religions Affirm Humanity has the Right to Exploit and Kill Other Beings.

Those who know what greed can do
Will not at all think it odd
That businessmen revised the scriptures
And said they came from God.

Why is much religious history suppressed and rewritten?
The answer is obvious:
History is rewritten by the powerful in order to conform
to the norms of the governing bodies that now exist,
governing bodies that insure profits and privileges to the rich at the expense of the poor, and at the expense of the creatures who are oppressed, displaced, and killed by industry.

The Basis of orthodox Judaism, orthodox Christianity,
and orthodox Islam, the Sunni Tradition, is Economics, not Spirituality.

True spiritual voices of the past always stated what Jesus stated:
"You cannot serve both God and Mammon."
You cannot serve both Deity and Money.
You cannot obey Goodness and Evil at the same time.
The voice of deity within, one's conscience,
is the final judge of good and evil,
not the Church and not the State,
Both of which defend the exploitation of nature, its creatures, the environment,
So that industrialists and the upper classes can profit hugely.

 "One who keeps silent rather than say the truth is a silent Satan." Muhammad

How do you love creation?
A priest, a minister, a rabbi replied:
"We love God's creatures very much,
Baked, boiled, roasted and fried."


Orthodox Religions and the Governments of Industrialized Nations
Continue to Promote Unhealthy Foods such as Animal Fat,
In Spite of the Overwhelming Evidence from Science itself,
Even from Scientists in the Medical Laboratories of the Same Universities
Containing Departments of Religion teaching such preposterous notions.

Carnivorism is an Addiction harmful to One's Self and One's Lineage
As well as harmful to other creatures.

     The carnivorous orthodoxies of Judaism, Christianity and Islam hold on to the morally corrupt false scriptures of Genesis 1: 26-28 and Genesis 9: 2-3, and ignore all the scriptures contradicting them, like alcoholics holding on to their liquor. And like their fellow and sister addicts, the carnivore holds on to these scriptures to the detriment of all whom they influence.  In other words, the carnivores of the world claiming to be true Jews, Christians, and Muslims are holding on to a corrupt and destructive tradition not only for other creatures, but destructive to themselves personally, and to their children and lineage as well.  If they will not listen to the voice of moral clarity within, will they not at least observe what hospitals and medical research laboratories have proven beyond dispute, that a diet of flesh promotes heart disease, cancer, diabetes, strokes, and a weakening of the immune system that leads to a legion of other diseases?

Wouldn't it be great if professors at institutions of learning became honest and admitted:
Yes, from medical labs all over the earth the evidence points to the fact
That cholesterol is hazardous to your health.

The justifications for sacrificing animals and for eating their corpses
Was obviously inserted in the scriptures by businessmen interested in wealth,
And not in the health of humanity or other creatures.

Ralph Nader blew the whistle on the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission
recycling radioactive nuclear waste into cooking utensils, zippers, and braces for teeth.
Environmentalists and people in the natural foods industry blew the whistle on
the desire of Dan Glicksberg, Secretary of Agriculture under Clinton,
to recycle biohazardous street sludge and to call it "organic" fertilizer.

If allowed to do as they will,
Industrialists, with the sanction of the government,
for a profit will put radioactive metals in your childrens' mouths,
and make fertilizers out of highly toxic waste products and even call it organic.
The Dental Industry has already been guilty of using highly toxic metals such as mercury,
which is a biohazardous materials, which they handle with gloves,
and dispose of with great care, but nonetheless put in peoples' mouths as fillings.

The Department of Agriculture in the United States does not
label milk with the carcinogenic bovine growth hormone in it,
and does not require products using genetically modified food to be labeled as such,
though the European Union, Canada and Australia have made such requirements.

Government and Industry
care about Money, Mammon, Profit, above your welfare.
They are simply doing what the rich and elite have done throughout the ages,
namely to gain profit by enslaving "classes below" to an inferior status,
and by exploiting and killing other creatures.

Governments and Industries Never Solve Essential Problems
because They Are the Problem.

The earliest true Jews, true Christians and true Muslims
were Vegetarian as well as Egalitarian.

Orthodox Judaism, Christianity and Islam Refuse to Evolve.
They all ignore their Vegetarian Origins.

The orthodox cultures of Judaism, Christianity and Sunni Islam
are choosing not to evolve spiritually or physically.
In spite of the overwhelming evidence that these religions were originally vegetarian,
And in spite of the overwhelming evidence from medical researchers throughout the world
Asserting that the consumption of animal fat leads to various diseases,
Orthodox religions continue to assert that all foods are clean,
and that an all-loving Deity desires humans to oppress and kill animals and eat them.

Those whose goal is to promote optimum health for humanity must affirm the truth:
That the most important medical discoveries of our time are suppressed
and not implemented by those in government, industry, and religion.
It is indisputable that cholesterol, animal fat,
contributes to heart disease, cancer, diabetes, and numerous other diseases.

Why are those in government, industry and religion not promoting a policy of health?
It is because the rich people in government, industry and religion
profit from the animal foods industry and do not want to lose these profits
even though these profits are derived from the disease-promoting diet of carnivorism.

In other words, they wish to continue to profit from the animal foods industries
that oppress other creatures and human health at the same time.

Animal Sacrifices are the Economic Foundation of the Cultures
of Orthodox Judaism, Christianity, and Islam.


  Once it is understood that animal sacrifices
are the necessary prerequisite for the meat industry,
then we see the logic of how:

1. The God of Genesis was Changed
From Commanding Vegetarianism for all creatures in Genesis 1:29-30,
Which is an attribute of a Paradise in which all creatures live peacefully together,
into a God asserting in Genesis  9: 2-3 that all creatures
are now to live in fear and dread of humans, and that humans can now eat flesh.

2. The Jesus who cleansed the temple of the animals to be sacrificed
and whose mission as stated in "Epistle to the Hebrews"
was to abolish the animal sacrifices (which are a prerequisite for carnivorism),
a Jesus who is consistent with the Jesus described in the Ebionite Gospel,
Who denounced the animal sacrifices
and who saw the Pentateuch, wherein the sacrifices are instituted,
as written by false writers,
was changed in the New Testament
into a Jesus stating "all foods are clean."

3. The teachings of Muhammad,
whom even many Sunnis admit was vegetarian in his preferred diet,
who channeled the Quran, which praises the vegetarian Sabeans,
and which in Surah 6, verse 38,
states that all creatures are one living family under the care of Allah,
Much as Genesis 1: 29-30 does,
was changed by the Sunni lineage
who revised the verses of the Quran into a tradition teaching
that animal sacrifices are sanctioned by Allah.

All honest scholars of the Old and New Testament and Quran
Know that they are Revised Documents,
"The inventions of men for profit" in the language of the Quran.

Orthodox Judaism, Christianity and Sunni Islam preach obedience to the State,
No matter how tyrannical that State is.

The rich by definition do not love their neighbors as themselves.
They are not egalitarian.
These same societies that promote ill health so the rich can profit
Also promote resentment-breeding societies of rich and poor,
and have scriptures that justify the evil institution of slavery.
This fact alone, that scriptures in the Torah, New Testament, and Koran,
justify slavery, to the objective mind
should be reason enough to see these scriptures as false.
The notion that one human being can own, or even control,
the lives of other human beings, is so repugnant,
and so contrary to the notion that God is All Loving and Just,
that it can only be accepted by a brain that is dysfunctional.
Only a demented mind, or a mind with no moral discernment whatsoever,
or the hypocritical and immoral bosses of industry
would say that the teaching, "love your neighbor as your self"
is compatible with the teaching "slaves, obey your masters."

Orthodox Judaism, Christianity and Islam
 have all deviated from their original pure teachings.
They have all rewritten and revised their original scriptures
so that their scriptures sanction evils from which the rich may profit,
evils such as the institution of slavery and the diet of carnivorism.

Teachings that Contribute to the Battering of Women
And to Hate Crimes against Homosexuals.

Because the above religions also teach that women are subordinate to men
and that homosexuals are to be excluded from the religious community,
They thereby contribute to the battering of women
and to hate crimes against homosexuals.

This has been a short summary of how the Scriptures
of  orthodox Judaism, orthodox Christianity and orthodox Islam (the Sunni tradition)
are false traditions concocted by those
seeking to provide a divine sanction for evil acts bringing them profit.

The Multiple Authors of Different Books of Scripture
The Rationale for Changing Scriptures
The distortions of Scripture have a Pattern, a Motive:
To sanction brutal and oppressive acts that are profitable.

The Earliest Jews Named their Children and their Cities
and Locations in General
after the Names of Hindu Deities Commanding Vegetarianism.
Which Meshes Perfectly with the Vegetarian Covenant of Genesis 1: 29-30,
Which acknowledges the Sentience and Will of Other Creatures,
As do Hindu and Jain Teachings.
The Ancient Hebrew Language as Revelation

A List of Facts in the Old Testament
Demonstrating the Hindu origins of Judaism

Abraham, the Sabean and Vegetarian
There is an abundance of evidence
demonstrating that the original Torah taught Vegetarianism.

  Supporting Material from Paraphrased

The East as Holy in Ancient Hebrew:
Vegetarian India is the East Referred To.

Saba is Shiva
Sabaoth, the Lord of Hosts,
is considered to be the main deity of Israel.

 Thus says the LORD, the King of Israel and his Redeemer, the LORD of hosts:
"I am the first and I am the last; besides me there is no god. Isaias 44: 6

Shiva in Judaism:
Saba also known as Shiva is Lord of the Sabbath.
Saba is the root of Sabaoth, the military Lord of Hosts.
Masseva or masseba, the ancient Hebrew name for pillars
contains the name of Shiva or Siva.
The Feasts of Shavu' ot and T'ub Shevat contain the name of Shiva.
Shiva's names Is, Ish, Isa were used extensively in the Old Testament.
A place of study in Judaism is called the Yeshiva.
Jah is a name of Shiva as Sthana.
Shiva is known as Pasupati, Lord of Creatures,
as well as the Protector of Cattle.
He is not only the Deity of original Judaism
but of the Ethiopic Book of Enoch as well.

Shiva also known as Saba is the Lord of the Sabbath.
Shiva as Lord of Yoga, Fulfilling the Seven Chakras
Shiva meant Seven throughout the Ancient World.

Shiva in the Pillar of Fire in the Hindu Lingam Purana
Is the same God in the Pillar of Fire that guides Moses.
Sabaoth, meaning the Lord as a Man of War, comes from Saba, a Name of Shiva.
 Shiva as the Destroyer and as Hara is Pervasive in the Old Testament.

Shiva's name is the Root of the word Shavu ot,
The Name of the Jewish Feast of Weeks and the Christian Pentecost.
Shiva is Associated with Tongues of Fire.

are seen in The Ethiopic Book of Enoch,
Shavu ot of the Jews, and the Pentecost of the Christians.
Quartz is associated with Shiva's realm in The Ethiopic Book of Enoch
and in Danyel Brinkley's Saved by the Light.

The Sheva Vowel Forms: An Admission of Judaism's Hindu Origins
The Name Sheva is used is all four Hebrew Vowel Forms:
Sheva-Pattach, Sheva-Cegowl, Sheva Qamets, and Sheva.

Pillars Were Erected to God in the Old Testament.
And the Words Meaning Pillar in Ancient Hebrew,
Masseba, or Masseva,
Contain the Very Name of Seba or Shiva.
The Change in Attitude Regarding Erecting Pillars
Demonstrates the Heretical Cattleman Cult Sanctioning
Animal Sacrifices Becoming Jewish Orthodoxy.

These Designations are the Root of Many Hebrew Words.
The Legacy of Divinity Names.
Naming One's Children and one's Villages after Divinity
Is a common rite in Hindu Brahmanic, Vaishnava, Shivaite and Jain cultures.
Shiva and Time
Places Named After Shiva

Rama in the Old Testament
Numerous people as well as places were named after Rama.
Rama was Vegetarian.

How the Male and Female Aspects of Deity
Were More Fully Recognized and Accepted in Ancient Times,
For example, Among the Earliest Jews, and Among the Maya,
Whose Religion had Spread in Turtle Island, i.e. North America.

Ummah: The Great Divine Mother of the Earliest Jews
Ummah is the Name of the Consort of Shiva.
Ummah's name in Ancient Hebrew means nation, community, people.
Ummah is related to Em and Ammah, Both of which Mean Mother.
The Earliest Jews regarded Ummah as their Divine Mother,
And their People as the Brides of Shiva.
Ummat is a Name given to the Followers of Islam,
One of many Demonstrations of the Fact
that Originally Islam was Sabean.

The Learning Institutions of Judaism are filled with Names
Derived from the Hindu and Sabean Origins of Judaism.
Yeshiva, Shul, The Baal Teshuva Yeshiva, Baal Habayis, Gaons, Tzaddick,
and even Gezera Shava, a method of literary criticism, as well as the movement,  Hasidism,
are all derived from Hindu names and concepts.

The Vedic Sabean Religion was Universal.
Devotion to Kali existed throughout the World.
Kali in the Western Hemisphere
The Origin of the Name Maya
Names of Shiva in the Yucatan

"The Hebrew language itself is a message,
 independent of whatever specific message
someone thinks he is conveying in his use of that language."
 Page 15 The Aramaic Version of the Bible, by Etan Levine,
Gruyter, Berlin, N.Y. 1988

Selah is the Ancient Hebrew equivalent of the Sanskrit Chelah.
The word Selah means disciple or supplicant.
It is not a musical signature denoting suspension.
Enoch Consciously Named His Son Methuselah, Man of the Selah,
Thus Definitively Linking Enoch and the Book of Enoch
with the Hindu Tradition.

Hindu Deities, Worship and Iconography in 2 Kings
  Isaias condemns Hezekiah who destroyed Moses' copper serpent, symbol of the Kundalini power of Shiva, Lord of Yoga, and a part of Hindu iconography. It shows the Jews worshipping the Hindu pantheon, including Baal, a name of both Shiva and his consort. It shows the persistent worship of the calf in Samaria, showing that a pure remnant there still recognized the cow as sacred as do Hindus.

The original Jews named their children after Hindu deities because the original Jews were followers of Hinduism transplanted in the areas of Canaan, Syria, Palestine, and areas adjacent.

Genesis 1: 29-30 is God's Dietary Covenant with Humanity and Other Creatures.
Genesis 9: 2-3, the Covenant of Carnivorism, is obviously a Revision.
All those who assert that an All Perfect Deity changed its mind
Exhibit neither moral discernment nor logic.

To the person with common sense, it should be obvious that God's original dietary covenant, that of Genesis 1: 29, is the only genuine covenant.  The vegetarian covenant is literally prior to the absurd covenant of carnivorism made by a "God who changed his mind."  The notion that an all-perfect Deity changed its mind is so ridiculous that it must be said that only those with ulterior motives would support such nonsense.

Every other religion sacrifices to demons, but they sacrifice to the one true God,
Even though Judaeo-Christian-Islamic cultures have the highest rate of violent crimes,
even though their diet of carnivorism promotes disease,
a short life span, and a depression filled life,
and even though their slaughterhouses and their industries in general
are the primary sources of the pollution that has poisoned our earth,
made virtually all of its surface water undrinkable, and its air polluted,
and even though they all have bred imperialistic cultures
attacking and killing foreign populations
in order to control their resources and convert them.

How the orthodoxies of Judaism, Christianity and Islam breed elitism and resentment among people and atrocities towards other creatures.
Sources of Disharmony on Earth: Racism, Speciesism, Sexism, Gender Bias, Slavery.
The Torah, New Testament and Quran teach the validity of most of the above vices.

The Earliest Deities of Judaism,
the Lord of the Sabbath, El Shadai, El Kana,
Commanded Vegetarianism.

    We have already seen that even rabbinical Judaism acknowledges that the first dietary covenant between Deity and humanity is the vegetarian covenant of Genesis 1: 30.  This was established by the Lord of the Sabbath, in ancient Hebrew the Shabbath, which was named after Shiva, whose name is transliterated as Sheba, Seba, and Saba among the original Jews.  Shiva was also know as Sada, and therefore the transliteration of El Shadai. Shiva was known as Lord of Creatures, and Protector of Cattle, and therefore the clear commandment to be vegetarian in Genesis 1: 30.  Deity was also know as El Kana, or El Chanan, which is also clearly the name of Kannan, the Tamil Hindu name of Vishnu or Krishna. Kannan or Krishna also commanded vegetarianism, and was also known as Lord of Creatures and Protector of Cattle.

The Protector of Cattle or Good Shepherd Archetype in the Old Testament
Carried over into Christianity and Islam.

   Both of these deities, Shiva and Krishna, are the prototype of "The Good Shepherd," an archetype that is carried over into the traditions of both Christianity and Islam, Jesus being seen as the good shepherd, and Allah as well having that designation.  The most frequent pronouncement of the Quran is that the Jews and Christians have abandoned their covenant with Deity, and, as other parts of this study demonstrate, there are numerous passages in different Surahs of the Quran affirming the family of creation, condemning the mischief of bloodshed, connecting bloodshed with Iblis or Satan, and seeing Allah as not wanting humans to commit mischief among cattle or crops.  Moreover, in a very tell-tale manner, those who revised the Quran did not eliminate the Quran's praise of the Sabeans, who are none other than the followers of Saba or Shiva, Lord of Creatures, Protector of Cattle, and champion of vegetarianism.  These facts, juxtaposed with the fact that the preferred diet of Muhammad, as admitted even by the Sunni tradition, was vegetarian, demonstrate that Muhammad saw himself in the tradition of the true remnant of those following the vegetarian covenant of Genesis 1: 29-30.

How Different Demons became Fused into the God of Orthodox Judaism.

Orthodox Judaism is the Religion of the Demon Azazel,
Who taught humans how to Sacrifice Animals.
The Pre-Deluvian Diet of Judaism was Vegetarian.
Azazel is the Fallen Angel Condemned in the Ethiopic Book of Enoch.
Fallen Angels and their Offspring were regarded as Demons.
"And the whole earth has been corrupted  through the works
that were taught by Azazel: to him ascribe all sin."
The Rationale behind the Laws of "Leviticus"
Is Utterly Destroyed by the Ethiopic Book of Enoch,
and that is Why Orthodox Judaism, Christianity, and Islam
Have Studiously Avoided Exposing the Work to its Followers.
The Ethiopic Book of Enoch Absolutely Condemns
All Animal Sacrifices and All Bloodshed.

How Actions and Attributes of the Demon Mastema
Become Attributes of the Orthodox Jewish God.
Mastema teaches humans to make idols and to shed blood,
that is, to sacrifice animals.
It was Mastema who urged God to test Abraham
 by asking him to sacrifice Isaac.
The Demonic Origin of the Passover:
The Demon Mastema is responsible
for the Passover Slayings, Not God.
   Mastema himself opposed Moses in Egypt.

     Remember all those stories in our literature, drama and film genres about people who sell their souls to the devil and sign the contract with their name in blood?  Blood is evidence at least of trauma, of offense, of pain, perhaps of a wounded creature, perhaps the evidence of slaughter or murder.  A baptism of blood, a sprinkling of blood on one's self, and one's own, is a commitment to a way of life that oppresses and kills.  It is saying: this defines me, I am one of the blood shedders, I am committed to killing.  I have been baptized in blood.  The daily diet of carnivorism is a daily baptism in blood.  And as Plutarch and Origen and Clement of Alexandria, John Chrysologus and others noted,
acts of cruelty, bloodily killing and rending animals' bodies, put one in touch with the demonic.

Demonology and Carnivorism
Animal Sacrifices and Carnivorism
Whether Consciously or Unconsciously,
Are a Form of Demon Invocation.
The Demonic Ritual of Sprinkling Blood in the Torah
and the Splattering of Blood in the Slaughterhouse.
Voodoo rites of killing chickens and sprinkling their blood,
and tabloid accounts of ritual killings of animals by so-called cults
are only different in degree, not kind,
from the prescribed blood rituals in "Leviticus" and "Exodus."
The Torah Grimoire:
Many passages in the Torah comprise a grimoire, a ritual for demon invocation.
The relationship between carnivorism,
eating the corpses of slaughtered animals, and demon invocation,
is one of the most suppressed of all topics
in human and religious history.

Destroying Corrupt and Violent Worlds
How the Revisers of the  Torah Corrupted the Original Jewish Ethic
as seen in the Ethiopic Book of Enoch.
The Justification for the Flood: Violence, Corruption, Animal Sacrifices.
How the Creation-Centered Religion Ethic of the Book of Enoch
Was Changed to the Human-Centered Ethic of the "Book of Genesis."
"Orthodox Scholar" is an Oxymoron.

Carnivorism and Horror Films
Humans link with Horror Films because they portray in an acceptable form
the Bloody Atrocities, the Secret Sins of the Slaughterhouse, the Meat Industry,
which they are responsible for,
but which they do not want to confront directly in their consciousness.
Imagine the Animal Sacrifice Rituals of "Leviticus" and "Exodus"
being in Children's Books.

A truly sane culture
would condemn the killing of animals on the basis of compassion,
and the ingesting of animals on the basis of health.

To refuse to look at the violence involved in one's diet
is to engage in a classic manifestation of suppression.

The Etymology of the Word Exodus

The Etymology of the Word Genesis

The Etymology of the Word Selah

The Etymology of the Word Evil

The Jews Consciously Chose to Abandon their Original Deities
and Instead Chose to Worship Gath or God,
the Deity of Money or Profits
Derived from Animal Sacrifices or Slavery,
Instead of their Original Deities, such as Shiva,
Commanding Vegetarianism and Egalitarianism.

The Name God is Not the Generic Name of Deity

The Name God was Adopted by the Hebrews to Hide
The Original Hebrew Names of Deity, such as:
Sabaoth, El Shadai, El Chanan, Jah and Hu,
Which have a Clear Sanskrit Hindu Source.
The Name God is not the Generic Name of Deity,
but the name Gad or Gath, Deity of Fortune among Hindus and Persians.

            Deity's Vegetarian Covenant with All Creatures:

     "And God said `Behold I have given you every plant yielding seed which is upon the face of the earth, and every tree with seed in its fruit; you shall have them for food. And to every beast of the earth and to every bird of the air and to everything that creeps on the earth, everything that has the breath of life, I have given every green plant for food.'" Genesis l: 29-30.


Hindus, Jains, Buddhists, Mayans and others
accept this tradition as their own.
But although the Jewish, Christian and Islamic traditions all claim this scripture as their own as well, only a minority of Jews, Christians and Muslims live according to this law, whereas their orthodoxies make the claim that their Deity
changed his infinitely perfect mind,
and now other creatures can be oppressed, enslaved and killed.

Why would such an absurdity be accepted as it has been?
Because in much of our known history,
The victors write history and scriptures as well
in order to support their profit-making evils.


In Genesis 1: 29-30 God states that Vegetation
is to be the Food of all Creatures, including Humans.
In the Genesis 9: 2-3 God Tells Noah
that Now Animals are to Live in Fear and Terror of Man.

In the Ethiopic Book of Enoch
It is those who Cause Fear and Terror,
Those who Subdue the Earth and Have Dominion over Other Creatures
Who are the Fallen Ones,
Who Have Broken the Original Harmony That Existed in All Creation.

That is why the Ethiopic Book of Enoch was Regarded as Apocryphal:
It Details the Lies Taught in the Torah, the New Testament, and Quran.

We can detect where the Scriptures in the First Chapter of Genesis were revised rather easily.
Speciesism: the Mindset of the Revisers of "Genesis"

Those who Are Evil Virtually Always
Turn Deity into One Who Favors Humans Above Other Creatures.
Those who are True to the Original Commands of Deity Respect All Creatures.

It is not the Human-Centered Deity of the Decalogue, the Ten Commandments,
Who Rules in the First Chapter of Genesis, but a Creation-Centered Deity
Who Considers All Flesh as Conscious and Free.

The Deity of Genesis Regards All Flesh
as Having Chosen to be Corrupt and Violent.
The Lord of the Sabbath, named after Saba, or Shiva, is introduced in "Genesis."
Shiva is also known as Lord of Creatures and Protector of Cattle,
And is thus the logical author of the Vegetarian Covenant.

Signs of Revisions in Scripture:
A Deity Who Changes its Mind.
Tracing the Mental and Moral Breakdown of the God of "Genesis"
As demonstrated in the commandments and events of "Genesis."
The fact that there are six days of creation
Shows that Deity considered each type of creation as sacred.
God loves creation, "And God saw that it was good."
Then Comes the Vegetarian Covenant,
Proving Once Again God's love for Creatures.
God commands all creatures to eat vegetation (and not each other).
Then God is portrayed contradictorily as accepting Abel's Animal Sacrifices,
Rather than accepting Cain's Vegetation,
even though that was what was commanded in 1: 29.
The consciousness and free will of all creatures,
Affirmed by Hindus, Jains, and Buddhists,
is Affirmed in Genesis 1: 30

Noah and Enoch in the Book of Enoch and Jubilees
condemn animal sacrifices, any form of bloodshed, and any alteration of creation.

Isaias, Baruch, and Essene Documents all confirm
the moral views of the Book of Enoch, which condemns all bloodshed,
and all animal sacrifices.


Why did God take Six Days to Create Creation,
When God could have created it in an instant?

 God took six days to create the world,
instead of creating the world in an instant,
In order to devote attention to the creatures
who were created each day.
To show that the all compassionate Creator
Held all the members of the family of creation sacred.

Destroying Corrupt and Violent Worlds
How the Torah Corrupted the Original Jewish Ethic
as seen in the Ethiopic Book of Enoch.
The Justification for the Flood: Violence, Corruption, Animal Sacrifices
How the Creation-Centered Religion Ethic of the Book of Enoch
Was Changed to the Human-Centered Ethic of the "Book of Genesis."
The Book of Enoch and "Genesis" agree on:

1. The Vegetarian Covenant of Genesis 1,
2. That All Flesh has Consciousness and Free Will
(for you do not give a command to those who have no freedom to execute or disobey it.
3.  That the Giants or Fallen Angels were involved with the corruption and violence.
4.  And that Deity came "to convict all flesh," not just humans.
"Orthodox Scholar" is an Oxymoron.

have been discussed by innumerable students of the scriptures over the ages, but were ignored by the Jewish, Christian and Islamic orthodoxies because the rulers of those cultures found it profitable to perpetuate the same myths: that slavery and resentment-breeding societies of rich and poor were desired by God, as well as sexism towards women, bigotry towards homosexuals, and, pivotal to all of the above,
the disease-promoting, and mentally inhibiting, diet of carnivorism.


Scriptures Against the Oppression and Slaughter of Creatures.
Deity commands not only humans but other creatures to eat vegetation only.
In other words, all creatures, not just humans, have sentience and will.

Genesis 1: 30

"And to every beast of the earth and to every bird of the air
and to everything that creeps on the earth,
everything that has the breath of life,
I have given every green plant for food."

Orthodox Jews, Christians, and Muslims All State that
It is Permissible to Exploit and Kill other Sentient Beings With Free Will.
All these Sects Assert that the Old Testament is Legitimate Scripture.
And the Old Testament Clearly Asserts that Other Creatures
Have Sentience and Free Will.
This is a Clear Indication that the Old Testament was Originally Vegetarian.
The Sentience of other Creatures is ignored by orthodox writers
such as Aquinas and Descartes.

Tracing the Mental and Moral Breakdown of the God of "Genesis"
As demonstrated in the commandments and events of "Genesis."

The covenant condoning carnivorism
and the oppression of other creatures in Genesis 9: 2-3
totally contradicts the covenant of Genesis 1: 29-30.
Only those who are immoral, or have no moral discernment themselves,
could possibly believe that Gen. 9: 2-3 are true scriptures,
for the all-loving Deity of the first covenant
turns into a demon desiring
that other creatures live in fear, dread and terror of humans.

The Dual Authorship of Genesis.
Which Scriptures are from an All Compassionate God
and which are from a Disharmonious Demon ?

It's a Rhetorical Question, Friends.

Those Scriptures that Affirm Harmony and Peace for All Beings Genesis 1: 29-300 is Logically from the All-Compassionate Creator.
And those Scriptures that Affirm some may subdue other beings
or have dominion over them (Gen: 1: 26-28)
or that creatures may be slaughtered and eaten,
and that other creatures are to be in fear and dread of humans,
are obviously demonic.
 (The subdued, dominated, slaughtered and eaten creatures
would agree.)

In Genesis we are presented with a god
(the orthodox write god with a capitol g),
who changes his mind
from instituting a vegetarian covenant with all creation (1: 29-30),
to announcing that humans may now slaughter animals and eat them (9: 2-3).

The Schizophrenic God of Orthodox Judaism.
Some of the numerous contradictions in the Torah
showing that the original scriptures were revised.

 The Vegetarian Bible Preceded the Pentateuch.
An Outline of How the Original Vegetarian "Genesis" was Revised.

Ganesha and Genesis
The Etymology of the Word Genesis
Is to be found in the Name Ganesha,
Invoked by Hindus at the Beginning of New Undertakings.
The Word also means a Collection of Writings.

Brief Analyses of the Contradictory God of Genesis

A Vaishnava View of Gan Eden

A Work in Progress: The Origin of the Sphinx:
The Sphinx is Simha, the Man-Lion Incarnation of Vishnu.
The Sphinx may be seen as a universal symbol of
Humanity Rising out of Carnivorism.

Names of the Ancient Houses of Israel
Confirm that the Original Jews were Hindus Practicing Vegetarianism.
The Houses of Hara, Shaddai, Chanan, Ram, El, and Lechem
Have a Hindu Source.

Even Contemporary Medical Research Contradicts the Torah's God.

    According to orthodox Judaism as portrayed in the Torah,
Jehovah first commands vegetarianism
then changes his mind and commands carnivorism,
even though animal sacrifices are brutal towards animals
and even though the flesh of slaughtered animals is  unhealthy for humans to consume.  Animal flesh is not recommended
even by the medical establishments of the world
who have confirmed the effects of cholesterol
on heart disease, cancer, diabetes, and legion of other diseases.

Symbols of Carnivorism in the Scriptures

Serpents in various versions, adders, snakes, vipers,
as well as other animals
are often also used as a symbol of fallen humanity,
as is the carnivorous lion.
The Fall from Vegetarianism in the scriptures of David, Nahum, Isaias, Joel, Hosea, and Daniel.
Muhammad saw the common mission of David and Jesus:
To abolish the Animal Sacrifices.

When Jews, Christians and Muslims
Worshiped Together and Worshiped in Peace.

In the Span of the Known History of the Earth's Religions,
It is Monotheism which is Uncommon, Not Polytheism.

Carnivorous Religions Breed Imperialistic Cultures Seeking Fortune.
Judaism, Christianity and Islam all have scriptures
Justifying holy war, or Jihad. And though the Hindus do too,
The Carnivorous Nations are the Chief Imperialist Nations of the world,
That is, Nations Aspiring to Gain Fortune or Money,
While the Vegetarian Hindu and Buddhist Cultures only War to Defend Themselves.

Monotheism: Elitism in Theology
Monotheistic Religions are more Conducive to Teaching Propaganda
That is Conformable to Tyrannical Governments,
Which are always Allied with Industrialists Seeking to Increase their Fortunes.
For only one point of view is correct among Monotheistic Cultures.
Dissident views, religions, are rejected.


A Capsule Summary:
How the orthodoxies of Judaism, Christianity and Islam
promote resentment-beeding societies of rich and poor among people,
sexism and gender bias, the slavery of conscription,
atrocities towards other creatures,
and the disease-promoting diet of carnivorism,
all in the name of an all-loving God!

Vegetarians in Old Testament Times
The Ethiopic Book of Enoch Condemns Animal Sacrifices.
Genesis 1: 26-28 are Demonic Scriptures Inserted by Businessmen
To Sanction Animal Sacrifices.

There are no winners in the game of carnivorism.
Animals lose their lives.
The humans who eat them lose their health.

The Moral Absurdities that govern orthodox Judaism, Christianity and Islam:

A deity of infinite compassion
wants the oppression, enslavement and slaughter of animals.

A deity who is all-knowing wants humans to ingest animal fat
though it leads to heart disease, cancer, diabetes and other diseases.

A just deity wants some humans to be masters and others slaves,
wants resentment-breeding societies of rich and poor.

An all just deity wants women to be inferior to men
and homosexuals to be inferior to heterosexuals.

The Respective Histories of Orthodox Judaism, Orthodox Christianity,
and Orthodox Islam are More than Adequate Proof
that Carnivorous Religions are UNABLE to Create Peace.
Orthodox Judaism has existed for over four thousand years,
Orthodox Christianity for two thousand,
and Orthodox Islam for over a thousand years.
They have NEVER created a peaceful society.
Only the vegetarian Hindu, Buddhist and Shia cultures have created peace, have created cultures wherein all religions are tolerated.

The Carnivorous Orthodox Cultures
of Judaism, Christianity and Islam are Imperialistic.
The Vegetarian Cultures of Hinduism and Buddhism are Not.
 Shia vs. Sunni, Vegetarianism vs. Carnivorism, Harmony vs. Imperialism
William Harris in The Scientific Basis of Vegetarianism documents the fact that carnivorous cultures are far more prone to violent crimes than vegetarian cultures.

Responding to:

Since every pound of flesh you eat
Has already consumed
Many times the number of plants you'd need,
By eating plants instead of meat
There are thereby less plants
Upon which you feed.

Most, if not all, of the later Jewish prophets,
judging by their condemnations of the animal sacrifices,
and by their denunciations of the elite ruling class,
were vegetarian and egalitarian.
This fact is suppressed by the orthodoxies of Judaism, Christianity and Islam.
For these vegetarian prophets remained true
to the only real dietary covenant given by Deity,
the vegetarian covenant of Genesis 1: 29-30.

The covenant of Genesis 9: 2-3 is a moral and nutritional absurdity
concocted by those who overthrew the original vegetarian Jews.
Is God stupid regarding nutrition, wanting humans to ingest cholesterol?
Is God brutal towards his own creation, wanting other creatures
to be in fear and dread of humans?
According to the orthodoxies of Judaism, Christianity and Islam,
the answer to both of these questions is Yes!

Only those making profits from the animal foods industry
or those addicted to cholesterol foods,
would support the indisputably absurd covenant of Gen. 9: 2-3,
in which God is ignorant of the disease-promoting qualities of animal foods,
and in which God is demonic towards his own animal creation.

The notion of some orthodox Jews, Christians and Muslims is
That God commanded carnivorism because of the weakness of will of the people,
or because of their hardness of heart
is simply the rationalizing of businessmen to justify their gaining of  profits
through promoting brutality and disease.

There are Vegetarian and Egalitarian Jews, Christians and Muslims,
Who have remained true to their Spiritual Origins.
These minorities, however, are usually persecuted by the majority,
As the Shiites are by Sadam Hussein,
As non Muslims are by the Taliban,
And as Shamanic people are by orthodox Jews and orthodox Christians
In the United States and Europe,
As the Buddhists of Korea and Vietnam were by invading Christians,
As the Islamic people, many of them innocent, of Iraq and Afghanistan
Are by the Christian nations invading them.

(SADHU) or SADDHU------------Hindu


El Shaddai (Shadday) Comes from the Canaanite El Shaddai,
and the Sanskrit Sada.
Sada is also the Root of Saddhu, Sadok or Zadok.
 The Saddhus are the Origin of the Sadducees, i.e., the Sadduki.
The Name Zadok connects the Essenes and Jesus.


Moshe is a Name of Shiva in India.

The Etymology of the Name Moses (Mosheh)
Mosheh (Moses) as the Great Osheah (Mah Oshea), or the Great Isa.
The name of Moses is derived from the name of Oseo, a name of Shiva.
Oseo and Isa are two of the many names of Shiva.
The Hebrew Mosheh is related to the Sanskrit Mokshah, meaning Deliverance,
And Moshe is even a Name of Shiva among the Hindus.

Moses and Aaron and the Israelites exiting Egypt were Vegetarians. The original Israelites used the icon of the sacred cow (bull or calf) and the bronze serpent
in their worship, just as Hindus do. The names Moses, Aaron, Elisheba, Amram all have a clear Hindu source. Moses and the Israelites wore the bindi, the mark on the forehead worn by Hindus. Moses and Aaron lived the life span of vegetarians, not the 70-80 years as portrayed in Psalm 90, written by Moses.

The Hindu Bindi or Tilaka
The Bindi was worn by the original Jews and original Christians.

Clear Evidence of the Hindu Origins of Judaism:
The Hindu Bindi or Tilaka, the mark on the forehead,
was worn by the Israelites leaving Egypt,
by the pure remnant of Jews during the time of Ezekiel,
by the earliest followers of Jesus as seen in Hippolytus' "Daniel,"
and by the elect and saved in "Revelations."

The Apostolic Lineage of Hippolytus Also Affirms
The Hindu Origins of Judaism and Christianity.

     The fact that Hippolytus (170-236 A.D.) describes the earliest followers of Jesus as wearing the Hindu bindi or tilaka is extremely significant. Like John of Patmos and Ezekiel, he sees the elect as wearing the mark on the forehead.   Hippolytus was the Bishop of Portus not far from Rome. He was the disciple of Iranaeus, who was in turn the disciple of Polycarp.  And Polycarp was a disciple of John, apostle of Jesus.

The "Book of Revelations"
Denounces Animal Sacrifices
And Denounces Industrial Civilization.

"Revelations" describes Heaven on Earth
As a Place where there is no sorrow, pain or death
and therefore no animal sacrifices:
"death shall be no more,
 neither shall there be mourning
nor crying nor pain any more,
for the former things have passed away." 21:4.

While they had opposition from minorities of vegetarian
Nazarenes, Nazirites, Essenes, and Ebionites,
The Orthodoxy of Judaism, in the days of John of Patmos,
Was routinely involved with the oppression,
enslavement and slaughter of creatures,
just as the orthodoxies of Judaism, Christianity and Sunni Islam are now.

John of Patmos, like Peter and James, understood that
Jesus' mission was to abolish the animal sacrifices,
as described in "Epistle to the Hebrews,"
and as manifested in his one-day militant action
of Cleansing the Temple of the animals who were to be sacrificed,
and in his constantly quoting the late vegetarian Jewish prophets.
Who also condemned the animal sacrifices.

Therefore the Jew's place of worship, the synagogue,
a place where the animal sacrifices were sanctioned,
was called the "synagogue of Satan," by John of Patmos.
For in the synagogue in John of Patmos' day as today,
 Jews sanctioned causing hellish sorrow, pain and death
On a regular basis to the creatures of the earth,
Just as the majority of Christian churches
and Sunni Islamic mosques do today.

Prefallen Eden, when the Vegetarian Covenant was obeyed, is the Alpha.
The peaceful Final Days of "Revelation" are the Omega.
The Reestablishment of the Vegetarian Covenant
And Peace for All Creatures in "Revelations."

The "Book of Revelations" Makes Excellent Sense
To those who share its Vegetarian Morality.
The Peaceful Alpha and the Peaceful Omega
The curse against other creatures in Gen. 3 and Gen. 9
Is abolished in Revelations 21 and 22.
The Upside Morality of Hal Lindsay

The Book of Enoch and "Revelations"
both contain this core teaching of original Christianity

The Fall of Babylon is the Fall of Industry in General.
All industry is denounced in the Book of Enoch.
The Lake of Fire in "Revelations"
is the valley of fire in the Book of Enoch.

The Reviser of "Genesis" consciously eliminated
 the morality of the Book of Enoch by introducing
not only animal sacrifices but mining as well.

Industrialism is condemned as Demonic by Enoch and by John of Patmos.
The History of Industry Fully Confirms that their denunciations are valid,
For Industry creates far more diseases that it cures,
and has polluted the ground, air and water of earth as well as its natural foods.

John of Patmos shared and expressed the morality of the Book of Enoch,
in which animal sacrifices, industry, altering creation are all condemned.
The destruction of the city of Babylon is in sync with the morality of Enoch.
The Beast who "once was, now is not, yet will come"
is Azazel, the Fallen Angel in the Ethiopic Book of Enoch.
 The valley of fire in which the damned are punished in the Book of Enoch
Is seen in the "lake of fire" in "Revelations."

The Demon Azazel is seen as responsible for animal sacrifices,
mining and industry,
in the Ethiopic Book of Enoch which affirms the Vegetarian Covenant.
The Book of Enoch has whole chapters on trees and vegetation
that  are to feed creatures, such as humans and other animals,
and give them shade and spice, and all the healing benefits of herbs.

in The Ethiopic Book of Enoch, Matthew, the Gospel of Philip and "Revelations"

Philip in the Nag Hammadi Gospel of Philip
says that "This world eats corpses,"
and that the Fall was "eating from the Tree of Animals."
Philip's Morality is in harmony with the Book of Enoch
which contrasts the Tree of Life with the tree of a Carnal Odor.
The Tree of Life in "Revelations" is derived from the Book of Enoch.
Esdras' Vision of the Earliest Patriarchs and the Late Prophets
Sharing the Same Vegetarian Values is Supported.
Esdras' Vision of the Final Times in Paradise is in Harmony
both with the Book of Enoch and with "Revelations."
Carnal Odor as Opposed to "a pleasing odor."

Why the Hidden Slaughterhouse Replaced the Public Temple:
If Animals were Daily Slaughtered
In Jewish Synagogues, Catholic and Protestant Churches,
or Islamic Mosques, as they were in the Jewish Temple,
these Sects would most certainly be Regarded
as Public Demon Cults.

The Carnivorous Sunni Muslim Tradition
Ignores the Sunnah of Muhammad's Life,
For the preferred diet of Muhammad was vegetarian
and he warned Muslims about the health dangers of eating meat.
Ali too was vegetarian.

The Original Morality of Judaism is seen in the Book of Enoch.
The Violence and Corruption of All Flesh
Was the Stated Reason for the Deluge in the Old Testament.
Deity comes to convict "all flesh" in the Book of Enoch.
All flesh is Punished because
the Vegetarian Covenant of Genesis 1: 29-30
Was a Covenant with All Creatures, All Flesh, Not Just Humans.
The Consciousness of other Creatures is Affirmed in "Revelations."

John describes the Jewish place of worship
as "the synagogue of Satan" justifiably,
For animal sacrifices and subduing others are the characteristics of those
Who follow the way of the fallen angels or demons.

The White Garments of the Elect Symbolize their Purity;
That is, neither their garments, nor their spirits,
Are stained with blood, as are the garments and spirits
of the Levites and others Sacrificing Animals.


Canaan, the Promised Land of Milk and Honey, was named after Kannan,
The Tamil Hindu Name for Krishna.  After the Carnivorous Cult Overthrew the Vegetarians worshipping Asherah (Asura among the Hindus), they Changed the Scriptures to portray Canaan as a land to be Conquered, not as a Sanctuary.

Those Who Crave to Eat Flesh are Criticized in Exodus 11.
The Bad Karma of the Flesh-Eaters of Exodus 11.
The Episode Makes Sense Only Because the Jews Had Been Vegetarian.


Abel was originally regarded as evil by the Jews who remained faithful to the original Vegetarian covenant of Genesis 1: 29-30,
Just as the ab in abnormal signifies a negation of what is normal,
the ab in Abel signifies the negation of El, a word meaning God.

Why Abel's Name means Vain, Illusory, Unsatisfactory,
and is associated with Lamentation and Mourning.
Abel's Name is the Source of the Word Evil.

A Mystery of the Bible Solved:
Why Job's Name is Associated with Persecution and Hatred,
and with being an Adversary.
Job suffers because he has persecuted and been an adversary
to the animals he has sacrificed.
In short, Job rebelled against the Vegetarian Covenant of Genesis.
The Theme of the Book of Job is not "the patience of Job,"
but the Bad Karma of the Cattleman.
The Name Job means the Enemy, the Hated One,
which is the role he plays to the animals he sacrifices.
Job's sufferings are frequently likened in the dialogues
to the butchering of animals.
Job is Against the Vegetarian Covenant of Genesis.
And this is the central fact of the Book,
around which the drama of the dialogues revolves.
It is only in the final chapter that Job is seen as approved by God.
The final chapter is as phoney a revision as there is in the literature of the world.
Like Much of the Torah the final chapter of Job has been rewritten
to favor cattleman Job instead of to condemn him, which is the function
of over ninety per cent of the Book.

The Book of Job: Chapter 10:
Job is an Archetype of the Heretical Jewish Orthodoxy
Refusing to Accept God's Pure Original Laws Represented by
The Vegetarian Covenant of Genesis 1: 29.
Job is not patient. He is in despair.
Job is flesh and blood just as the animals are whom he has sacrificed.
He refuses to admit that he suffers because he causes suffering.
Job describes God as a Lion hunting Job, when in fact
Job is a Lion preying on the Animals he has Sacrificed.

The Main Theme of the Book of Job is Not "The Patience of Job,"
But The Bad Karma of the Cattleman (The Animal Sacrificer).
The Name of Job has been a Mystery to Scholars like the Name of Abel.
The Significances of Job's Name Perfectly Describe His Negative Acts:
To hate, to be hostile, to be an enemy, adversary, to be hated.


The Four Sabean Counsellors of Job
All Four Counsellors of Job--
Zophar the Naamathite,
Eliphaz the Temanite,
Bildad the Shuite,
and Elihu of the Family of Ram--
have Names or come from Places
that are Directly Connected with the Sabeans, or Shaivite Hinduism.
The Book of Job is about
Four Sabean (Shaivite) Pure Remnant Vegetarian Jews
Attempting to explain to Job that he suffers in body and spirit
because he has caused suffering by sacrificing animals,
violating the Vegetarian Covenant of Genesis 1: 29-30.

The Sabean or Shaivite Background of the Book of Job:
Job recognizes the Purity of the Rechabites.
Job's family is destroyed by the God of Storm,
One of the Attributes of Shiva.
Jonadab and the Rechabites
A recognition of the tradition of extreme purity,
of being compassionate towards all animals.
Job Recognizes the Tradition of Purity of the
Tradition of Rahab, or the Rechabites,
who did not even cultivate the ground,
so that they would not offend the creatures of the earth living there,
and says that even Rahab would fear God's will.

Names of the Ancient Houses of Israel
Confirm that the Original Jews were Shaivite, Vaishnava and Sakti Hindus Practicing Vegetarianism.
The Houses of Hara, Shaddai, Chanan, Ram, El, and Lechem
Have a Hindu Source.


Prophets who denounce animal sacrifices are, we may logically infer, vegetarians, for if the prophet didn't practice what he or she preached, the prophet certainly wouldn't deserve the title of prophet.

      Once it is established that the animal sacrifices are denounced by a prophet, it is a logical conclusion that the prophet (which is a title given to those whose words are believed by a consensus to have expressed the Divine Will) is vegetarian.  The alternative is to assert that the prophets did not practice what they preached.  And if this is the case, they would certainly not deserve the title of prophet, but rather that of hypocrite. In any case, the scriptures of the same vegetarian prophets whom Jesus frequently quotes play a large part in "Revelations" as well.  It is illogical to believe that Jesus would quote vegetarian prophets and not be vegetarian himself, especially in light of the cleansing of the temple of the animals who were to be sacrificed, and in light of Jesus' mission as stated in "Epistle to the Hebrews," namely, to abolish the animal sacrifices. The compilers of the New Testament were the cohorts of Constantine, those who collaborated in order to produce a body of scripture in conformity with the ethic that governed the Roman Empire.  These facts should not be lost on the student of history: the Roman Catholic Church named itself after the State of Rome; the Church adopted as its language not Greek, the universal language of the day, but Latin, the language of the Roman State.

   Those aware of the history of Islam and the ideological conflicts between the Sunni and the Shia (Shiite) factions know that even the carnivorous Sunni tradition admits that Muhammad's preferred diet was vegetarian, and that Muhammad spoke on the fact that meat was difficult for the body to assimilate.
This fact supports the Shia notion that the true heir to Muhammad's authority should have passed to his vegetarian nephew Ali, instead of to Abu Bakr, whose version of the Quran contains numerous sanctions for animal sacrifices.
Muhammad regarded himself in the line of prophets from Moses, the later Jewish prophets, and Jesus.  And one of the most constant concerns of the Quran is that the Jews and Christians did not honor their original covenant with Deity.   Though the Quran was obviously revised, numerous scriptures within it support the fact that the original Muslims were taught to be vegetarian, such as the fact that the vegetarian Sabeans are praised, that bloodshed is condemned (as it is in the Book of Enoch), that Enoch who condemned all bloodshed is visited by Muhammad in his Night Vision, and that the name of the true prophet Hud is both generically and specifically related to the vegetarian Hindu tradition.

Jeremiah and Jesus
The Withering of the Fig Tree:
A Mystery of the Bible Solved.
The Fig Tree was a Symbol of the Universe
to the Vegetarian Hindus,
to the pure remnant Jews such as Jeremiah following
the Vegetarian Covenant of Gen. 1: 29,
and to the vegetarian Jesus as well.
In "Jeremiah" God Reiterates the Command to be Vegetarian:
"Plant gardens and eat their produce."
The Priests butchering the sacrifices
in "Lamentations" are presented as so defiled with blood
none could touch their garments.

The Hindu Elements in Ezekiel:
Using cow dung as fuel like the Hindus;
Those whom God saves from execution
wear the Hindu bindi, the mark on the forehead.
The original pure Woman Jerusalem worn a jewel in her forehead;
Now that she is unfaithful to God's original vegetarian covenant,
She is regarded as a Harlot.
Hindu chakras and the wheels of the heavenly vehicle
"The spirit of the living creatures" that moves the heavenly vehicle
"Son of Man" was a term used to describe remarkable men, such as Buddha, Pythagoras, Ezekiel, and Jesus,
all of whom opposed the Animal Sacrifices.

Eating flesh with blood--dispelling the myths.
"You eat flesh with the blood"
All flesh contains Blood, whether liquid or dried.
The notion that it was permissible to eat flesh without its blood,
is nonsensical, and an obvious revision of the original Vegetarian Bible.
The evil of flesh eating comes from the fact
that a creature created by the Creator has been killed for the purposes of self-gratification by another creature,
Not from the fact that
the blood has not been sufficiently drained from the flesh.

Isaias Repeatedly Denounces the Animal Sacrifices.
He refers directly to the Hindu tradition through the name Immanuel.
Isaias constantly refers to the values of the Book of Enoch,
Which are not only vegetarian but egalitarian, i.e. non elitist.

Hosea's Name is Taken from Osseo, a Name of Shiva.
Hosea Sees the Necessity of the Restoration of the Vegetarian Covenant,
Attacks Injustice against Humans,
Specifically Attacks the Animal Sacrifices,
Denounces the Expiation Rationale of "Leviticus,"
Refers to the Book of Enoch,
And Sees the Necessity of the Animal Sacrificing Culture
to be Destroyed.

Baruch's values are the values of the Ethiopic Book of Enoch,
to which he frequently refers.
All animal sacrifices are by their nature sacrifices to demons.
Baruch, like the Real Moses, links Longevity with Vegetarianism.
Baruch attacks the "subdue the earth"
and "have dominion over other creatures" view of Genesis 1: 26-28.
Baruch affirms that Abraham, Isaac and Jacob were Vegetarian.

Affirmations Against the Enslavement and Slaughter of Animals
In Old Testament Times.

One of the final late prophets,
Condemns the Meat Industry of His Day.
The Name Zechariah is comprised of Z and Acharya.
An Acharya is a Hindu Teacher Who Knows the Rules.
In other words, the Name Zechariah is itself a Reference to a Hindu Acharya.

"Thus said the Lord my God: "Become shepherd of the flock doomed to slaughter.  Those who buy them slay them and go unpunished; and those who sell them say, `Blessed be the Lord, I have become rich'; and their own shepherds have no pity on them." Zechariah 11: 4-5.

Zechariah's Zeal Stemmed from his Loyalty to the Vegetarian Covenant.

 Denounces the Animal Sacrifices,  Predicts the Destruction
Of the Temples of Animal Sacrifice in Jerusalem and Samaria,
And Begins his Scriptures by Referring to the (Ethiopic) Book of Enoch
Which Condemns all Bloodshed, Industry, and Accumulating Wealth
Through Oppressing other Creatures.

Amos Says that the Scriptures have been Revised,
Denounces All Animal Sacrifices,
And Affirms that the Jews and Ethiopians (Who were Sabeans)
Had the Same Beliefs.

Describes the desertification that occurs with raising cattle to eat,
Affirms that people should be satisfied with produce,
Affirms the validity of the vegetarian covenant in Genesis,
And recognizes the will and sentience of other creatures.

The "Book of Daniel:"
The End of Industrialism,
The return to living in harmony with nature,
and the return to the vegetarian covenant of "Genesis" 1: 29,
These elements in "Daniel" are in perfect harmony
with the morals of the Ethiopic Book of Enoch.
The Beast Spirit and Industry go together:
Carnivorism and Industrialism both exploit creation
in keeping with the false scriptures of Gen. 1: 26-28 and 9: 2-3.

The evil intent of the King James translators
 is easily seen in the "Book of Joel,"
For they attempted to assert the validity of animal sacrifices
Even among the late Jewish prophets like Joel who were vegetarian.

Vegan and Lacto-Vegetarian Groups Still work Together.
It is only the carnivorous orthodoxies of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam
who are enemies of one another.
No human religious teacher is to be seen as equivalent to God.
Vegetarian religious groups are more openminded
than their carnivorous counterparts.

The Notion of the Sacred Cow: Myths and Realities.

The Mandeans show a name of Deity to be Yahya, which is Yaya,
which is a recognized name of Shiva.
Jesus' names Isa and Yeshua--
Isa is recognized by Tibetans, some Hindus, and Muslims--
are both derived from Isa, the name of Shiva.
Look up Mandean on the net,
and feast on scriptures, a number of them on Nazarene sites
which show very clearly the Hindu and vegetarian origins
of Judaism, Christianity and Islam.
Following is one such site:

  Roman Catholics who saw through the lies of the New Testament
and realized that humans were neither to kill nor enslave animals.

Charles Berlitz affirms in his DOOMSDAY: 2000, that when the year l000 approached, a number of Catholics throughout Europe released their food animals from captivity because of various eschatological scriptures, i.,e., scriptures relating to the final times, scriptures such as the "Book of the Apocalypse," or "Revelations," stating that in the end times, when there is heaven on earth, there will be no sorrow or death for any creature.  The time of peace for all creatures will have finally arrived, a time of peace for all flesh, when there is no oppression of any animal in creation.  Just as orthodox Jewish rabbis admit that the original dietary covenant was Vegetarian (Gen. 1: 29-30),
so too even some orthodox Jews, Christians and Muslims admit that at the end times, there will be no oppression or killing of creatures.  Then, the Alpha of Genesis and the Omega of "Revelations" will be one. Humanity and other creatures will have finally returned to the state of innocence that existed before the Fall. Hindu, Buddhist, Hopi and Mayan scriptures affirm the same golden age of peace for all creatures to come.


Since the true Christian is destined to be a vegetarian
in the Final Times prophesied in the "Book of Revelations,"
an Age in which there is no death, no sorrow, and no mourning, and therefore no animal sacrifices and meat eating,
it should be the aim of all true Christians,
Christians who wish to follow the highest teachings of Jesus,
to be vegetarian now.

"Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth; for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away, and the sea was no more. And I saw the holy city, new Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband; and I heard a loud voice from the throne saying "Behold, the dwelling of God is with men. He will dwell with them and they shall be his people, and God himself will be with them; he will wipe away every tear from their eyes, and death shall be no more; neither shall there be mourning nor crying nor pain any more, for the former things have passed away.  "
Revelations 21:1-4.

The Coming of Jesus in the Book of Revelation
is the Coming of a Vegetarian Jesus
who welcomes his followers who persevere
into a Time when there is no sorrow, death or mourning,
in other words, a time of no animal sacrifices and no meat-eating.

   The "Book of Revelations' was accepted into the New Testament canon after most of the scriptures. Why was it accepted late?  Probably because it is decidedly vegetarian. For the curse on other creatures that existed after the vegetarian covenant was forsaken is finally lifted, and creatures are not curse to feel fear and dread of humans.   "Revelations"  makes it clear by its statement that there will no sorrow or death after the final times, that the New Jerusalem, or Heaven on Earth, will be a vegetarian place.  Strangely enough, virtually all Christians accept that notion. But when I ask an orthodox Christian, whether Jehovah's witnesses, or Seventh Day Adventists, or whoever, if they accept the "Book of Revelations," they say yes. Do they accept that there will be no sorrow or death finally? They say yes. Do they accept the fact that humans will be vegetarians then? They say yes. So, I ask, if we are finally going to be vegetarians in the final times when there is to be no sorrow or death, why don't we become vegetarians now?

    For obviously since the Second Coming of Jesus described in "Revelations" will be a Jesus partaking of the perfection of the Final Time, when there is no sorrow, death, or mourning, and therefore no animal sacrifices, he will of course be vegetarian, so it is only logical that people who profess to be Christians should themselves become vegetarians, since the stated goal of the Christian is to imitate the perfection of Jesus, who himself said: "Be ye perfect."

  But the vast majority of Christians choose to continue to eat meat. Why? Because it is quite obvious that Christianity is controlled by people who refuse to conform to the highest and most compassionate morals taught by Jesus, who cleansed the temple, and whose avowed mission as described in "Epistle to the Hebrews" is to abolish the animal sacrifices.  The Christianity of Jerry Falwell, Pat Robertson, Billy Graham, the Tel evangelists, like the Christianity of the Pope and Bishops of the Roman Catholic Church and like virtually all the hierarchy of Protestantism, are not Christians following their highest ideals of being vegetarian and egalitarian, but compromised Christians accommodating the rich and their control over the poor, and still addicted to the eating of flesh, an addiction that was forbidden in Genesis and non existent in the Final Times.


"This world eats corpses..." The Gospel of Philip
 from the Nag Hammadi documents.

            Scriptures Well-Known to Jesus, the Good Shepherd

"The compassion of a man is for his neighbor, but the compassion of the Lord is for all living beings."  Sirach 18: 13.

Jesus the Vegetarian
The Cleansing of the Temple In Context of:
The Stated Mission of Jesus in "Epistle to the Hebrews"
Being to Abolish the Animal Sacrifices;
The Ebionite Gospel Describing Jesus and his Disciples
as Denouncing Animal Sacrifices,
The Nazarenes Being Described as Vegetarians,
  And Jesus Being Described as a Nazarene;
And Jesus Constantly Quoting the Late Vegetarian Jewish Prophets.
Jesus' mission to abolish the animal sacrifices as stated in "Epistle to the Hebrews" is parallel to the mission of the Buddhas, Krishna and Shiva.



Most bibles contain Jesus' references to Old Testament prophets
in the footnotes.  What these footnotes don't say, however, is that
the majority of the late prophets denounce animal sacrifices
in no uncertain terms,
and they also denounce economic elitism.
Once it is understood that Jesus quoted vegetarian and egalitarian prophets,
we may conclude that it is totally illogical (and immoral) for him to state:
"all foods are clean,"
and that in fact the scriptures of the New Testament were revised
to fit the morals of Rome and not of Jesus and his disciples.

Jesus' Denunciation of Carnivorism
Returning to the original words of Jesus:
Not whitened sepulchers full of dead men's bones,
but whitened sepulchers full of dead animal bones.
Jesus describes the carnivorous Pharisees as "unseen graves."

Jews and early Christians argue over diet:
Leviticus 11 versus Isaiah 7: 14
Carnivorism versus vegetarianism:
The earliest Christian martyrs refused to eat Rome's animal sacrifices.
Early martyrs following Jesus regarded themselves
as representatives of a vegetarian way
and were consequently dressed in the garb of vegetarian deities
when martyred by their Roman oppressors.






New Testament Lies about Jesus and his Followers
Are Documented by Roman Historians
Who Affirm that the Earliest Christians were Vegetarians.

The Vegetarianism of Jesus:
The Panarion: The Pandora's Box of Christianity
Epiphanius' work admits that the earliest follower of Jesus
Were Essenes and Nazarenes. Both groups were Vegetarian and Egalitarian.
Epiphanius also Discloses the Alliance of the Earliest Christians
With Hindu and Buddhist Traditions.

The Etymology of the Name Essene:
Introduction: Pliny the Elder said
the Essenes existed for "thousands of ages."
Though it is admitted that the Vegetarian Covenant in Genesis
was God's original Dietary Covenant,
orthodox scholars refuse to admit the possibility
of a renunciate vegetarian tradition such as that of the Essenes
having existed since the earliest days of Judaism.
Edgar Cayce, like Pliny and the Essenes themselves,
Affirms that the Essenes existed in the early days of Judaism.

Historical Records prove conclusively that vegetarian and egalitarian James
Was the heir to Jesus' authority, not the elitist and carnivorous Paul.

James is Described as a Vegan in Eusebius' Ecclesiastical History.
James in "The Ascents of James" condemned Paul as an Apostate.
Jesus Prophesied that His Message would be Perverted.
Paul Perverted Jesus' Teachings.
James in "The Ascents of James" condemned Paul as an Apostate.
James Associated with a Rechabite,
Who were similar in some ways to Eastern Renunciates,
Paul as Antichrist.

That Peter was Vegetarian is seen in the Clementine Recognitions
and the Clementine Homilies,
Bithynia, a place where Peter had preached, was invaded by Pliny the Younger because the population had become vegetarian.
This is seen in Pliny the Younger's "Letter to Emperor Trajan" in 112 c.e.

Peter's tablecloth vision in "Acts" is a perfect example of fabrication,
or revising scriptures, as is proven by the fact that it would have been totally unnecessary to have the vision, much less to repeat it twice afterwards.
For if Jesus had really proclaimed all foods to be clean,
it would have been common knowledge.

The Vegetarianism of Matthew
 Church Father Clement of Alexandria (150-215)
Documents the Vegetarianism of Matthew.
Confusion towards Meat-Eating in the writings of Clement.
Though flesh-eating is strongly denounced in some of Clement's writings,
He does not in "The Instructor" see Vegetarianism as Essential.
Clement accepts the notion that Jesus ate fish,
and accepts the fence-straddling teachings of Paul regarding eating flesh.
Clement's writings themselves personify
the Split Tradition of Early Christianity:
The Rift between the Jewish Christians,
the Ebionite/Essene/Nazarene Vegetarians,
and the Gentile or Pauline tradition
which regards vegetarianism as non-essential.

Origen Documents that Matthew the Disciple
And Matthew the Gospel Writer are the Same Person,
Thereby Asserting the Falsity of New Testament Scriptures.


Why was Jesus Killed?
And Why was Jerusalem invaded by Rome in 70 c.e.?
The true answers are related.

The orthodox Christian answers, on the other hand,
 are an evasion of the truth
meant to disguise and revise the real character of Jesus,
who was both an animal liberator and a revolutionary.

The orthodox Christian claims Jesus was killed for blasphemy,
for claiming to be divine, or to have divine authority.
When Jesus in the New Testament
is asked if he is a king by Pilate,
 Jesus affirms that he is, and the people cry out
that he has committed blasphemy, and should be crucified.

Numerous scholars have pointed out
 that this was not a sufficient reason to be put to death,
and that Roman rulers had dismissed similar cases previously.

The real reason was purposely clouded over.

What the orthodox Christian establishment has not admitted,
is that large numbers of people in Palestine and Jerusalem,
during the time of Jesus were in opposition
to the occupation forces of Rome,
some of them openly revolting against them,
and that Jesus' statement against both the Roman imperialists
and the Jewish elite who had slaves,
"You cannot serve both God and Mammon," i.e. Money,
was a battlecry against the foundation
of the established rich elite of both Rome and Israel.

Add to this Jesus' vow to free the slaves or captives:
"I have come to free the captive;"
as well as Jesus succinct egalitarian economics:
"Love your neighbor as your self"
and the Golden Rule:
 "Do unto others as you'd have them do unto you;"
as well as the fact that the early congregation around Jesus
called themselves the Ebionites, that is, the Poor,
which not only accurately described their economic status,
but was a name purposely adopted by them to show
that they were unalterably opposed to the rich, to Mammon, Money;
and the fact that Jesus not only congregated with zealots,
but chose as disciples Simon Zelotes (Zealot) and Judas Iscariot (named after the Sicarii, the dagger carried by zealots);
as well as Jesus' statement:
"I bring not peace but a sword," and
we have a very clear theocratic revolution against the state in general.

The real spiritual person understands that Jesus' life epitomized his mission:
to reestablish a divine kingdom
in which neither other creatures nor humans would be oppressed,
in keeping with the morality of the Ethiopic Book of Enoch.

The danger of such teachings, which were being spread abroad to other parts of the Roman Empire, are the reason why the Romans burned the Ebionite Gospel whenever they encountered it.
It was dangerous information,
propaganda against the elitist foundations of Rome,
thriving on the enslavement of humans,
and thriving on the oppression and slaughter of other creatures.

The masses are taught to believe
that with the coming of the Emperor Constantine,
 the Gospel, the Good News of Jesus, was finally printed.
This is one of History's Greatest and Most Successful Lies.
The New Testament for the most part is the Gospel of the Roman Empire,
sanctioning slavery, economic elitism, sexism, animal sacrifices, carnivorism, and bigotry towards homosexuals.

Jesus attempted to reestablish the Paradise
from which humanity and other creatures had fallen.
But in order to reestablish such a Paradise,
it was necessary for him to confront the Emperor, the State, Mammon,
 the Roman and Jewish elites having slaves,
and those oppressing and killing animals, i.e.
the Jewish elite profiting from the Temple sacrifices,
that is, the meat industry, which was taxed by Rome.

Many orthodox Christians claim Palestine was invaded by Rome,
and that Jerusalem in particular was invaded,
as punishment for not having heeded the message of Jesus.

These evasive answers are similar to the orthodox human-centered explanation that Jesus Cleansed the Temple to rid it of its "den of thieves," that is, the moneychangers, who were cheating the people
buying animals to be sacrificed.
The New Testament version of Jesus' life omitted or twisted
virtually all scriptures
affirming that the lives of other creatures are equally as sacred.

The orthodox Christian theologian avoids at any cost
discussing the fact that Jesus' mission
as stated in "Epistle to the Hebrews"
was to abolish the animal sacrifices,
and that, in cleansing the temple of the animals to be sacrificed, freeing them from having to be sacrificed, Jesus was militantly affirming
the original vegetarian covenant of Genesis 1: 29-30,
scriptures which say that all creatures are to eat vegetation,
and which recognize that all creatures have consciousness and free will,
a belief in harmony with the Hindu/Jain origins of Judaism,
the mother of Christianity.

"Revelations" sees the Second Coming of Jesus as a Time of the Successful Restoration of the Original Purity, the Egalitarianism among humans,
and Vegetarianism the diet of all Creatures, a Time of no mourning, no sorrow, no death, no pain, a time of paradise for all creatures.

The teachings of Pythagoras and Buddha
were also known to the earliest Christians.
Both of them had lived in India and both were against animal sacrifices

False and True Faith
Every Feeling we have comes from Divine Judgment.

Do not grab Faith as a crutch and say that you are living the correct life and need to wade through the times of depression and despair.
This is where False Faith enters in.
Instead of accepting our bad feelings as Divine Judgment
on our bad actions, we accept our violent habits, such as carnivorism,
or eating animal foods that come from exploitation, or our participation in exploitive industries, as natural.

The way we live our lives explains a scripture
that is puzzling only to the impure.
 "An evil adulterous generation needs a sign." Matt.12: 39
"An evil and unfaithful age is eager for a sign." Matt.12: 39
Carnivorous religions need signs.  Vegetarian religions don't.

Those who live a pure life do not need hope or faith in the Divine.
They feel the elation of the Divine within.
The meaning of "An evil adulterous generation needs a sign" is that those who need a sign by definition no longer feel the purity that was felt
by the founders of the religion.
No proof is needed for those who feel the Divine within, who feel good within.
The proof is in the purity of their spirit and body.
Those who do not promote the brutality of animal sacrifices;
Those who do not ingest the cholesterol laden corpses of the victims,
Feel the presence of Divinity more readily and do not need a sign.
Their ongoing euphoria, contentedness and elation
Are proof of the correctness of their lives.

Faith and Hope can be considered as the virtues
that those who do not feel the presence of God directly need to have
in order to continue to be members of the establishment's impure faith.

The orthodoxies of Judaism Christianity and Islam
Do not practice the purity of their founders.


When Constantine's father died,
according to an orator speaking of a vision of Constantine,
the gods above summoned Constantine to their presence,
and Jupiter himself welcomed Constantius, Constantine's father,
and asked who should be his successor.
Constantius decreed to the gods
that his son Constantine should be the emperor.
The gods ratified the decision.
Who was the original source of this vision?:
Constantine himself, who later would claim to have a vision in the sky
of him conquering in the name of Jesus.
Constantine's first vision stated that Jupiter,
head of the pagan gods, welcomed him.
In his second vision Constantine is summoned by the God of Christianity,
Who absolutely condemned as demonic the gods of the Greeks and Romans.
These events confirm that Constantine,
who ordered molten lead to be poured down the throats
of the original vegetarian Christians,
who confiscated the property of those harboring the original Christians,
who profited from the slave trade,
who was responsible for the deaths of tens of thousands of people
in the lands Rome invaded,
who murdered his own wife and son,
was also a liar.
Such was the moral character of the Emperor
under whose auspices the New Testament was created.

See p. 35 of Constantine and Eusebius, by Timothy Barnes, Harvard University Press, 1981, for confirmation of Constantine's claim that Jupiter summoned him to his presence.

The Similarity of Constantine's Visions and Paul's Visions

The astute student will realize that Constantine's fabricated visions had a precedent in Paul's vision of his conversion. Contrary to Jesus and his disciples, Paul taught that God sanctioned slavery, male chauvinism, bigotry towards homosexuals, resentment-breeding societies of rich and poor, and the disease-promoting diet of carnivorism.

One of the most informative and honest sites
dealing with the origins of Christianity:

Pliny the Younger (62-113) Invaded Bithynia because the population there,
converted by Peter to be followers of Jesus, had become Vegetarians.
Pliny persecuted and killed the followers of Jesus,
and the people began sacrificing animals and eating them again.

Christian Church Father Hippolytus (c.160-235) Describes the earliest followers of Jesus as wearing the bindi or tilaka, the mark on the forehead, of the vegetarian Hindus. He describes the Christians as being the absolute enemies of Rome, in total contrast to Paul's teachings.

The earliest Christians refused to agree to kill for the Roman Empire.
The earliest Christians like the Essenes and Nazarenes took no oaths,
and refused to pledge allegiance to any worldly power such as Rome.
The earliest Christians were forbidden to pledge allegiance to any power other than God. They would have seen pledges of allegiance to any authority other than God, such as to the state or to one's commanding officer,
as blasphemous sacrileges against their commitment to God alone.
The earliest Christians condemned what we call Conscription or the Draft
as an act of Slavery.  The earliest followers of Jesus regarded Paul as an Apostate, a Traitor to Jesus' teachings. See the web page below.

The Teachings of Hippolytus seen in The Apostolic Tradition
prove that the earliest followers of Jesus
refused to pledge allegiance to the authority of the Roman Empire,
that the earliest Christians were forbidden to take oaths
to kill for the Empire, to obey their commanding officers or the state,
oaths such as the "Pledge of Allegiance to the United States of America,"
and that all lawmakers of Rome were forbidden membership in the Church,
because they had sworn allegiance to the Empire.

The Jewish Christians, Tertullian and Origen,
Like Baruch See the Animal Sacrifices as Demonic.
Click the Two Links Below.

Both accept the fact that Demons, and not Deity, instituted Animal Sacrifices.

Tertullian (160-221)
Against Carnivorism
Demons Seek the Fumes of Animal Sacrifices.
Tertullian Affirms that the (Ethiopic) Book of Enoch
Is a Part of the Christian Tradition.

Origen (185-254)
Carnivorism Attacked by Origen
Christian Church father Origen in his Exhortation to Martyrdom
attacks animal sacrifices as offerings to demons,
and as a reason for natural disasters caused by God.

Roman Catholic Church Father Lactantius (born 250-60, died 4th century)
Satirizes Animal Sacrifices as Ludicrous.
Lactantius thereby affirms the Vegetarianism of the Earliest Christians.

Roman Catholic St. Peter Chrysologus (406-450)
Denounces Animal Sacrifices and Advocates that Each of us
Make Ourselves a Living Sacrifice to God as Jesus does
In "Epistle to the Hebrews."


Exodus, Judea,
Jah, Jehovah, Jehudi and even Jew
Have Their Origin in Sanskrit,
The Ancient Language of Vegetarian India.
Click the Six Links Immediately Below.

Exodus and Judea:
The Etymology of the Words
The Pervasive Hud or Hod root in Ancient Hebrew.
Abraham came from the Kingdom of Oude in India.
The Etymology of Exodus:
Exodus = Ex-Hodus
Hodu in Ancient Hebrew = Hindustan
The Exodus is the Departure of the Hindustani people
to the area of Canaan and Palestine.
The Israelites of the Exodus
Wore the Bindi of the Hindus, the people of Hodu.
The Oude of India, from which Abraham came,
became the Odeh, Hod, Hud, and Hodu of ancient Hebrew.

Jah, Which is the Short Form of Jehovah,
Has its Origin in Sanskrit.
In Sanskrit, the Ancient Language of Vegetarian India,
Jah means Sthana which is a Name of Shiva, and
Jah means Simha which is a Name of Krishna.

Jehovah, Jehudi, and Jew, All have their Source in the Sanskrit Hu.
So too do the Names Hosea and Sara and the Term Gevah.
Hu refers to the Sacrifice of Vegetation and Dairy to Deities.

The Name Jehovah
Combines the Male Je or Jah, with the Female Hovah.
The Cult That Became Orthodox Judaism Suppressed the Matriarchy
That Existed in Original Judaism.

Hu as Sarasvati
Sarasvati = The Divine Female of Hinduism
Sarah was the Matriarch of Original Judaism.
The Origin of the Word Israel:
Israel is an abbreviation for a three part, not a two part, word:
Is = God; Sarah = To Prevail; El = God.

Juhudhi in Sanskrit is the Source
of Numerous words Referring to Judaism in Ancient Hebrew:
Jehud, Judah, Judea, Jehudah, Jehudite, Jehudi.

Juh = Jew = Hu
Hu means He in Ancient Hebrew
The feminine form of Hu is Hiy.
Hiy means She in ancient Hebrew.

*  *
*   *   *

The Quran was Revised just as the Torah and the New Testament were.

The Quran presents the majority of the people of the Book,
that is, of the Torah and New Testament,
as having abandoned their original covenant with Allah.
Though the orthodox Jew, Christian, and Sunni Muslim assert
that the covenant of carnivorism in Genesis 9: 2-3 has priority,
simple logic points to the original covenant of Genesis 1: 29-30
as being the only true covenant.
Genesis 9: 2-3 are scriptures which exemplify the aim of
"those who invent lies for a gain," in the words of the Quran.

 Allah is Shiva, Deity of the Sabeans
A List of Facts Demonstrating the Above

 "One who keeps silent rather than say the truth is a silent Satan." Muhammad

"There is not an animal in the earth, nor a flying creature flying on two wings, but they are peoples like unto you.  We have neglected nothing in the Book (of Our decrees). Then unto their Lord they will be gathered." Surah 6: Verse 38.

1. The Sacred Stone is a Shiva lingam.
2. The Quran praises the Sabeans, who are vegetarian, and though devoted
    primarily to Shiva, are not monotheists.
3. The Quran has numerous passages stating that Gardens of Vegetation await
the true Muslim.
4. Muhammad was vegetarian in his preferred diet. Some traditions say he ate
    meat if offered it.  Even Sunni Muslims admit Muhammad said flesh was
    hard on the body.
5. (Muhammad in) the Quran praises Hud as the true prophet. Hud is the root
    of Jehudea and originally referred to the Kingdom of Oude in India, from
    which Abraham came.
6. Ancient Arabia venerated their Hind or Hindu ancestry.
7. Allah is described as The Lord of Seven Worlds or Heavens in the Quran.
    This is a well-known attribute of Shiva.
9. Ramman, an aspect of Allah, and Ramadan, both derive from Ramah, one of
    the deities of Hinduism.
10. The Quran affirms the Family of Creation in Surah 6: Verse 38. Seen
11. The Ummat, the followers of Allah, took their name from Umma, the mate
      of Shiva.
12. The Quran over and over again refers to the indisputably vegetarian Book of Enoch.  Muhammad's Dream Vision of Idris or Enoch confirms his knowledge of Enoch and acceptance of Enochian morality, which is vegetarian.

Remnants of the Original Vegetarian Quran

All Muslims know that the most frequent pronouncement of the Quran
is that people have forsaken the covenant that was given them aforetime,
that is, the vegetarian covenant of Genesis 1: 29.

It is obedience to that covenant that brings one to the Gardens of Paradise.

It is the Vegetarian Muslims, such as the Shias,
who obey the original covenant.
The Sunni tradition, like the traditions of orthodox Jews and Christians,
forsake the original covenant for the covenant of Genesis 9: 2-3,
created by those who "invent lies for profit."

2: 22  Who hath appointed the earth a resting-place for you,
and the sky a canopy; and causeth water to pour down from the sky,
thereby producing fruits as food for you.

2: 25: And give glad tidings (O Muhammad) unto those who believe and do good works; that theirs are Gardens underneath which rivers flow;
as often as they are regaled with food of the fruit thereof, they say:
This is what was given us aforetime; and it is given to them in resemblance. There for them are pure companions; there for ever they abide.

 Islam was Originally Vegetarian.
The Contention by some Shias and other Minority Muslims
that the Quran was revised is Valid.
One can see the Residues of the original Vegetarian Quran.
Making mischief and shedding blood is condemned in the Quran.
This fits in with Surah 6 Verse 38 affirming the Family of Creation.
Shiva was the original Lord of Seven Worlds to the Muslims,
Just as Shiva is Lord of the Seven Worlds to the Hindus.
Reincarnation can be easily seen to be an original Islamic belief.
The references to fallen angels and the Ethiopic Book of Enoch
support the fact that the original Muslims were vegetarian.

The Quran frequently refers to the Book of Enoch,
which affirms vegetarianism.
The fall of the angels who brought bloodshed to the earth,
the crumbling mountains in the final times,
the punishment of the sinners
with the metal implements of industry and fire,
are seen in both works.

Inventing Scriptures for a Gain
Changing the Scriptures of the Quran and Creating the Sunni Tradition
is Parallel to
Changing the Original Vegetarian Scriptures of the Torah
and Creating the Orthodox Jewish Tradition which exists today,
And to Destroying the original vegetarian and egalitarian Ebionite Scriptures
and putting together the New Testament
which departs from Jesus' teachings and conforms with Roman norms.

The Historical Validity of the current Quran
is questionable according to Some Shias.
Many who had memorized the Quran were killed
in order to obliterate the content of the Original Vegetarian Quran.

The Cow: the Quran in Miniature
Even in the second Surah, "The Cow,"  we can see that
That animal sacrifices were originally regarded as evil,
as against the will of Allah, who was against
Making mischief on earth and shedding blood.
The name of the proud Fallen Angel, Iblis,
Corresponds to the first shedder of blood in the Torah, Abel.
The Quran repeatedly asserts the absurdity, the impossibility,
of Allah breaking his own covenant.
Those who kill animals literally sever the family of creation
and thereby sever also the original covenant of Allah.
The Vegetarian Sabeans (who are followers of Saba aka Shiva)
are affirmed as true believers.
The original Quran sealed its connection
with the Vegetarian Jewish Prophets
through repeatedly using the refrain:
"There shall no fear come upon them neither shall they grieve."

"To Set Slaves Free"
Surah 2: 177
To Free the Slave, the Captive,
Was the Intent of Moses, Jesus and Muhammad.
The Methodology of those revising the Koran.

Remnants of the Original Quran:
The Quran even in its present form has Surahs that present Allah
as merciful and not condemning non-believers to eternal fires.
Most verses in the Quran dealing with the after life,
like the false Christian scriptures in the New Testament,
see souls as condemned to eternal fire if they are not saved.
The Quran over and over again presents the scriptures of the Past,
that is the Torah and the Gospels or New Testament, as full of errors.
Contemplating the creatures of creation as sacred

Muhammad himself saw the Fall of Islam
(Islam has abandoned its vegetarian and egalitarian roots.)
Muhammad's Description of the future Condition of Islam
is much like the condition that now exists.
That is, Muhammad was commenting on the present times,
in which a coalition of governments, from Europe and the United States,
most of them Christian, as well as Jewish Israel,
are attacking and persecuting Islamic nations.

Orthodox and Fundamentalist Christians, Zionists, and the Taliban and Islamic Fundamentalists, have much in common.
Muhammad said that Islamic nations in the Final Days
would be preaching rubbish
compared to the original teachings of Islam.
The Shias are the potential peace keepers of Islam.
The unholy wars of fundamentalists are against all other religions
including Shamanism.
The spiritual superiority of indigenous cultures.

 Sunni Islam and orthodox Judaism and orthodox Christianity have a number of very basic beliefs in common:
1. They claim God sanctioned animal sacrifices.
2. They claim god sanctioned the institution of slavery and elitist societies of rich and poor.
3. They claim humans are to be obedient to the State.
4. They claim women are to be subordinate to men.
5. They forbid homosexuality.

Therefore the Sunni Muslim is faced with this contradiction:  If the Quran condemned the majority of Jews and Christians, that is orthodox Jews and orthodox Christians who believe in animals sacrifices, obedience to the state, sexism, bigotry towards homosexuals, then how is it that scriptures in the Quran justify the same evils?
Many Shia Muslims understand that the Quran is a revised document.

The Miraculous Night Journey confirms that Enoch is one
of the Earlier Prophets in the Lineage of Muhammad.

William Harris in his The Scientific Basis of Vegetarianism affirms
That Violent Diets Lead to Violent Crimes,
That Carnivorous Nations or Cultures
are Far More Violent than Vegetarian Nations.
The wars of history waged by the nations governed by the orthodoxies
of Judaism, Christianity and Islam,
leave absolutely no doubt that Carnivorous Cultures
wage wars far far more often than do vegetarian cultures.
The results are there for every objective observer to see.
If the leaders of nations would look at the facts objectively,
They would close down the slaughterhouses and the animal foods industries.

A Rap
on Killing, Cholesterol, and Karma

How animal flesh clogs not only the heart but the brain.
Carnivorism is the diet of those who subdue the earth.
How the scriptures have been rewritten to sanction evil.


On the Necessity of Iconoclasm:
The Icons of Babylon (the United States).
The Very Fact that Statues of Columbus, Washington and Jefferson
Are all over the Unites States shows that the Government is in Favor of Oppressing Indigenous and Black People.
If the Governments of the World were truly interested
in Freedom and Equality for all People,
They would make it a point to destroy the idols
of those who have oppressed other people.

Immorality in the Guise of Patriotism
My Country Right or Wrong:
The Self-Proclaimed Immorality of George Bush.
The Nazi Mentality in the Present U.S. Government.
Ministers of Mammon:
The Corrupt Judeo-Christian Religious Establishment in the U. S.
Billy Graham, Jerry Falwell, Pat Robertson, the Pope,
and Fundamentalist and Orthodox Christians in General,
as well as the Rabbinical Establishment of Judaism
Support the Governmental and Industrialist Institutions
that Support Them, "Right or Wrong."
President Bush Declared his Immorality in his Acceptance Speech
in which he said he supported his country "Right or Wrong."
To say one supports one's country "Right or Wrong,"
is to say one supports one's country whether its actions
are Moral or Immoral.
The Religious Establishments of Israel and the United States
Have Consistently Supported their Governments' Immorality.
The Speciesism that Governs the Industrial Nations
Is Sanctioned in their Obviously Rewritten Scriptures
Asserting that Humans are the Favored Creatures
of Yahweh, God the Father, and Allah.


    The indisputable fact that Hindu and Buddhist vegetarian cultures are far less violent that the carnivorous cultures of Judaism, Christianity and Islam, is clearly seen in our own day. Vegetarian cultures, such as the Hindus and Buddhists in various lands in Asia, and the Shia of Iran and elsewhere in the Islamic nations, are examples of that peacefulness, and if engaged in warfare, are virtually always engaged in defensive, rather than offensive actions.  Today, March 23, 2003, the U.S. is waged in a war against Iraq, which the majority of people in the world have denounced as an unjust war.  Senator McCain, the former war prisoner, and now a war hero, even ironically described the march of the U.S. soldiers on Baghdad as a blitzkrieg, a term used by Nazis.  Indeed, McCain's remark wasn't needed to remind the majority of people in the world that it is the U.S. who has most frequently used its weapons of mass destruction on foreign populations, and who has killed millions more people than any other nation on earth.

    It is a critical time, no doubt a time in which many peoples' lives will be lost.  And since the destruction of the Twin Towers of the Trade Center, even U.S. citizens, who have traditionally been less fearful of invasion because of the oceans separating the U.S. from hostile populations, are now fearful and anxious, because the war is being brought to this country.

   The War on Terror is totally illogical, for it will only catalyze more and more retaliation against the U.S. government, and against the people who support the government.

The True Patriots are In the Streets, Not in the White House.
 We are living in days morally identical to those
 faced by the German people who opposed the rise of the Nazis.

Compulsory Education and Speciesism:
The Establishment of Mammon by the U.S. Government
Plant Eaters Versus Flesh Eaters:
The Perennial Ideological Battle in the Scriptures of the World.
Why would anyone revise the scriptures?
Scriptures as Propaganda Supporting the Elite Rich.

How animal flesh clogs not only the heart but the brain.
Carnivorism is the diet of those who subdue the earth.
How the scriptures have been rewritten to sanction evil.



My Personal Beliefs
Anxiety, Depression, Despair, are always Deserved, for Deity is Just.
False Faith accepts these states as normal.
True faith sees these states as deserved
because of our transgressions of Divine Law.
Lessons learned from Backsliding from my Vegan Diet.
A usable Metaphor:
The Body can be A Haunted House,
With Murdered Animal Spirits Inside.


Vegetarianism is the Necessary Diet for Humanity
to Exorcise the Demons of Carnivorism.
Veganism exorcises the Demon of Animal Slavery.
A Raw Foods Diet is the Original Diet.
Egalitarianism is Necessary for Humanity to Exorcise
the Demon of Mammon or Capitalism.

As our knowledge and wisdom and compassion increases:

      We rise above being inmates of a theological insane asylum whose members claim an omniscient Deity of infinite love wants humans to oppress and murder the very creatures that an all-knowing and all-loving Deity created.  The sheer lunacy and absurdity of our orthodox religions' rationale for eating corpses will disappear.  Love and logic can again walk hand in hand in a world free of oppression and slaughter for any being.

Copyrighted May 14, 2003. Library of Congress Copyright Office.
Portions of the material contained on this web site may be used freely by all who wish to promote the welfare of all creatures and the environment, and a world in which no creatures are oppressed, enslaved, abused in any manner, or killed, as long as there is no monetary or material profit involved for the user.