One small cat changes coming home to an
empty house to coming home.

Pictures of Amber

Interview with Mr. Whiskers

Amber was lucky enough to win a trip to Catsburg to meet her role model --famous comedian cat Mr. Whiskers. Since Amber is considering writing a book about the many personalities of cats, Mr. Whiskers wanted to interview her on her own life and personality. Here is a copy of the interview below:

Mr Whiskers: I hear that you really love your human mother, Elizabeth. How did you find her?

Amber: I'll never forget that day. I was with my brothers and sisters and we were all out on the front porch playing. Then a mean kid who lived next door came over and started throwing rocks at us. We were all scared. Then the lady who owns my mother came outside, scooped us all up and put us in a large plastic box with a door. We didn't know what was about to happen to us. I huddled in the back of the box with my brothers and sisters for a long time. She put us in the car and took us to another place where a bunch of people were. Some of the people were taking us out and holding us. We didn't know if they were going to be mean to us like the boy or not, so we were all shaking with fright. One woman took my brother out of the box and started petting him. She seemed very nice. Then she grabbed me and held me for a long time. At first I was scared, but her soothing voice finally calmed me down. Then I heard her say "I like this one." And I went home with her that day and have been happy ever since.

Mr Whiskers: Wow that's nice! Your book is going to be about the many different personalities of cats. What is your personality like?

Amber: I'm a very sweet, laid back kitty. Nothing really bothers me. Sometimes I'm very playful and like being around people and other cats. Then other times, I prefer to be off by myself doing my own thing. I'm very much like my human mother in this way.

Mr Whiskers: Sometimes humans don't quite understand us cats. What's one thing that you do that your human mother thinks is strange?

Amber: Well, there are two things that pop into my mind that my human mother thinks is odd about me. She doesn't seem to understand why I chase my tail so much. It's one of my favorite pastimes. My goal is to one day catch it. I love challenges and this is definitely a major challenge! Another thing she doesn't understand is why I sleep in the strangest positions. These positions are so comfortable to me, but my human mother thinks they look very weird. She's even been known to take pictures of me in these positions! To be honest, I don't like that. she has messed up some great dreams flashing that thing in my face while I'm asleep.

Mr Whiskers (laughing): Yes, I know. Humans think we are weird, but if they would just stop and take a look at themselves, they would realize that they are actually the strange ones, not us.

Amber: Meow to that!

Mr Whiskers: Well, they may not understand us, but they sure do love us. What is something that your human mother does to pamper you?

Amber: My favorite thing she does to pamper me is petting me in the middle of the night. she usually gives me 2:00 am rubs. Since we sleep together, I usually wake her up around 2:00 am. She doesn't get mad at me for this even though she usually has to get up early the next morning to go to work. Instead, she just rubs me awhile until she gets too sleepy to stay awake. I purr for appreciation.

Mr Whiskers: What would you consider one of your most unique qualities?

Amber: I look very much like the Pink Panther--only I'm yellow! Also, like the Pink Panther, I hardly ever say a word. And when I do, I don't meow like a normal cat. I just squeak instead.

Mr Whiskers (laughing again): You SQUEEK? Are you a mouse or a cat? Demonstrate that squeek for me.

Amber (looking a little embarrassed): I'd rather not.

Mr Whiskers: Oh come on! I'd love to hear a cat squeek!

Amber finally squeeks and Mr. Whiskers roars with laughter

Mr. Whiskers: (trying to regain his composure) Okay, okay, just a few more questions. Where is your favorite place to sleep?

Amber: On my human mother's bed. Her comforter is so cosy!

Mr Whiskers: And what is your favorite toy?

Amber: My favorite toy of all is a little pink plastic swirly thing. I love swatting it with my paw, and then chasing it all around the room. I've been known to carry it around with me from room to room.

Mr Whiskers: Okay, last question. What's the one thing you want to say to all humans.

Amber: Don't try to understand us because you never will. Just love us as we are.

Mr Whiskers: And that's a great note to end on. Thank you for being with us, Amber.

--written by Elizabeth Kennedy

Click on the kitty bed to go back to Amber's place.
