Self Mutilation

this is a rule

Although Self-Mutilation has been around, in one form or another, since the time of Jesus Christ, it has not been looked at in depth until the last 30 years.  Until then, self-injurious behaviors had been categorized as a means of "purification" (in a religious sense) or possible possession.   It is now understood more as a characteristic one unconsciously uses as a "healing" device.

Below are a variety of websites that pertain to this unique behavior.  I felt because such a large number of people who self-mutilate have a history of abuse, especially childhood sexual abuse, sites concerning this would be helpful, along with some sites examining Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.





Self-Mutilation Silent Screams
This is an amazing site for both cutters and non-cutters. The pages are all very informative and help a lot in diminishing the stereotypes often found with self-mutilation and education people of the truth. Some examples are "the Distortions Within", which discusses possible causes of SM, reasons why people do it (punishment, to cope, expression), and to distinguish between self-mutilation and suicide. The "Body and Mind" page looks at the reasons why cutters keep going back such as the Chemical Purpose, Physical Reaction, Mental Reaction, and the Addiction. I liked this page and found it helpful not only because of all the information, but because it truly makes the disorder "real", not just something in people's heads, and has documented proof of its severity and resistance to treatment. It also gives very helpful types when working towards recovery.
Self Injury and Related Issues (SIARI)
This page is a "one-stop shopper" for many areas concerning sexual assault and the long term effects of it, including eating disorders, self-injury, healing through art, how to take care of your wounds, etc.
This is a very informative website, starting by defining the what, why, who, cause, and diagnosis of self-mutilation. It then goes on to discuss therapy, self-help tips, living with SM, and a section for family and friends. I believe one of the best features of this site is all the interactive pages and resource links it contains. It has a BUS list, a web board, email plus a self-assessment, questionnaire, and survey page.
This website is an excellent resource for finding more links to sites pertaining not only to self-mutilation but also child sexual abuse and incest and rape. My favorite component of this site is the enormous list of testimonies from individuals who suffer from self-mutilation - one of the greatest supports for a survivor is hearing others stories and how they have overcome this disorder (or how they continue to work on it).
This website was created by the founder of the "webring" - this was created to provide support and answers for those who self-mutilate
S.A.F.E. - Self Abuse Finally Ends
This website was created by the co-authors of the self-help book, Bodily Harm. This website contains info on the signs and symptoms of self-mutilation, when it is necessary to get treatment, and what types of treatment are available. S.A.F.E. runs one of the only self-mutilation in-patient programs in the country. It is called Lindon Oaks at Edward Hospital in Naperville, IL.
Kharre's Home
This website is a member of the body's under siege webring. It provides a personal perspective on what is helpful and what is not. My favorite component of this site is the "Friends and Family" page, which provides lots of helpful advice to those who are not cutters but want support those who are (ex: What Not to Say and Why, Positive Communication).
this website gives personal insight on the act of self-mutilation by three individuals named "Razor", "Scar" and "Leap". This people tell their stories, their experiences with hospitalizations, and through research and experience, what they find to be the best treatments. My favorite is the huge list (at least for this subject) of in- and out-patient resources for cutters.
"Tigger's Self Harm Page" (personal)
Excellent site - immediately separates visitors from cutters and noncutters so getting the information needed. My favorite aspect of this site is the tips and details provided concerning receiving treatment for self-inflicted injuries, your rights as a client, and demands you as an individual should make (ex: why you need to insist on adequate anesthesia.
"Lori's Page"
This website is more relaxed than manner others found. It contains information on self-injury, links to other sites pertaining to this topic, as well as links to sexual abuse sites. My favorite part of this site is the page containing games and puzzles to keep one busy instead of cutting. This site is also a member of the "Bodies Under Siege" webring.
Marilee Strong, author of the book "A Bright Red Scream" created this website. It gives a professional look at self-injury along with information on her book. I did not find this extremely helpful in my research on this topic, mostly because I read her book and everything on the website I had already read. But for others that have not read her book, this site may be more like a brief overview of it and actually quite informative
This is an incredible site with loads of information on self-mutilation. It was written by a 16 year old girl who has suffered from self-mutilation for the past two years. Although she is young, her writing and experiences in life go far beyond her chronological age. Much of the information provided on this site correlates directly with many of the professional resources found within a literature review I conducted.
"Pandora's Box - The Secrecy of Child Sexual Abuse"
This website contains excellent information concerning the sex offender laws, prevention measures, general information (conferences, research, etc.), a section specifically for victims, and miscellaneous. I found this to be especially helpful when looking for information related to government and the laws - a very factual website with tons of resources.
This site focuses on survivors of child abuse, sexual abuse, and domestic violence who are now dealing with the long-term effects of this trauma they thought to be in the past. I like this site because it focuses on the different forms of trauma that can lead to this disorder, in which self-mutilation is commonly found. My favorite part of this website is the state-by-state information on shelters, hotlines, and organizations - this is a very helpful tool.
excellent article on rape related-post traumatic stress disorder.
"The Survivors' Voice" - contains info on legislative campaigns working to send violence against children, especially sexual violence and child pornography. Great tips and advice on how to get involved and help fight the fight.

Want to read my research paper on Self-Mutilation? (it still needs some revising, but at least has some useful information)

How about it's Annotated Bibliography?

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Page last updated 4/23/02