:: About the layout

I as just sketching around, and it came out to this. I named this layout Brighten up because to me, the main spiral looked like a sun. Soo.....

:: How to edit

Okay. The confusing part. You must at least have the basic knowledge of iframes and div layers.

  • To edit the navigation

  • The box on your left. There's where you stash all your links and etc, etc.
    Only need to open navi.html to edit.

  • To edit the main content (this box)

  • Only open main.html, and write whatever you want.

  • To edit the TagBoard (the box on your far right)

  • * Place in mind that, the demo "Tagbord" is NOT REAL. It's mere textareas. To get one, go to http:/tag-board.com. If you already have one, you can place it there. How, you ask?

    Open up index.html, and look for a tag that says:

    < !-- EDIT TAGBOARD HERE -- >

    Then, in between the "EDIT TAGBOARD HERE" and "END EDIT TAGBOARD HERE", Erase everything, and replace your tagboard HTML code there. You'll need to resize it though. Change the width to 150px, and the height to your liking.

    :: Credits

    Do not remove the credits. *I* made the layout, didn't I? So respect that.
    If you can't do that, don't use this layout. Go make your own.

    :: Help!

    If you're having trouble/problems installing this layout, email me and I'll see what I can do to help ;)