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Guatemalan flag
Disclaimer: This information on the situation of homosexuals all over the world may not be completely accurate or up-to-date. The information is gathered on the Internet and in other publications. If you have any additional information, corrections, comments or suggestions, don't hesitate to contact me at 

Updated 99-03-14

Information on the situation for homosexuals in Guatemala:


Homosexuality is legal in Guatemala, but not much information was found. There are reports of several murders of gay men and transgendered people where no investigations by the authorities are made. Some describe the situation for gays in the country as living in a state of fear.
If you have any further information on the current situation in Guatemala, please contact me

Age of consent Male-Female Male-Male Female-Female
Guatemala ? 18 ?
No specific information on the age of consent for heterosexual and lesbian sex was found.

Further information on the situation in Guatemala can be found at:

Fresas y Chocolate
Fresas y Chocolate Gay Bar in Quetzaltenango


Internet en Guatemala


Republic, N. America
Area: 108,429 km²
Population: 10.62 mill.
Capital: Guatemala City
Currency: quetzal
Independence Day: Sep. 15

ISO 3166 Internet Country Code(s):
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