Youngmee Yoon Kim

My name is youngmee , and I 'm from Korea. I live in Willimantic, Connecticut. I have a son, who is 12 years old, and my husband is studying as a visiting scholar in Uconn. I'm learning English in Eastconn to adapting myself to American life well. In my country I studied English hard, but I didn't have opportunities to meet foreign people and to speak English. So I am not good at spoken English even though I am pretty good at English Grammar and reading comprehension. I think I need everyday practice to improve my English. In this respect Eastconn gives me a good chance to meet people from other countries, and to use English to communicate with each other. Especially the teachers are very friendly and easy to approach. They always encourage us to speak confidently, trying to express a given message including our own word even if we say only a separate simple word or phrase. We have many various activities; reading current articles, watching movie, group discussing, story making, farewell party when a student is leaving, and so on. Of course we learn English grammar sometimes. This program is helpful for me to improve my English.