Savaai's Candidacy

As soon as Savaai and Lioslaith exited the hatching grounds, the rusty-brown Kerlin came racing across the weyrbowl barking. Lioslaith threw her wings up as a shield. Kerlin suddenly became confused and sat down on his haunches. What was this terrifying thing? And why was she doing that? (At least, that’s what it seemed was going through he canine’s mind, but who really knew?)

Savaai called her canine, and the half-grown creature crept over, wary of the winged green. Though Lioslaith was merely moments old, she outmassed the canine, and always would.

“Lioslaith, this is Kerlin, my pet canine.”

LioslaithHello Kerlin. The green said, eyes whirling in pleasant tones of happiness. The little canine licked Lioslaith’s muzzle. Eeeeeeeeeeeew! The green squealed, He’s eating me!

“Stop it Kerlin.” Savaai laughed, and the canine promptly obeyed, though his tail still wagged at an unbelievable pace. “He’s just excited to see you, right Kerlin?”

“Rrark!” the little canine barked.

Now my face feels funny. The green said, opening her mouth and stretching her jaw, exposing wickedly sharp teeth.

“That’s why my mother called canine drool ‘face stiffening.’” Savaai laughed. “Let’s get you some dinner, and then a good scrub...” She paused to yawn. “.. and then off to sleep. I didn’t think I was so tired...”

“You’re not.” An older rider said from behind her. “You’ll start to feel more awake once she goes to sleep. You’re feeling her exhaustion through your bond.” She said.

“Really?” Savaai asked.

“Really.” The rider responded. “See you at the feast.”

Into each life a little rain must fall – and Savaai knew it. It had been raining for days, and everything was coated with slick slippery mud. ‘Lings who hadn’t mastered their landings were grounded to prevent accidents; and Lioslaith was restless. However, this gave time to Savaai for learning how to mend things that weren’t made of cloth and leather.

Present at Artaq, for an extended stay due to unfavorable weather conditions, was a mind healer – a woman with silver-streaked black h air who could cure things ordinary healers with potions and herbs could not.

She found Savaai dozing in front of the main hearth with a full-grown canine sprawled across her legs. It was the rusty-pelted canine that drew the healer’s attention. His mind let off a distinctive aura – one that had been Touched; healed. Kerlin growled as the healer lingered a bit too long. Savaai’s eyes opened, and she smiled sheepishly as she rubbed her eyes. “I’m sorry… I must have dozed off.”

The healer smiled. “No problem; is this your pet?” she asked of Kerlin.

“Yes, he’s mine. I found him injured as a pup…”

The healer smiled. “Did you ever take him to a healer?”

Savaai shook her head, childish innocence beaming from her smile. “No, I took care of him. Mama told me love would heal anything.”

The healer nodded. The girl had no idea what she was.

A few days later, the rains let up. Savaai and Lioslaith were asked to convey the the healer to Falas – a ‘ling rider had suffered a deep trauma. While they were there, Lioslaith took a liking to a blue named Dezinith – and that was just the beginning.

Read here for the next saga of Savaai and Lioslaith!

Return to East Rock
Savaai Impressed at Artaq Weyr.

Background from Peeling Pixels.