Do you hate your gym teacher? Is sie sadistic, ugly, and/or Richard Simmons on a triple dose of lithium? You are not alone!
Here at TLCDGS, we know exactly how you feel. You may think that you're being unfair, that the gym teacher isn't all that bad, or that sie is just doing hir job. None of these things are true!

All gym teachers get sexual satisfaction from watching overweight children run around in circles, their jelly flapping around in the wind.
No gym teachers will be pleased until at least one of their students crashes to the floor in a mucilaginous heap.
All gym teachers own whips and spiky dildos, and dream of the day when they can use them in their classes on the aforementioned overweight children.

However, not all gym teachers actually teach gym. They are only gym teachers at heart, but they are just as, or possibly more, dangerous. Except that they can't punish you by making you do humiliating physical tasks in front of the class. And they can't fail you just because they hate you. And there's proof if they do. Okay, so they're less dangerous than gym teachers that actually teach gym. They're still dangerous, though.

That said, we start the Hall of Evil:

Okay, I have no pictures of evil gym teachers (yet), but feel free to SEND 'EM IN!! (Also, if you are a gym teacher, or a gym-loving, team spirit, gotta get my weight up/down/whatever, gotta get my neck thicker, paying out of pocket to play sports type-person, criticism is happily accepted. Flames are happily ignored.)