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Battle.net Chat Commands


(These can be done by anyone, in any channel)
Any command which takes a user name can also take a user account number instead.

/whois [user name]    (Example: /whois Slayer) -- Looks up some basic information on a user, including their account number and their current location.
  This is an excellent way to find your friends on-line. You can also search by an account number by typing    /whois #[account number] (Example: /whois #1234).

/whereis     is the same as /whois.

/dnd [Message]     do not disturb. You will not be able to see anymore whispers from anyone.

/away [Message]     when you are whispered this gives the person who whispered you a MSG that the your away.

/time     shows the bnet time.

/me [Message]     makes msg'es show up yellow in chat, don't be fooled that it is a server MSG or ppl from blizzard.

/whisper [user name]     (Example: /whisper Slayer   or   /whisper #1234) - Sends a private message to a user on-line regardless of the channel they are in. This is an excellent way to let a friend know you are on-line.

/w    /msg     are the same as /whisper.

/squelch [user name]     (Example: /squelch Slayer   or   /squelch #1234) - Ignores any future messages from that user, effectively muting that user to you.

/ignore     is the same as /squelch.

/unsquelch [user name]     (Example: /unsquelch Slayer   or   /unsquelch #1234) - Allows a previously squelched user to talk to you normally.

/unignore     is the same as /unsquelch. /channel [channel name]     (Example: /Trading Post) - Switch to a channel without having to use the channel join screen.

/join     is the same as /channel.

/rejoin     rejoins the current channel your in. Manly for channel operators to step down. /users     Displays statistics about the number of users currently connected to Battle.net.

/who     Displays a list of all the users in the channel.

/who [channel name]     gives the names of the players in the channel.

Operator commands

These commands only apply to the channel operator. Usually the first person to create the private channel becomes the operator of that channel. You can tell who is the operator of a channel by looking for the user with the gavel. When the channel operator leaves, he can pass on the gavel to any one else that he designates.

/designate [user name]     (Example: /designate Slayer   or   /designate #1234) - Selects [user name] as the next channel operator when you step down, either by resigning or by leaving the channel.

/resign     Step down as channel operator and become a normal user again.

/rejoin     is the same as /resign.

/kick [user name]     (Example: /kick Slayer or /kick #1234) - Kicks a user out of the channel. This is best used as a warning since a kicked user can return at their leisure.

/ban [user name]     (Example: /ban Slayer or /ban #1234) - Kicks a user out of the channel and prevents them from returning until the current operator steps down or leaves the channel. This is the most powerful command at an operator's disposal, use it wisely.

/unban [users]     (Example: /unban Slayer or /unban #1234) - Allows a banned user to return to the channel.

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Since 10/20/98