Writing Great Website Content--Six Tips to Make Your
                                                Website Sale Your Service


                                                                Lanee' Blunt

      Your website is where you'll send customers to learn more about your company,
where you'll sell or where you'll showcase your service.  Why shouldn't your website be an opportunity to sell to customers? "Web developers are concerned with layout and graphics that serve primarily to make the website more readable and are not the key drivers.  Strip away the bells and whistles that web developers design with flash presentation, rich media, and there is no sale." (Robert W. Bly)

     Most small businesses are concerned with graphics, and miss the one thing that sells prospects. Words. A salesman knows the right presentation to bring in sales. Why shouldn't your website do that for you?

     Here are six tips for writing better website content.

Gain Attention.  Only one thing can consistently get your company message across: powerful, attention-getting and compelling online copy.  The website must get the prospect to stop and read the home page and click on other areas in the website instead of clicking on another website.

What Benefit Do You Offer? Think about your web visitors why are they coming to your website? Identify the benefits. Think about your customers and about the real question on their mind what's in it for them?

Differentiate You From the Competition. Study competitive sites carefully and stress what makes you different.  Please don't plagiarize, or copy from another company's website, but do stress some of the things that make you stand out from the crowd.

Value.  You must build trust and crediblity.  There are so many phonies out there, and so many businesses that promise one thing and deliver something else.  You must know what's in it for the customer.

How Can They Contact You?  Don't forget the most important information.  This should include all of your contact information in one place. A contact page complete with address, phone, fax, email, and etc.

Close With Immediate Call of Action. You want the prospect to buy from you, or generate an inquiry.  Do something to get immediate action.  The offer might be click here, enter your credit card information, or enter your email address for a free newsletter, or tell what delay may cost.

     Your business website should provide the opportunity to sale to your prospect. 

                                                     Lanee' Blunt, Copywriter
                                                     Write Time Publishing
                                                       (313) 247-0450

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