This Site can now be viewed at

Please change your bookmarks. The reason

I did this is because many people asked why

I changed Domains. I lost my domain and I finally got it back and am

setting everything back to the way it was.

This should all be completed by

Monday, March 15, 2004.


ALL of my Bald Eagle Picture Pages and Links are below

Here are 2 pictures of Eagle Chicks. Click on small picture for a larger one.

A Picture by my Son Michael Mensch

A Really Cool Picture that I made

For Bald Eagle information click here

Bald Eagle Links

If you would like to place a link on your site

To my Bald Eagle Web Site

Then you may use the below banner



Please Sign my Guest Book. Thank You.



Last Updated: March 11, 2004


Awards Page 03-09-2004

Interesting Links Page 02-29-2004