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A Little Physiology


            While sex is a very emotionally based activity where our bodies sort of seem to go on mother nature's auto-pilot, it would seem that Mother Nature still doesn't throw her common-sense completely out the window when we invite her to sit down in the captain's chair of our mental control centers and to get our bodies to do the "things" they do.  When we put ourselves on Mother Nature's auto-pilot during this activity we are usually in for a pleasant, but often "bumpy ride"!  What I mean to say here is, sex has something to do with the survival of our species.  Accordingly, it seems that when we go into this "Auto-pilot" there is still a certain element of survival instinct that also comes into account.  One aspect of survival includes a basic need to maintain physical health. 

            I know, you are saying right about now, come on, where is the physiology....  Be patient, I'm getting there.....  One other aspect of our auto-pilot mechanism is obviously the pleasure aspect.  So, without getting too graphic here, and openly admitting this is pure theory, I will just say that it seems to me that female infantilism is less pronounced and noticeable due to some very real physical and practical considerations regarding both differing sensations and also differing health risks.   (I know, you are saying right about now, what a let down.  Here I was looking for diagrams or something.  Sorry folks.  Maybe next time.)