From: Eric Roy 
To: Shawn Pierce 
Subject: (EWC) Wakeup Call
Date: Sunday, June 13, 1999 10:58 PM

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  June 12, 1999
  Report by Eddie Carlston

  The show begins with scenes from the Lowe/Sim confrontation shortly
after Sim dropped the NA title last week on LoTR.  Adrienne Solo and
Colossians Washington are the commentators, and they talk briefly about
the NA title changing hands when it begins ...

"Icebreaker" Torvald Reikkersen vs. "The Little Kahuna" Maunukea Benard

	Benard was in the ring warming up as Led Zeppelin's "The Immigrant
Song" began to play.  As Robert Plant warbled "down from the land of the
ice and snow", Reikkersen stepped into the aisle in his ice-blue ring
robe with Frieda on one side, and the Swedish Blond of the Week on the
other. He strutted slowly to the ring, waving at the crowd even as they
booed him.

He paused next to one young woman standing right by the aisle in a
Frozen Hell t-shirt, smiled and nodded to Frieda who gave the buxom lady
a "Frozen Hell: The Menacing Phantom" poster.  A few steps further he
was stopped by a man who thrust a Damien Omega poster out into the
aisle. Reikkersen looked at the poster, then at the man shouting at him,
then grabbed the poster and yanked it away from the man before
continuing to the ring.  Once there he called for a microphone.]

[ICE]: It's great to see all the Frozen Hell fans out there!

[The boos resounded.]

[ICE]: Thanks to you, the Menacing Phantom is the number one rental this
week in several cities.  I know you are all concerned about Brad,
and he'll be fine.  Siouxnami [Reikkersen shook his head], you
made a bad, BAD, mistake.  You have roused the Fury of the Norseman!
We owe you a debt and Frozen Hell always pays its debts.  Am I
right, Frieda?

[FRIEDA]: Right you are, Torvald.

[ICE]: But that's not what I'm really here to talk about today.  What's
really on my mind, babe?

[SBotW]: The IeWS, Torvald.

[ICE]: That's right.  Damien Omega ... [Reikkersen lifted the poster,
looked at it carefully for a moment, then tossed it aside.] Let's
get one thing crystal clear.  I am still the man.  Last time I checked,
you could win an IeWS belt only at an IeWS sanctioned event -- and
there hasn't been one of those in a while.  The EWC can rant and
rave all it wants about the IeWS title going on the line, but the
cold hard fact ...

[FRIEDA]: Oh, Torvald, "cold hard fact." [She laughed.]

[ICE]: ... is that the belt is still mine.  Not yours. Not Nick
Duncan's, whoever the hell he is.  Now, ...

["The Little Kahuna" had been growing more impatient with every moment
as Reikkersen rambled on, and had finally had enough.  He charged in,
clotheslining the Icebreaker over the top rope.  Reikkersen managed to
flip over and walk along the apron for a second in his usual style, then
screamed into the mic, only to look a little surprised when nothing
happened --
the jostling had pulled the cord loose from the mic.  Benard closed in,
Reikkersen shrugged and pasted the the Hawaiian with his fist wrapped
around the mic.  Benard staggered and went to one knee.  Reikkersen
slipped into the ring after tossing the mic to the SBotW.  He began
kicking the hell out of the fat man's legs until Benard got to his feet.
Reikkersen stepped in close and executed a perfect Swedish Leg Sweep.
Benard landed hard and could not resist as Reikkersen locked on the
Figure-Fjord leglock.  Benard starting screaming like a baby and tapped
out.  Reikkersen dropped the hold and rolled out of the ring.  He
recovered the mic, which the SBotW had plugged back in.]

[ICE]: Omega, you're at the top the list -- Siouxnami, you're on there
Duncan, steer clear of me, unless you want a place on it.
And now ... it's Akvavit Time!  WOOO!

[Reikkersen tossed the mic down and he and his entourage withdrew.]

**** WINNER:  Torvald Reikkersen ****

COMMENTS:  Interesting set-up for a upcoming match with the new golden
boy of the EWC, Omega, but I'm confused...who EXACTLY is Omega feuding
with?  It seems Torvald is tossing all the nice set up for a good series
with Siouxnami.  We'll see, I guess.

It now cuts scenes from Parker getting turned on from a couple of weeks
ago, and TR going crazy in the locker room last week.  Solo says he's
not seen Parker this angry, and Washington warned that he knows Parker,
and knows that when he gets angry is when he's at his weakest.  Parker's
strength comes from his ability to stay in control at all times in the
ring, but he doesn't have that now. 

Then it's ...

Slayer vs. The Disco Dance Kings 

The Dance Kings are introduced first and they head down to the ring,
striking poses for the crowd all the way.  Their music is abruptly cut
off as they step through the ropes and the house lights flicker a bit
before going totally out and a spotlight shines back on Lilith who is
standing by the entrance to the back area.  She's wearing her usual
black leather S&M'ish outfit and holding a black leather cat-o-nine
tails in one hand and a house mic in the other.  (nice crowd pop at her

[Lilith]  Hey, time warp victims!  I see that you guys have signed on
for a handicap match with my sweet Devil Man, the Slayer.  How about
this?  As it's really not fare for him to face both of you big, strong
guys with such pretty hairstyles at the same time in a regular match,
why don't we make this a Hardcore handicap match?

(crowd pop)

The dance kings look at each other for a second and psyche each other up
with a high five and look back at Lilith and nod in agreement and motion
for Slayer to come on down and get into it.  The lights flicker again
and 'Devil Man' by White Zombie churns from the speakers and Davidson
hits the ring from through the crowd on the opposite side of the ring.
He's holding the baseball bat from the last telecast and takes out Grant
with a sweeping cut to the legs.  As LeFebvre turns around his eyes get
as big as saucers right as Slayer plants the bat in his gut to double
him over.

(major crowd pop)

Slayer alternates pummeling the disco ducks with stomps, kicks and
assorted bat shots as Lilith makes her way down to the ring.  Slayer
hits a quick DDT and Devil Bomb on LeFebvre and leaves him lying in the
ring to concentrate on Grant, who he tosses to the outside, landing at
Lilith's feet.  While Slayer is exiting the ring she takes a second to
look at Grant, then look at the crowd with a "gee, what should I do?"
look on her face before stomping the living bejeezus out of Grant.
Slayer gets to them and grabs Grant and lays him out on a table, face
first, while holding his arms down.  Lilith then proceeds to whip him
with the cat-o-nine tails and Grant is screaming like a 6 year old
girl!  LeFebvre starts to get himself together in the ring and looks
over at the scene going on outside the ring.  Slayer and Lilith both
take a second to shoot stares back at him and he passes flat out in the
ring to the laughing cheers of the crowd.  Slayer decides that this is
enough and picks Grant up off of the table, hoists him up and chokeslams
him down, through the table and gets the pin.

**** Winner:  "Slayer" Mark Davidson ****

Right after the bell rings LeFebvre jumps up and bolts back to the
dressing area.  Slayer and Lilith climb back into the ring to address
the crowd.

[Slayer] Handicap match, huh?  I think that those guys can qualify for
some handicap plates on their cars now.

(crowd pop)

[Slayer]  Oh, damn did that get me going!  Parker!  Sloan! I am so ready
to take you down that long road to hell I can barely stand it.  This
little dance tonight will seem like a Girl Scout camp out after the
train wreck I put you two through.

Hell is coming to town boys…

Be ready…

Be scared…

Be damned sure you have your insurance paid up…

   Slayer then raises the bat in the air to a crowd pop and the pair
exits the ring.

COMMENTS:  Davidson seems to be getting a nice push by the EWC, and he
deserves it.  I'm not a hardcore fan, but this match had me up and
cheering.  Parker, Sloan and Davidson will be an excellent 3 way match,
as long as the EWC decided not to use the DoA that night. For once, I'd
like to see a main event match that doesn't end in some sort of
screwjob..a nice, clean pin is much needed right now.

The the scene changes to the ending of Siouxnami/Monroe vs.
Curtis/Beyond Our Control brawl from last week, which allows the segue
to ...

SIOUXNAMI versus The Pendragons

Siouxnami came down to the ring lookingly sickeningly intense in all
senses of the word.  They were very methodical is their pre-match
preparation, gathering themselves and executing their pre-match tribal
ritual very carefully.  The Pendragons thought they would take the
opportunity to take advantage of Siouxnami being distracted during their
ritual, and they both attacked with respective dropkicks, sending Bull
flying out of the ring.
   They whipped Horse into the ropes, executing a well-oiled
drop-toehold legdrop combo, before SInclair went to eh apron, leaving
Nick Hawk against Crazy Horse.  Hawk stayed on top on his much bigger
foe with a flurry of quick kicks and forearms, but Horse's power was
simply way too much for his overmatched opponent.  After hitting a quick
clothesline and shoulder tackle to take control. High spots of his
systematic attack on Hawk included a lightning fast Gory Special driver,
an over-rotated powerbomb into falling reverse powerbomb, and what could
best be described as an electric chair tombstone piledriver - all
exceuted with sharp precision.

However, as Horse went for a top rope vertical earthquake, Hawk grabbed
for the ropes, crothcing the big man on top.  Hawk hit a lunging blow
that knocked Horse down off the ropes and allowed for Hawk to grab a tag
to Sinclair.  The well-rested Pendragon came in like a house of fire,
hitting everything in sight.  Horse went to the outside to retreat after
being hit by a nice cross body block, leaving SIinclair to unload on
Bull.  Sinclair went to the well one to many times though, as he went
for another cross body block but got caught instead with a vicious
gorilla press thrown into a powerbomb by Bull.  From that point on it
was all Siouxnami.  Bull hit a TKO ribbreaker with lightning fast
execution, that he immediately followed up with a ballbuster brainbuster
that almost ripped the Pendragons head off.  And if it were still
attached to his body at that point, after a high elevation
leapoing head claw slam, it wasn't anymore.  After schooling the him for
a minute or two, Bull tossed his opponent to the outside at which point
all hell broke loose.

As Monroe was distracted the ref with his usual nonsense in one corner,
Bull laid the boots to Sincliar, as Horse pulled Hawk off the apron and
rammed him head first into the stairs.  At that point Siouxnami totally
snapped, going for the kill.....seemingly literally.  Bull sprawled out
a hapless Sinclair and buried him under the steel stairs with only his
head still remaining visible.  Sinclair, who was in no position to fight
out from under them, had no choice to sit and wait as Bull took the
timekeeper's bell and went on to the apron before jumping off and
totally smashing Sinclair in the face.  In the meanwhile, Horse was
doing a ton of damage on Hawk as well, as he smashed his head into the
concrete floor with a crippling inverted DDT off of the apron.

The totally helpless Hawk was dragged back into the ring for two massive
double teams in a row.  First he was absolutely leveled with a huge
backdrop driver spiked by a modified piledriver.  Then, Siouxnami became
totally possessed and looked like they were ready for the kill. 
Siouxnami pointed their respective fists towards each other horizontally
and then flexed showing off their tribal markations in the center of the
ring, before quickly dispersing and executing their final double team
before you could even blink.  Bull put Hawk up in to a spinning reverse
giant swing, as Horse absolutely planted him with a top
rop axe kick/legdriver DDT, slamming him into a reverse powerbomb.  It
was indeed Hawk's "Last Stand."  1, 2, 3.

**** Winners:  Siouxnami ****

COMMENTS:  Ok ... why was this jobber match 10 minutes long?  Did
Siouxnami really NEED these two poor guys to sell for them in these
tough moves?  Heck, I'd give the Pendragons a raise for doing this
match.  It's a lot easier taking the pain than giving it.  Still,
Siouxnami looked impressive in this match.  Mostly.

Murder, Inc vs. VENOM w/ Poisonous Pete McGee

    After VENOM came out to their normal booing (they still draw fairly
good heat off of their previous push), Murder, Inc. come down to a
seriously lower degree of heel reaction than normal.  Haynes and
Spinelli have always drawn a degree of approval from the workrate fiends
and draw a bit more of a cheer out of the crowd when Haynes points out a
young lady in the front row holding up a sign that reads "Make me an
offer..." to Spinelli and he turns around just in time for her to flip
it over to the back which reads "...I CAN'T refuse!".  Spinelli laughs,
removes his sunglasses, and tosses the souvenir to the young lady before
entering the ring.  After the referee's instructions, Spinelli starts
off against Arsenic.  On the initial lock-up, Arsenic powers the smaller
Spinelli to the rope and tries a punch on the break, but Spinelli ducks,
goes behind, and hits a quick belly-to-back.  Trying to lock-up with
Spinelli again, Arsenic instead gets kicked in the gut and then nailed
by a Switchblade Suplex.  Spinelli then pulls Arsenic up and hits a
series of 3 release German suplexes followed by a belly to back suplex
with a bridge for the three-count at 1:16 as Haynes cuts off Cyanide
from the rescue with a missile dropkick.  After the relatively quick
bell, a short brawl ensues with Spinelli and Haynes working over VENOM
in opposite corners with a series of kicks, chops, and punches until
McGee enters the ring with a steel chair only to get become the meat in
a sandwich as Murder, Inc. whip both members of Venom into him before
leaving the ring.

---Winners:  MURDER, INC. ---

COMMENTS:  Ok, a decent squash match. Short, sweet and to the point, and
still getting Murder Inc. over.  I enjoyed this one much more than the
Siouxnami one.  Now, Siouxnami is talented, but we didn't need 10
minutes of squash to prove it. 

(Camera opens on El Militar de Furia in the locker room area, finishing
lacing his black mask...)

"Nassir, I have had it up to here with you!  We wrestled an extremely
good match in the preliminary rounds for the Light Heavyweight Title
tournement.  I almost had an ounce of respect for you.  But after your
cowardly attack, the fury is once again racing through my veins. 
Nassir, I am going to show you how hot it can get in the ring.  Like we
say in Mexico, 'tu has cruzado la linea, y ahora, necesitas pagar!"  For
my people and for my heritage, and for the fans out there, I will take
you down, this time, there will be a winner mi amigo.

And as for Chris Monroe...I have watched your matches on tape from your
days as the 'Cavity', and Chris, let me tell you something....I don't
take novacaine when I get drilled...I endure the pain and it makes me
stronger...Monroe...whatever you are planning to do, however crazy you
want to get...I'll match you, and then up you, two fold.  Yo te mostrare
como yo convengo loco.  This will surely be a match to remember..."

(fade out as Furia makes his way out of the locker room....)

Militar de Furia vs.  Chris Monroe (w/Siouxnami)

This was a fairly standard but quick match.  Militar gets an early
advantage, Monroe nails an over the head face first powerbomb out of a
huracanrana attempt by Furia, which looks VERY nice.  Monroe
controls the pace for another minute or two, going for more power
oriented stuff than high flying material.  Furia with a couple of
punches to the stomach, tries for a clothesline, but Monroe converts
into a "rock bottom" move.

	Monroe goes for an X-factor facebuster, but Furia bounces back to his
feet, no-sells the move, then hits a sliding dropkick to send Monroe
back first outside the ring. Furia hits a plancha sending Monroe into
the steel(which got the crowd QUICKLY to their feet), followed by a chop
and a backdrop.  Furia back into the ring, goes for the springboard
clothesline, but Monore moves and Furia hits the steel throat first. 
Monroe climbs to the top as Sitting Bull throws Furia back into the
ring. One reverse shooting star press later and Monroe is the victor,
one two three.


Postmatch, Monroe and Siouxnami pound on Furia for a bit, when from out
the back Beyond Our Control rushes out to a nice pop, and clears the
ring.  Monroe and his cronies rush to the back, but Furia seems to be on
his feet pretty quickly.
