Power Supply  vs.  Children of Apocalypse

["When Worlds Collide" by Powerman 5000 cuts on as blue and purple lights
hit the runway--the fans are quick to jeer.  Zach and Dan Rierson step
through the curtains, Zach still holding the bag from last week, stare
menacingly at the fans, and then make their way towards the ring.]

And here come the hottest young team in wrestling today.  I may wonder
about what's going on in their heads sometimes but once they are in the
ring these two are amazing.  

For once I will agree with you one hundred percent.  These two have taken
the mean streak that Sebastian Sloan instilled in them and added a solid
mixture of suicidal dives and power movees.

This is the second time tonight that Dan's competed.  Do we think this is
going to be a problem Greg?

Possibly, but I don't think so.  Dan entered the rumble late, was wearing
heavy padding, and didn't absorb too much damage.  If they were fighting
any other duo I'd pick them to win in a heartbeat--BUT the team they're
going against are the future North American tag team champions.

["El Phantasmo and the Chicken Run Blastorama" by White Zombie burst onto
the loud speakers next and the fans' jeers only got louder.  Jon Owens and
Curtis "C-Jack" Stone came down the runway talking strategy and totally
ignoring the fans.  Dan and Zach made a few threatening guestures and faked
a charge, but Power Supply would have none of it--they just laughed it off.]

It was a nice effort there by the Riersons but Owens and Stone are way too
wily and experienced to allow a few taunts to get under their skin.  Can't
fault the guys for trying though.

I'm getting excited just waiting for these four to square off.  After
having to sit through some of the dreadful buffoons I've seen tonight I
deserve to call a match where everyone involved is technically proficient
and has that necessary edge.


Dan and C-Jack starting things out in this one as referee Mason Crow tells
them to get it on.  Stone goes to lock up but Rierson catches him with a
knee to the stomach and now a double axehandle to the back.  Handful of
hair helps drive Stone down to the canvas.

That was right in front of Crow and he's just standing their and smiling.
You get the feeling that he's going to let anything and everything go
tonight.  That's just going to make this one even more interesting.

Dan quick to the mat with a forearm to the head. And now another, he's
really moving with purpose in there.  Rierson sends Stone to the ropes,
catches him with a boot to the stomach and sends him crashing to the mat
with an implant DDT.

It'll be interesting to see what kind of strategy each team employs in
there.  Given the participants you'd have to suspect a focused, power
submission based attack--but with Zach's presence things always have the
potential to get a bit crazy.

Dan comes off the ropes and slides foot first into Stone's head, knocking
it into the first turnbuckle.  Now he back up, takes a run, leaps and
drives a knee into Curtis' head.  Very methodical, focused, attack so far.

Sound strategy by the Riersons--you can always go after the head no matter
what game you're playing.

The larger brother grabs Stone's body again and makes the tag to Zach.
Stone is lifted high into the air and brought back to the mat with a stiff
brainbuster.  Zach follows with a somersault twisting senton splash!!!


TWO......................excellent teamwork here...................

Stone gets a foot on the bottom rope!

Close call for Power Supply.  Children of Apocalypse haven't given them a
chance to breathe since the match got underway.  I am extremely impressed
with their relentlessness.

Zach sends Stone to the ropes, he waits for him, back drop toss and Zach
SPIKES HIM on the way down!!!  He is extremely innovative.  Zach runs
towards the ropes but Owens is behind him and he flattens him with a big
elbow smash from behind.

You have to appreciate that kind of teamwork from a duo that's only in
their third match.  

Owens tags in and he locks on an abdominal stretch complete with the hooked
leg.  Stone comes off the ropes and drives a boot into the ribs.  On impact
Owens releases by nailing a hiptoss driver.

Now we'll see if the Riersons are ready to get as good as they give.  We
should see the pace of the match slow down considerably as Power Supply
lives up to their namesake.

Owens picks Zach up on his shoulders, walks over to the neutral corner and
executes a modified ribbuster using the buckle in lieu of his own knee.
Zach is now resting on the corner and Owens unleashes several kicks to the
stomach causing Zach to bounce up and down on the ropes.  The last kick
knocks Rierson off the buckles and into Owens arms--double hammerlock
suplex with a bridge.


TWO.....................Owens is like a killing machine in there............

Zach barely able to flip out of the bridge.

You look at Owens' face and even though it rarely shows much expression you
just know he's loving every second he's in there hurting somebody.  He's
very talented, but very unbalanced.

No arguments there.  Owens with a knee to Zach's kidneys and now he hurls
him stomach-first into the corner.  Rierson staggers backwards, Owens grabs
his arms but Zach struggles wildly.  He runs up the corner and flips over
for a quick cover but only gets one.

Wow!  Children of Apocalypse obviously have that asylum suplex of Owens'
well scouted since the second Owens went for those arms Zach started
flailing.  That's what watching the tape will get you.

Zach rolls towards his corner but Owens is able to catch him by the leg and
drag him back towards center ring.  Zach twists and rolls over but that's a
mistake since it leaves him open for a big knee to the stomach.  Now Owens
right on top of Zach, he rolls him over and unleashes several vicious
looking forearm smashes to the face.

That's one of the fastest ways to a broken nose I can think of.  At least
of the ways that don't involve metal or large stones.  Regardless, if his
nose swells up he's going to have a much tougher time breathing.

Owens picks the dazed Rierson up and seems to be going for a northern
lights suplex. He has Zach up but Rierson counters mid-air and is able to
pull off a sunset flip.  He only gets a one count before Owens able to kick

Nice counter, not as effective a counter as perhaps a swinging DDT, but it
still saved him the effect of the suplex.  Now let's see if he can do
anything to build on that.

Owens is still the more alert man in their so he picks Rierson up for a
scoop slam but Zach slips out the back and is able to hit a reverse DDT on
his way down.  And there's a tag to Dan!

Dan sends Owens to the ropes and picks him up for a side slam which Zach
spikes with a drop kick.  Dan covers...


TWO.......................the pendulum is swinging.................

TH-Owens is able to kick out!

This is the big advantage that the Riersons have.  They're brothers and
really know where the other one is at all times.  They need to keep
double-teaming and maximize that edge.

Dan picks up Owens and sets him up on the top rope...he has really been
taking a pounding in there and needs to make a tag badly.  Dan climbs up
after Owens, quick shot to the stomach doubles him over--PILEDRIVER OFF THE


TWO...................that move could have broken Owens' neck................

Stone flies into the ring and yanks Dan off of Owens and in one motion
pivots and slams him with a reverse powerbomb!  OW!!!

What intensity from all four men!  Crow is just letting them do what they
need to win--this is wrestling action at its best.

Dan is down so Owens is finally able to make the tag.  Zach isn't too happy
so he steps into the ring, but thinks better of it.  With both member of
Power Supply still in the ring that's a wise move as not to expose Dan to a
double team.

(the fans are suddenly distracted as the strange looking man from Lord of
the Rings is once again wandering through the crowd with a sign reading
"God help us all!  THEY'RE coming back!!!")

Who the hell is that guy and what on earth is he referring to?  I know the
EWC roster and there haven't been any new signings that I know of.  Good,
security is moving to take him away.  Weirdo.

I won't even address that.  Stone is now in the ring and he's been taking
it to Dan Rierson.  Dan's flung into the corner and Stone qucikly rocks him
with a leaping shoulder tackle.  That staggers Dan and Stone picks him up
and over his shoulder for a hanging backbreaker.

Once again the pace of the match is slowing down as Power Supply grinds
things to a halt.  Dan's probably a bit too big and too rested to stay in
this move for too long.

C-Jack must agree as he spins and then turns the hanging backbreaker into a
falling powerbomb.  


TWO........................nice adjustment by Stone who is really


Crow stops the count as some idiotic fan just tossed one of those balls of
slime you can buy in the store into the ring and onto Stone's back.
Security better find the fans and beat him to a pulp.

Fans, no one is ever beaten by EWC security.  However, those throwing
objects towards the ring risk injuring the wrestler and other fans, so they
will be promptly ejected.

It came from Power Supply's side of the ring but they're not having any
luck finding him.  Stone's gotten the slime off his back and he's taking
his frustration out on Dan with stiff kicks to the stomach.  They had the
match won.

You can't be certain but it sure seemed that way.  Owens puts up his boot
and Dan is pressed into the air and dropped head first onto it.  Man, for
teams with no real beefs with one another they're really killing eachother.

When a shot at gold is on the line even the closest of friends will beat on

C-Jack has Dan's arm and he whips him back into the ropes...Curtis lifts
him up and shoves him into the air--OW!!!  Stone didn't move far enough
back so Dan's head smacked right into his.  Both me are down and not moving.

Both men could have concussions--that was really awkward looking.  It's
amazing but we're well past the midway point this match and neither team
has any advantage right now.

Both men slowly beginning to stir as they crawl to their corners.  Stone
able to tag in Owens but Dan follows with a tag to Zach seconds later!!!
Owens charges with clothesline but Zach ducks and leaps onto his back for a
crucifix, but Owens shifts his weight and nails a modified samoan drop.

Owens is one of the most underrated wrestlers today.  All that time in
Japan left him well versed in things most american wrestlers have never seen.

Rierson picked up off the mat and there are more knees driven into the

It doens't matter which brother is in there, Power Supply is intent on
attacking the midsection and lower back.  Logical given their repetoires.

Owens with a wicked overhead belly to belly suplex that shook the mat.  

Zach is really taking a pounding in there.  He needs to pull out something

Owens sends Zach to the ropes  he charges, Zach rolls under a spinning
knife edge attempt, Zach comes off the ropes and connects with a leg lariat
that sends both men over the top rope and to the arena floor!!!

(the crowd got loud for that spot)

Things are about to get even more interesting and very dangerous.

Zach grabs Owens' head and smashes it into the ring steps.  Now he snap
suplexes Owens to the floor, repositions the stairs, charges up them and
connects with a frog splash!!!

Notice that Crow hasn't started counting.  I told you he was going to let
this get really intense.

Stone has had enough and he comes off the apron and goes to grab a steel
chair.  Dan isn't about to let that happen so he runs across the apron and
flies towards Stone. C-Jack was ready and he catches him mid-air with a
side kick and now a chair shot to the back.

(while they don't like any of these men, the fans are really hot)

This is shocking--the fans actually appreciating talent.

Zach has Owens up against the steel divider and he's pounding away.  Now he
grabs a chair from one of the fans and goes to hit Owens.  

WHAT IS THIS!?!  ANOTHER fan just reached out and grabbed the steel chair
from Zach and now he dumps a soda on his head!!!  This is absurd!!!  The
fan is now running away from the seats as security chases him.  What are
they serving tonight?

This is a bit odd.  Zach is infuriated and that distraction has given Owens
the time he needs to grab a chair of his own and drive it into Rierson's

Even when he's on the floor Owens is still continuing his focused attack.

On the other side of the ring Stone goes to send Dan into the post but Dan
reverses and Stone reverses that again and nearly decapitates Dan with a
clothesline.  Now Dan lifted back up and spinebustered onto the ring
apron--eesh that was ugly looking.

And Crow is just standing in the ring allowing the two teams to rip into
eachother. That's a good thing too because I can't imagine this ending in a
double countout would go over too well.

Owens grabs Zach and goes to toss him back into the ring but Zach drives an
elbow into Owens stomach, now a low blow.  Zach hops onto the apron,
springs off the ropes and back flips ONTO OWENS and takes him down with a
head scissors!!!  WHAT A MOVE!!!

(the fans loved that one)

Owens was trying to move the match back into the ring where he's more
comfortable but Zach was having none of that.  When you're Children of
Apocalypse you learn to thrive on insanity.

Stone able to send Dan back into the ring but he stays on the floor and
heads towards Zach and Owens.  Zach with a standing drop kick that sends
Owens back into the ring stairs.  But here comes Stone with a running
shoulder tackle from behind that sends Zach sprawling to the floor.

Nice save by Stone who has really taken charge in these later stages of the
He throws Zach back into the ring as well.  Once he sees that Owens is
getting up he heads back in as well.  Here comes Dan though bell clap onto

Not a very good move there.  He had personally sent both his opponents into
the ring ahead of him.  He had to figure one of them would be waiting for
his return to the ring.

Dan picks up Stone in a fireman's carry and orders Zach up to the top rope.
 C-Jack is spun around and driven to the floor with a coptor bomb!  Zach
flies off the top with a leg drop.


TWO........................what a crisp double team....................

THR--Owens able to grab Zach's leg from the floor and save the match for
his team.

That was close.  Stone is lucky that Owens was finally able to collect
himself.  Now he just has to find a way back into the ring.

He's on the apron.  Zach goes to grab Owens but he gets caught with a palm
to the throat.  Now Owens grabs the top rope and hits a slingshot shoulder
block.  He covers but even Crow won't count since he's not the legal man.

I hate to bring this up since I personally would love this one to go on
forever, but both teams need to be aware that they are getting precariously
close to the thirty minute time limit alloted to the semi-final matches.  

And if the time limit expires?

I'm thinking, hoping, that Crow would be flexible enough to give them an
overtime period so we could have a definitive winner.

Owens tags in legally as Dan tries to encourage Zach to make a tag as well.
 I think he's still a bit dazed since he turns towards Owens instead of his

That or he's just refusing to stop fighting.

Zach charges and leaps forward for a somersault kick but Owens side-steps
and grabs the leg in mid air he falls with a leg drop right adding to the
pressure and now he immediately applies an ankle lock.

This slows the pace down again and will help ground Zach from attempting
future high risk moves.  If this comes down to wrestling in the ring I have
to like Power Supply's chances more than ever.

Zach is screaming but he won't quit.  He's slowly inching towards his
corner as Dan stretches out as far as he can.  Stone doesn't like what he
sees so he runs into the ring and pulls the duo away from the Children's

If Crow is going to allow stuff like that things are going to fall apart in
a really hurry.

Dan seems to interpret it that way as he charges into the ring and hits a
leaping elbow onto Owens to break the hold.  That draws Stone back into the
ring but Dan's there to cut him off with several stiff blows to the side of
the head.  Clothesline send Stone to the floor and Dan follows.

This is going to get really ugly fast.  If I were Dan I would have stayed
in the ring to make sure Zach can work on that ankle.

Owens is up and he goes to pick Zach up, but Zach with an inside cradle!


TWO......................Owens uses his weight to shift the pin.........


TWO........................excellent counter move.....................

Zach is just able to break free!

(the fans are all on their feet now)

Neither man on the floor has any idea what's going on inside the ring right
now.  Stone sees Dan advancing with a chair but he saves himself by kicking
the chair right into Rierson's face!  Now he tackles Dan to the arena floor!!!

We're down to three minutes Greg.  Owens sends Zach to the ropes but his
ankle gives and Zach just falls straight down.  Owens swoops down on him
only to get caught with a jawbreaker and now a tomikaze!


TWO.......................Zach was playing possum.....................

THR-Owens gets his foot under the bottom rope!!!

Man, I haven't seen a match with such competitive intensity in a long time.
 My biggest concern is that whichever team advances will be in no shape to
fight in a spin the wheel match as Hardcore Homecoming.

That is the risk you take with these tournaments.  On the floor, Dan
manages to block a piledriver attempt and backdrop his way to freedom and
now a desperation DDT onto Stone.  Meanwhile, Zach is waiting for Owens to
get up and he charges--OWENS CATCHES HIM--FALLAWAY SLAM and Owens goes
right for the STF!!!

Having retired Roker Showtime, Owens is certainly the master of that move.
They're at mid-ring and Crow is down checking for the submission. 


IT'S DOWN always I'm going to be right on with my


(hot, hot crowd)

Just under a minute and a half remaining.  Dan pulls Zach to his feet and
slaps him in the face to try and refocus him.  Dan grabs Owens and sets for
a powerbomb--up he goes and Zach spikes it with the neckbreaker--FULL


TWO..........................this HAS to do it.......................

THRE--NOOOOOOOO Stone just grabbed Crow from the floor to save the match.

[PA System]
One minute minute...

This is unreal, which one of these teams is going to be able to pull this
match out!?!  All of the men have to be going on nothing more than
adrenaline right now.

Dan goes to intercept Stone but C-Jack graps a handful of tights and
catapults him through the ropes and back to the floor.  Zach has Owens and
he leaps onto the second rope and springs back off but Owens counteres
mid-air and plants him with a belly to back suplex!!!

Another incredible counter as Zach once again shows the perils of living
and dying by the suicidal move.  Lucky for him Dan is already climbing back
into the ring.  Stone cuts him off though head ram into the ring post and
Dan is then thrown back into the ring.

[PA System]

Owens waiting for Zach to stand up--he comes up behind him and grabs the
arms, this is the Asylum suplex, Power supply is going to end it--WAIT!!!
As Owens started to lift, Zach ran the ropes, broke free and hopped onto


TWO..........................what a tremendous ending this would


(the fans are going crazy)

Thank God this is almost over.  I don't know how much more of it I can
take.  Both teams have to be in desperation mode right now.


Zach gets to his feet but he turns around and gets rocked by a leaping
clothesline by Stone.  C-Jack sets Zach onto the top rope.  Does he have
time for this?  He follows up after him--HIJACKER super spinebuster!!!


TWO..................................what power..........................


[PA System]

Dan gets up and Owens charges--DOUBLE CLOTHESLINE!!!

All four men look exhausted, they have to be really careful to fight off
the fatigue and not make any mistakes.  Stone is the only one moving at all.

(suddenly two fans in street clothes, ball caps, and glasses come leaping
over the divider and start running around the ring drawing Crow's attention)

WHAT IS THIS!?!  They have to be the two imbeciles from earlier are now
they're running around the ringside area--GET THEM OUT OF THERE!!!

Crow is trying to, but they're not listening, they're throwing candy out to
the fans!



[PA System]
Ladies and Gentlemen, the time limit has expired!!!

(they are NOT pleased)

Those two moronic fans distracted Crow long enough to cause a draw.  Where
is security!?!

Wait a second...those "FANS" are taking off their hats and glasses--it's
the WAVERUNNERS!!!  And they've been the ones harassing both teams
throughout the match.

(the fans pop somewhat when they realize who it is)

How dare they!!!  Those two definitely have too much salt water in their
brains.  They just ruined the end of this spectacular match.

All four men are up and, despiie being groggy, they're livid and demanding
another five minutes.

Rightfully so.  The Waverunners screwed them all.  Thankfully, Crow seems
to be nodding in agreement.

[PA System]
Referee Mason Crow has decided that we will now have a five minute overtime
period to determine a winner.  There will first be a thirty second rest

(big pop)

Greg, I don't think that's going to happen.  

Why not?

No one has taken care of the Waverunners at ringside. They just pulled two
bodyboards out from under the ring and they're charging into the ring.
INCOMING!!! Greg and Mark each on separate sides of the ring and they
springboard in slamming those boards into Dan and Stone respectively.  Now
a double drop kick on Owens and a double super kick on Zach.  ALL FOUR MEN

(the crowd is deafening)

THIS IS DISGUSTING!!!  Why are they out here to ruin a perfectly good match!?!

They have issue with both teams Greg but I think the main reason is now
becoming apparent.  Look, the Runners have just trapped Mason Crow in the
corner and he's begging for his life.

They have no right to be angry with him.  He was just doing his job last
week!  If they couldn't follow the rules and kept ignoring Crow, then he
was certainly allowed to ignore them.

Well, they don't seem to see things that way.  Crow blasted on the top rope
and the Runners come back with a DOUBLE SUPERPLEX off the top!  And here
comes Riker, VENOM, Great Job and Ned Nerdlinger along with a whole heap of
officials!!!  I suspect Greg and Mark are looking at a stiff fine.

(everyone is up and screaming--there's a big mix of cheers and some jeers)

I am appalled.  I've just gotten word that the official decision of a draw
stands and both teams have been eliminated from the tournament.  Sigh.  The
Waverunners may be riding high now, but they've got four furious, deadly,
men coming for them and I for one want a front seat when it's pay back time.

**DRAW, 20:00, both team eliminated**

What this means is that our main event tonight, the STEEL CAGE match
between Murder Inc. and Beyond Our Control is now for the North American
Tag Team Titles.  What a development!!!

We're going to take a minute for the ring to be cleared, the cage set up,
and me to recover from an overwhelming sense of nausea.

When we return--new champions are crowned!!!

[Voice Over]
One man has been lost for several weeks...

(scenes of Fuego battered and bruised spliced with shots of a rain forest)

The other has lost his mind...

(Grendel jumping Fuego and then fireballing Crazy Horse)

Both have pushed the other to the edge and far beyond....

(stills from Hot Summer Nights)

So now they put their fate in the hands of one object...a spinning wheel...

(scenes of a spinning wheel are interspersed with images of cages, fire,
barbed wire, etc.)

At Hardcore Homecoming Ernie Grendel and Fuego will battle for the EWC
World Heavyweight Championship in a SIXTY MINUTE, WHEEL OF TORTURE,
One man will walk away champion, the other will be lucky just to be walking.

