
>>*"Funeral March" comes on over the speakers, and the fans give a somewhat lukewarm

We're back, folks, and we've got a TV title rematch on the line here, although
as we saw earlier tonight, "Nuclear" Nick Duncan is going into this match with
very little backup.

What, then, would you call Death Machine Crimson?  He certainly seemed to be effective
backup when he laid out Curtis Stone earlier tonight!  He's got more backup than Curtis
Stone had...unless you count Jon "I Used to be Death Machine Crimson" Owens.

It has been documented that DMC was Owens' alias when he worked for Futuristic Gladiatorial
Wrestling several years ago, but that does NOT mean that Jon Owens is the man currently
behind the mask.  And *WHOEVER* Death Machine Crimson is, he'll have all he can handle
in Dr. Destructo if he chooses to go that route.

>>*"Fuel" by Metallica comes on and the fans boo loudly*<<

And that's the music of Nuclear Nick, but...folks, can we get backstage for a second...


That's Jon Owens!!! Owens just ran Nick Duncan's head into the concrete wall!!!

Uh.....am I missing something here?  

So much for your theory of Jon Owens being DMC, and Owens now...DEAR GOD, RELEASED 
GERMAN SUPLEX THROUGH A REFRESHMENTS TABLE, and Duncan screaming as an entire urn of hot
coffee was spilled over his body on impact!!!!  Owens now having to be pulled off of
Duncan by officials...meanwhile, Destructo is in the ring just watching all of this!!

But what I don't understand here is, if Owens *ISN'T* Death Machine Crimson...where *IS*
Death Machine Crimson?  Why isn't he helping out Duncan?

Folks, Tony Strange, one of our officials, is coming out to talk to the referee.  Obviously,
Nick Duncan is in no shape to compete tonight, and...am I...yes, the referee is raising 
Dr. Destructo's hand.

WINNER: Dr. Destructo, via forefeit.  0:00

You know, I love all of Curtis Stone's talk of being a changed man.  Everyone who saw
that farce knows that Stone hasn't changed a bit, ordering a hit on Nick Duncan.

John, for all you know, Owens may have decided to get some back on his own.  Remember the
tag team match they had awhile back?  They didn't really gel together *then*, and now
you and the folks at home may have just seen the end of the Power Supply as we know it.
We will be back after this!

-Only one thing kills one in 3 people that use it.  Tobacco.
-Come into TGI Fridays for the Jack Daniels grill.
-RollerCoaster Tycoon for the PC, and now - Corkscrew Follies expansion pack
-EWC IMPACT for the Sega Dreamcast.  Over 40 EWC superstars of today *plus* Grim Weibaq,
	"Suicidal" Sean Altman, the Savages, and 20 other legends of the EWC

["Fire on High" blared out over the speakers and "Icebreaker" Torvald
Reikkersen, snazzily dressed in ice-blue slacks, a white shirt
and shades, and "Bad" Brad Watkins, tastefully decked in a rust colored Armani
suit, appeared at the head of the aisle.  They made their way ringside
pausing only to hand a few t-shirts out to their fans on the way.]

		What are these two doing out here?  I thought they were filming
		another Frozen Hell direct-to-video masterpiece!

	 Hey, they wanted to say goodbye to their fans!

		All 12 of them?  E-mail's cheaper.

Hey there, EWC.  The coolest and hottest pair ever to walk that
aisle have some good news and bad news.  Shall we give them the
good news first?

With pleasure.  Frozen Hellions!  Frozen Hell 6 is a done deal.  (pause for
miniscule cheering)

Thanks to each and every one of you, the studio picked up the sixth installment
in the hottest movie franchise going today.  All those cards, letters, and
billions of t-shirts you bought made the execs take notice and after some
rigorous negotiations, they met our price.

We couldn't let you down, could we?  (Brad stalks around waving his hands in the
air to attempt to rally the Hellions)

Which means the bad news is only bad for you!  For us, it's even more
good news.  We're off to shoot the new film, so you will be deprived of
the Man, whoo!

And the Badder-Man!

[Reikkersen and Watkins gave a wave to the crowd, and then got swarmed by a bevy
of Frozen Hell-memorabilia-wearing women   A mass of humanity unseen since 
Beatlemania made its way back through the curtain.]

 OK, I take it back.  They have 24 fans.

 Hey, there were 12 of the millions of females who live and die for
	Frozen hell out there.

 Like I said, 24 fans.  Now please tell me we have a match to go to...

Bwwwwwwwwbabaladaladabadaboop...I'M THE SCAT-MAN!!!


>>*"Scatman" by Scatman John comes on as the fans get motivated*<<

And we're about to have the second match tonight in the Light Heavyweight Iron Man
Tournament, a rematch from last week.

And if I were Simon Sanders, I'd be wondering if I was going to walk out of this ring alive


Sanders then climbs up with Powers, fighting, until Sanders hooks the arm and hits a
single arm DDT from the top rope, which he immediately rolls over into the Duke.
Powers is *screaming* to the point where WP grabs his legs and yanks him over to the 
ropes.  WP turns around...and gets smacked right in the face with Vivian Sanders'
purse.  It only knocked him backward tho...right into a baseball slide dropkick
by Sanders that sends WP headfirst into the guardrail.  Sanders gets up and checks
on his momma from the ring...only to be bulldogged across the top rope by Powers,
slingshotting Sanders back.  Powers gets back on the apron and slingshots himself
onto the ropes for a springboard shooting star press (called the "Power Play" by
Cross) and the one...two...three.  

	After that *BLATANT* interference by that she-beast known as Vivian Sanders,
	Simon decided to stick his nose where it didn't belong, and it cost him,
	as Powers unveiled his new finisher, the "Power Play", to take out "12 Step"
	Simon Sanders.


Well, last week, Sanders was distracted by Mike Powers' newest stooge, "Mr. WP", who has
a lot of the internet buzzing as to if he actually is who he's making people *think* he

>>*"Break Stuff" by Limp Biskit comes on and the crowd boos LOUDLY*<<

Oh come on, spit it out.  You're talking about Wanto Parker, a man who had a reputation
in both the EWF and the KWF/AWA as being tough as nails, a survivor of wrestling's only
"acid rain" match.  Are you trying to tell me that THAT is "Mr. WP"?  JUST because they
share the same initials?  I admit, it would be a great thing for Star Power to have that
kind of star in their midst, but COME ON NOW.

Speaking of Star Power, they're on their way out here now, but Powers is telling them
to go back, and now he's headed down here on his own.  I guess he was serious about
taking Sanders on himself.

Powers doesn't need his friends to take out this washed-up drunk.

Are you or anyone else ever going to let that go?  Sanders, folks, just got his one year
sobriety chip from AA, and hasn't TOUCHED the stuff in over a year!  Alcoholism is never
truly "cured", but he's certainly got it under control...and look at the staring match
between Sanders and Powers, Sanders, dear God, it's like a man possessed...

This starts off with a center-ring brawl - Sanders doing hard chops across the chest, 
Powers firing back with rights, neither man giving an inch until Powers kness Sanders
in the gut, axehandles him in the back, then does a punt kick to the stomach that doubles
"Silky Smooth" over in pain.  He picks Sanders up for a gutwrench salto, then tries the
Asai moonsault, but Powers gets his knees up on Sanders.  Sanders gets up, forearms 
Powers in the jaw, then sends him to the ropes for a backdrop.  Powers lands on his
feet, but Sanders instinctively does a Dusty-style mulekick right to Powers' nads.
Referee Mason Crow immediately gives Sanders a warning, but he brushes it off.

Sanders grabs Powers into a hammerlock, turning it into a hammerlock suplex that
lands RIGHT onto the shoulder of Powers.   Sanders grabs the arm and drops three fast
knees in succession to the shoulder of Powers before grabbing Powers by the arm and his
hair and yanking him into center ring, then locking on a wakigatame armbar.

		That armbar, created by Herb Kunze of the tag team Ready to Rumble,
		has been a submission mainstay for a long time both here and overseas,
		and right now Powers is in trouble early.
		Not for long tho, we've got company.

>>*Crowd shows their very loud displeasure as Lanny Hawkins (w/Tiffany and Amber) and
Mr. WP walk onto the stage to watch.*<<

		I knew it!!! I knew that Powers would have his little henchmen nearby.

		First of all, there's NOTHING little about Lanny Hawkins.  SECOND,
		how do you know Powers knows about this?  They're not mindless drones!
		They could have come out here on their own!!

		Powers finally getting to the ropes here, as Sanders kicks at that
		arm again, then tries grabbing the arm...Powers grabs Sanders by the
		trunks and tosses him outside!  That'll break Sanders' attention..
		BASEBALL SLIDE DROPKICK by Powers sends Sanders back first into the
		steel ring divider!!!
		Powers is using what he has available to him to keep Sanders off of him
		long enough to work that arm off.

		Powers is up now as Sanders is getting to his fe...LORD ALMIGHTY, 

		That was very similar to Bill Curtis' Baseball Tornado DDT, only Powers
		came at him from through the second rope rather than under the bottom one!!


Powers was first to his feet, laying kicks on the back of the now-kneeling Sanders.  He 
stops long enough to yell at a rather portly woman at ringside, which was a big mistake
as Sanders lands his second low blow of the evening.  Sanders gets to his feet and whips
Powers shoulder first into the steel ringpost, then follows it up by slamming the arm
against the post.  He then picks up top of the ringsteps and sandwiches Powers' arm
against the ringpost once, then twice.  Powers' face is a mask of pain as Sanders
throws Powers back into the ring.

In the ring, Sanders smacks the taste out of Powers' mouth before picking him up into an
Anderson-style bodyslam on the arm.  Cover, two count.  Sanders picks up Powers,
delivers a shoulderbreaker, then locks on the Duke.  

		Powers is in agony, as Sanders has the Duke locked on...oh, WHAT IS THIS!?!?

		Isn't it obvious?  Sanders is choking Powers with his leg, and Mr. WP has
		had enough and is about to inform the ref about it.

		to use, Semaphore flags!?!?

		You may have a point, that's why he's just helping Powers get to the ropes.
		This does, after all, have to stay fair.

	 You have a really interesting idea of fair.  Powers is on the ropes after
		WP literally DRAGGED him to the ropes, all of which was missed by the
		referee!  When is EWC going to fire this guy?

		Uh, when he does something wrong, which he hasn't?

		Sanders releases, then grabs back on and yanks him center ring...Powers
		with a kick to Sanders' face backs him up, Powers to his feet, low kick,
		middle kick, HARD roundhouse kick to the face, and Sanders just like
		that is stunned against the ropes.

Powers then climbs the ropes and jumps on Sanders' shoulders for a victory roll and a 2
count.  Powers nails a springboard leg lariat, then a legdrop for another two count.
Throughout all of this, Powers can be heard talking trash, insulting Simon's mom, etc.
Powers picks up Sanders, irish whips him one-armed into the corner, then hits another
low kick-mid kick combo as he comes out before running up the ropes to hit a "front
brain kick" to put Sanders on his back.  Powers then climbs the ropes and nails the
"Coup De'tat" skytwister moonsault on Sanders for the one....two....threNOT SO FAST.
Sanders gets a shoulder up to a big crowd pop.

Powers picks Sanders up, whips him to the ropes, and tries for a roaring elbow using
the good arm, but Sanders ducks it, and on the rebound they both collide in ring.
A slow getting up process ensues, but Powers gets to his feet a second before Sanders
does.  Powers goes for a suplex, blocked by Sanders.  He tries again, blocked again.
He tries for a kneesmash to the face, but Sanders blocks the knee, hooks it, and gets
off a fisherman's suplex on Powers for a two and a half count.  Sanders up first, backs
Powers to the ropes with two stiff chops to the chest, then NAILS Powers with a final
knife-edge that sends Powers over the ropes back first, causing Powers to be tangled
in the ropes.  Sanders then lays 10 hard chops to the chest of Powers (with the fans
counting along of course) before Powers can get free, leaving Powers' chest red and

Sanders sends Powers to the ropes, gets off a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker, then climbs to the 
top rope and pulls Powers up with him.  He hooks the arm and goes for a swinging single-arm
DDT right onto Powers' shoulder.

That swinging single-arm DDT just knoced Powers right out of his shoulder blades...and
Sanders now locking on the katahajime!!!! THIS is new from Sanders, as he tried for the
Duke earlier, maybe he's sick of leaving enough of Powers loose enough to get to the ropes!

The problem with this is that it's a blatant chokehold, and Mr. WP is pointing this out
to referee Mason Crow!!

DAMNIT!!!  Crow is too busy arguing with WP on the ring apron, Powers is in there tapping
like a fiend, and Crow isn't seeing it.  Sanders lets go of the hold, and goes over..and
shoves Crow out of the way to fire a hard chop to the face of Mr. WP.

That's abuse of an offical, I can't believe that Sanders is going to get away with...NO 

Mason Crow is calling for the bell!!!! Meanwhile, Sanders just yanked WP's throat down
across the top rope, and WP just took a Nestea Plunge right onto the concrete!!!!
But Crow has just disqualified "Silky Smooth", and is raising Powers' hand!!!

WINNER: Mike Powers, via DQ.  10:32

And Sanders is IRATE when he hears this...he takes a step towards the referee, but decides
to go after Powers instead - he locks the DUKE onto Powers, he's trying to break that

What a sore loser!!!  Sanders deliberately trying to injure...YES, Mr, WP in there, 
and now Lanny Hawkins is making his way down to ringside!

Waddling down to ringside, you mean...WP stomping away at Sanders, and now Lanny in
ring and doing the same...this is a three on one attack, this is sickening.

Hey, SANDERS was the one who took this past the bounds of wrestling and tried to 
injure the leader of Star Power...SANDERS is to blame for this.

Hawkins now climbing onto the top rope as WP holds Sanders down...dear god, that's 
nearly 400 POUNDS COME CRASHING DOWN IN THE BIG SPLASH!!!!  Powers is up now, and he's
just taunting him and spitting on him as he kicks at him. 

Now they've got Sanders' arm and Lanny is doing sit-down splashes on the arm!! This is 
pretty impressive teamwork on the part of Star Power.

This needs to be stopped, WP now latching on the Kunze armbar on Sanders while Powers
and Lanny just stomp away


Hawkins with that chair before the three of them bailed out!! But the damage is done,
Sanders is near unconscious in that ring, and Star Power is threatening Furia from the
ramp, Furia pointing to all three men.  Fans, the Main Event when we come back!

    Source: geocities.com/e_w_c_2000