{Cut to the back, where the camera is following Jon Owens and Curtis
Stone wandering through the hallways}

We're not gonna find him.

No, man, we have to find him -- look, I don't know why he's got a 
problem with me, but we have to get this straightened out.

{They come upon referee Ray Chapman, who's headed the other way.}

Hey there! Hey, have you seen Nick Duncan anywhere, man? We need to
find him, like fast.

{shrugs} Can't help you -- I haven't seen him.

OK, thanks anyhow ... man, where IS he? I can't believe he'd get
that mad.

OK, Stone, it's time to get back to focusing here ... you've got
a match of your own to worry about. You get back to the locker
room and get ready, and let me worry about finding Nick.

OK, Jon -- hey, and thanks for sticking up for me back there ...

{Stone turns and jogs off, leaving behind a suddenly more serious
looking Owens ...}


*MATCH 2*  THE PRESENCE vs. The Pendragons


		Folks, we are back, and we are joined by a new tag team that
		isn't so new.  The man known as Genesis in recent weeks now
		being called Hades, and is now entering as a team with his
		manager, Seth.

		Well, any moron knows that this was the team known as Heaven
		and Hell in the USeW several months ago...at least until 
		Heaven, aka Seth, suffered a VERY severe knee injury that many
		thought was career threatening.

		Well, he's here to wrestle, but judging from that monstrosity on
		his right leg, he's far from one hundred percent.  I have to question
		the sanity of Seth to come out and wrestle like this, ESPECIALLY
		against an up-and-coming tag team like the Presence.

Both men slid into the ring and went to work, Seth trading blows with
Nick Hawk, Hades going after Justin Sinclair. After Hades gorilla 
pressed Sinclair over the top and Hawk dropkicked Seth out of the ring,
the ref deemed Hades and Hawk the legal men.

Hades pretty much dominated the smaller Hawk, unloading on him with big 
rights. An attempted choke slam was reversed into an armdrag, though, 
and Hawk took the offensive, dropkicking the larger man up and over
the top rope. As he came off the far ropes, blind tagging Sinclair in
the process, he launched himself over the top rope in a plancha. 
Unfortunately for him, Seth was there, turning the move into a 
devastating bulldog on the outside. Before Sinclair could get over 
there, Hades had rolled back into the ring, and Seth was up to
the top rope. As Sinclair rolled in to beat the count, Seth came
off the top rope to the *concrete* with his "Grim Reaper" legdrop.

		And Sinclair DRIVEN into the concrete by that legdrop, that
		takes guts, using an injured leg to hurt someone.

		Well, I think you can be a bit braver when you've got "holy armor"
		surrounding the leg.  As much as that brace should be for protection,
		I have to wonder if having that heavy brace in the ring puts the
		Presence at an unfair advantage!

Meanwhile in the ring, Hades was putting the boots to the hurting
Sinclair. Letting him up only to hit him with a STIFF Spinebuster,
Hades was ready to finish it and did with his "Soul Reaper" double
underhook powerbomb.

Winners: The Presence by pinfall - 3:21

And an impressive start by the Presence, even though most of the ringwork was
carried by Hades tonight.

Hey, who won?  And Seth certainly did his damage out there.

Yeah, with the Armored Legdrop of Doom.  Nonetheless, they're going to be a team
to watch in the.....I'm being told there's something else going on in the back...

(The camera opens on 'The Ace' Ty Kross walking down the hall with a bag 
 with "IV" on the side.  Kross walks into a room where John Sliver, VENOM, 
 and Bean Martinez are sitting at a table.) 
You sank my battleship, Bean! 
Hey... anyone available to tag with me against the Children of Apocalypse 
(All four wrestlers looked at Kross, then turned to each other and laughed) 
You must be loco, Kross.  Those guy are psychos and we don't get paid 
enough to go up against them. 
Besides... we all have matches signed. 
That's just great!  Do you guys know anyone available for a match? 
(A toilet flush can be heard as Neil Nerdlinger walks out of the bathroom, 
 stopping next to Ty Kross) 
Hey guys... who's got winner? 
(All of the wrestlers at the table point to Nerdlinger, as Kross quickly passes
 the bag with the "IV" monogram on it) 
Neil... ol' buddy, ol' pal.  Why don't you do you're buddy, Ty, a favor and 
put this gear on? 
Yeah, right!  I don't even like you. 
You better have the gear on when I get back or I'm gonna do more than 
sink your Battleship!  Comprende?!?!? 
(Kross walks out the door he entered as Zach and Dan enter from the other door) 
Neil, what do you think your doing?  Do you really want to get in the ring with 
us? Do you really want to put your life on the line with that loser Kross?
[Nerdlinger] *scared look*
He said he'd sink my Battleship if I don't, though.
We'll put it like this, Neil...would you rather we kick your ass, or you walk out 
of here, health intact, and with an extra $500?
(Zach whips out a wad of bills from his jeans pocket)
I don't know.
Son, I don't think you have a choice.  Come on, we'll tell ya what we're gonna do.
(Zach, Dan, and Neil go into a huddle as the camera goes to black)

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-RollerCoaster Tycoon for the PC, and now - Corkscrew Follies expansion pack
-The Powerpuff Girls, on Cartoon Network

(A lone cameraman catches Simon Sanders in the parking lot making his way
toward the wrestler entrance.)

Excuse me, Mr. Sanders, but you....

(Sanders raises a hand and the cameraman stops talking)

Save it, brutha.  Simon Sanders ain't a happy camper tonight.  Last time
out, I had a really REALLY bad day.  Curtis-man ducked an' ran befo'
givin' me da title shot I deserve, I end up losin' to dat Powuhs-punk,
an' da straw dat broke this camel's back.... he put his hands on my
mutha.  Powuhs, I dunno what yo' mama did ta you as a kid, but
apparently she didn't do enuf of it.  You didn't pick up no manners, an'
you definitely didn't pick up no respect.  So tonight, I'm gonna be yo'
daddy.  An' I *will* teach you yo' lesson in respect.  You *will*
swallow yo' ego, an' you *will* submit to yo' elders.  Dat's all I gotta

(Sanders shoves his way past the cameraman and enters the building)

MATCH #3: CURTIS STONE vs. Bean Martinez

Curtis came out to a combination of his usual "The House That 
Jack Built", and David Bowie's "Heroes", stopping several times on his
way to the ring to acknowledge fans along the aisle, even autographing
someone with a "C-Jack is Whack" poster. Entering the ring, he
offered a handshake to Martinez, who accepted it after a great deal
of reluctance.

The match began with a collar/elbow tieup, which Martinez got
the better of, moving into a standing armbar. Curtis broke out fairly
quickly, but walked into a couple of hip-tosses; when Martinez sent
him to the ropes, however, Stone was able to take the offense away
with a quick spear.

Stone then went to work with a mini-clinic of power moves,
scooping up Martinez for a bodyslam, then pressing him overhead and
slamming him back down again. Several stiff forearm shots and a
short-arm clothesline followed, and then a forward fallaway slam.
Stone seemed to think the match was a lock at this point,
pausing to try and get the crowd behind him after whipping Martinez 
into the ropes; the "Mexican Jumping" Bean made him pay for it with
a dropkick to the back of the head, then climbed up top as Stone
stood up, and caught him with a flying bodypress to pull a 1-count.

Stone rolled out of the ring as soon as he kicked out, only
to have Martinez catch him with a baseball-slide kick; after that,
however, Martinez's offense sputtered a bit, as he began a series
of chops that Stone matched him blow-for-blow on, eventually 
getting the better of the Mexican and scooping him up for a
backbreaker ... he then charged over to the railing and picked up
a spare steel chair, heading back to Martinez ... but he seemed to
think better of it, casting the chair aside just before starting
an assault, and rolling back into the ring.

As Bean slid under the ropes himself, Stone nailed him with
a running forearm drop, then picked him up and whipped him into 
the corner turnbuckle, following it up with a shoulderblock. He 
then set Bean up top, and one Hi-Jacker later, the referee counted
to 3 ...

Winner: CURTIS STONE via pinfall 4:35

Stone getting the duke...waitaminute, Nick Duncan just hit the ring...

I know that mask from puroresu tapes I've seen.  That's the mask of
Death Machine Crimson!  

Whoever it is, they just LEVELLED Stone with a double clothesline, and
now Duncan is shouting at Stone to get out of the way as they set up
for a stiff double suplex!

Cross, don't you get it?  DMC was the masked identity of Jon Owens when he
wrestled in Japan!!!  That's gotta be Jon Owens under that mask.

Just because this Death Machine Crimson *was* Jon Owens doesn't mean he *IS*
Jon Owens - I mean, Owens is Stone's ally, and if he wasn't, why not just attack as
Jon Owens?

Ever hear of mind games, shill?  Oh that's right, you don't have a mind, so it can't
play games.

DAMN, Duncan with a Chain Reaction, and now the referee's and officials are trying to
get Duncan and DMC off of Stone - and I have to admit, the fact that Owens isn't out
here to save Curtis Stone does seem awfully incriminating. Folks, when we come back,
Damien Omega in action!

    Source: geocities.com/e_w_c_2000