The Search for Maruten

A fanfic by Edward Vagg

Project A-ko & characters are property of Soeishinsha/Final-Nishijima, Central Park Media/Island World Communications. This is a work of fanfiction for fun, so... Not for sale or rent.

Chapter 2: Across the Universe.

In the last episode:

A-ko and B-ko set off after Maruten in a rocket B-ko built, unfortunately C-ko was an inadvertent stowaway, eating the girls entire food supply in the process. Commander Tanaka of the Kotobuki Security Division followed, in order to retrieve C-ko. Tanaka's ship was wiped out by a rogue asteroid, and now Tanaka and C-ko are stuck with A-ko and B-ko.
The heroes are now docking at GA 5374, Shiro's Terminal.

B-ko's rocket, the KSS Daitokuji glides effortlessly through the atmospheric forcefield of landing bay 42, and touches down.

Bemused, several tattooed spacefarers watch the old fashioned, pointy spaceship land.

Spacefarer 1: Well look what the solar winds blew in...

Spacefarer 2: It looks like some kind of....

Spacefarer 3: Junk heap! (spit) I'd be suprised if that ship is even capable of planet landings.

Spacefarer 1: Weird shape though.

Spacefarer 3: That's for sure.

Spacefarer 2: I wonder who's shipment?

B-ko: (slapping hands with satisfaction) A perfect landing.

A-ko: (dryly) If you don't say so yourself.

Tanaka: We can't let C-ko off this ship.

A-ko: Excuse me?

Tanaka: Any low life on this base might... I don't want to think about it. If anything happened to C-ko, it could mean my job!
A-ko rolls her eyes..
C-ko is heard running around below.
C-ko: Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeee!

B-ko: We should keep an eye on her.

A-ko: (sigh) I'll get her. (starts climbing down ladder.)
<Shoooowup> (The hatch opens)
A-ko: C-ko! NO!
Ignoring A-ko, C-ko skips out of the entry hatch, down the gangway and over to a colourful saucer.
C-ko: (spinning around on the spot) WHEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!! I CAN SPIN LIKE A SAUCER TOO!!!
The spacefarers look at each other, astonished.
A-ko: That's enough, C-ko.
A-ko: STOP IT!

C-ko: WHEEEEEEEEEEEE!!..<CLUNK> (C-ko falls over)

C-ko: I'm dizzy!

A-ko: You're telling me...

As A-ko picks up C-ko and returns her to the rocket, the troublesome looking spacefarers start muttering to each other...

B-ko: O.K A-ko, you stay here and watch C-ko. Commander Tanaka and I will obtain some warp fuel for the spaceship.
A-ko: Why should I stay behind? I don't wanna be stuck with C-ko!
C-ko, excited leaps up and hugs A-ko.
B-ko: It's for the best, A-ko. C-ko likes you. Don't worry, we won't be too long.
With that, Tanaka and B-ko leave the rocket.
C-ko: Do you want to play "dolls?"

A-ko: No.

C-ko: Do you want to play "spaceship?"

A-ko: We're already in a spaceship, no.

C-ko: Do you want...

A-ko: No C-ko, I don't want to play any games with you.

C-ko: (sniffle) You don't want to play?...
C-ko looks up tearfully at A-ko with big green eyes.
A-ko: Don't make me feel guilty.
C-ko looks up just a second longer, then turns her back, disappointed and starts to sob.
A-ko: Aw Geeze... O.K. C-ko, I'll play.

C-ko: (suddenly happy) HOORAY!!!! (dances around) I'M GONNA PLAY, I'M GONNA PLAY, I'M GONNA PLAY WITH A-KO!!!
<CLUNK> (A-ko collapses with shock.)

B-ko and Tanaka walk down a corridor, all of a sudden a notice-board catches B-ko's eye.

There is a "Wanted" poster, showing Gail's face.
B-ko: (gasp) Gail!

Tanka: Oh? That's the space criminal, Gail. He's notorious pirate around this parts. Some say...
B-ko: (snaps) Shut up!
B-ko turns, and storms down the corridor.
Tanaka: (puzzled) Was it something I said? What a bitch!
Tanaka catches up to B-ko.
Tanaka: What's the matter with you! You got a problem?
B-ko remains silent.
Tanaka: Alright, be that way! The supply depot is up ahead, just remember to let me do the talking. O.K?
B-ko: Grrr...

A massive, fat kid gazes out a large window overlooking the main terminal of GA 5374. The room itself is plush, ardorned with luxury items from many worlds.

A slender man, dressed totally in black enters the room. His face is hidden by shadows.

Man in black: Master Shiro, a business opportunity has arisen...
Shiro turns, not looking too happy.
Shiro: What you have to say had better be good. I don't like to be disturbed.
Man in black An interesting guest is on the premises, master. The subject is docked in bay 42.
Shiro: (Curious) Oh? Interesting guest, you say?
Man in black: Yes. We believe it is C-ko Kotobuki, heir of the Kotobuki fortune. She would make a valuable asset...
Shiro: In that case, make the necessary arrangements.

Man in black: Sir, I promise you won't be disappointed.

C-ko and A-ko are still on the rocket, C-ko is of course, having a ball. A-ko looks distinctly bored.
C-ko: (jumping on the spot) A-ko, lets play another game! I know! Chasies!
A-ko: ANOTHER game of Chasies! I don't think so. Isn't it your bedtime yet?
C-ko: (yawn) No! I'm not tired yet!
A-ko: C-ko, I really think it's time for you to take a nap.
C-ko: (shakes her head.) I wanna play some more!
A-ko; Don't be such a pain in the... (sudden inspiration) I know! Why don't we have some cordial! Aren't you thirsty?
C-ko: O.K! I LOVE cordial!
A-ko: Just wait here. I'll be right back.
A-ko climbs down to the hygene facilities, and takes a pill from the first aid kit.
A-ko: If this sleeping pill doesn't quiet C-ko down, I don't know what I'll do...
A-ko returns with a glass of water.
A-ko: Tadah! Clear cordial! Huh?!!
A strange figure, wearing black from head to toe is cradling an already unconscious C-ko in his arms. The intruder's race is hidden by a mask.
A-ko: Hey! You leave her alone!
Intruder: Oh, don't you worry, this girl will be well treated...
The mysterious intruder shrouds C-ko with a black cape, than engages some kind of cloaking device. The Intruder, and C-ko both fade from view.
A-ko: You Bastard! (thinking) Oh no! I can't attack for fear of hitting C-ko!
SLAM! A-ko is hurled into the wall behind her by an unseen force..
Voice of intruder: You have been most co-operative. Thank you.
Before A-ko can let out a volley of curses, the hatch slams shut.

Tanaka and B-ko return to the KSS Daitokuji, to discover a distraught A-ko.
Tanaka; Boy, she looks upset!

B-ko: DON'T WORRY, A-ko, we brought plenty of food as well as the warp fuel...
A-ko: bbbb B-ko! c-C-ko's been k-k-kidnapped!
Tanaka: WHAT!

B-ko: Are you sure? Maybe she was just hiding again.
A-ko: (regaining composure) No, the kidnapper took her away right in front of me. I couldn't do anything, because he had one of those "cloaking capes"
Tanaka: Impossible! The cloaking cape is extremely high tech, exclusive to the military, and the criminal elite... Oh my god...
B-ko: Don't worry! I HAD prepared for this eventuality. I hid a bug on C-ko, just in case we lost her. (goes to sensor panel) There!
A-ko: Where is she?
B-ko: In that spaceship over there! (pointing out the hatch.)
A-ko, B-ko, and Tanaka scramble outside the ship in time to see a small scout-ship preparing to launch. C-ko is looking out of a window, also visible is Shiro, and his black-cloaked bodyguard.
Tanaka: It's worse than I feared... Shiro has the kid. A-ko, you do have an opportunity to redeem yourself, but it won't be easy. I charge you to rescue C-ko! As this abduction was your responsibility, it is your duty to see her safe!
A-ko: That's rich! Just like it was your job to "rescue" her from us! Well if you want your reward I'm afraid the Octopus on a stick is all gone, just like C-ko.
B-ko: She's screaming and waving her arms around! Do you suppose she's in agony?

On board the scout ship, Shiro gloats over his new prize. C-ko, as seen in the last scene is still yelling and waving. The black cloaked bodyguard loiters stoically.
C-ko: (waving) A-ko! B-ko! I can seeeeeee youuuuuu!

(Seeing Tanaka, C-ko scowls.)

C-ko: I wanna be with A-ko and B-ko, but not with Mr Mean.
Shiro: Hahaha! C-ko is mine! (turns to bodyguard, who in fact was the intruder who kidnapped C-ko.) Was there any witnesses?
Bodyguard: Only one. She didn't see a thing...
Shiro: You killed her?
Bodyguard: Without mercy, sir. (thinking) Why didn't I finish her off? She looked familiar. Could she be someone I know?
Shiro: Good. (to navigator) Set a course for the Kontz system!
Navigator: Setting course.... Hyperspace in two minutes.
C-ko: Hyperspace? Do I get to see the pretty colours?

Back onboard the KSS Daitokuji, the crew scramble to the cockpit.
B-ko: No time for a full checklist, we're going right after them.
A-ko: What if they warp into hyperspace?
Tanaka: You DO have a hyperspace analyzer, don't you?
B-ko: (offended) OF COURSE I DO! This rocket has all the standard features common to any spaceworthy vehicle, as well as a few added extras of my invention. We can follow them anywhere!
A-ko: Just so long as they only warp once...
B-ko: Not a problem. You'll be happy to know I brought extra warp fuel this time. The only catch is we'll have to connect the spare fuel cannister's manually.
A-ko: That sounds easy enough...
B-ko: I'm afraid it's not that simple. I was unable to find warp fuel compatible with the interior loading system, but the cannister will connect with the exterior plug.
A-ko: You mean...

B-ko: That's right. You'll have to go for a spacewalk.
A-ko: Me?
B-ko: (apologetic) Sorry, can't be helped. Someone has to fly the ship, and besides, only you are strong enough to operate the manual hatch.
A-ko: (sarcastic) That's odd! Once again you leave me with all the work! You get to sit in the nice cosy cockpit while I have to wear some stuffy space suit and load external warp fuel canisters! You're trying to get out of this, could it be because of your problem with zero G's I wonder?
B-ko: Don't argue with my suggestions. And there you go again! Always about that party 3 years ago. It wasn't the artificial aura, or the zero g's that got me. I just had one Pan Galactic Gargle Blaster too many.
A-ko: Oh sure. Little miss drinkie who can't handle her sake.
Tanaka: Umm... you two?
B-ko: Are you saying I can't handle my drink? Alright. While I'm no soldier of the Lepton kingdom, I can still down a drink or two. At least I can help myself to party snacks without worrying about the calories! You however could stand to lose a couple of inches on your waistline!

A-ko: You take that back! I have no problems burning off any puppy fat! Especially with all the work you assign me every day! A-ko, why don't you kill that sand turtle? A-ko, I'll scout up ahead while you carry the gear! A-ko, could you hold this mecha in position while I adjust the balance gyros? Well I'm starting to get a little smegged off!
B-ko: So waddya gonna do about it!?
A-ko: Why I'm gonna...

Shiro's Scout Ship enters hyperspace, the visible flash of light startling our heroes.
Tanaka: A warp field!
A-ko: (growl) We'll settle this later, B-ko.

B-ko: (embarrassed) Whoops! Just when I was about to kill you again! (serious)  There! They've disappeared! According to my Hyperspace analyser, they've gone to the Kontz system. Setting course...
A-ko: I hope you know what you're doing, B-ko.
B-ko: Have I EVER been wrong? WARP!

Authors Notes:

Well guys, it's taken me longer than expected to deliver this fanfic, and I'm running out of excuses.  Think of this fanfic as Pantene Shampoo. "It won't happen overnight, but it will happen". In the meantime, I hope you guys are still enjoying the story, and DO tell me to get a move on or I'll never finish this thing!
For C&C, please mail me at:

Stay tuned for Part 3 of Search for Maruten: Long time gone.

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