fake MDMA
test it!
final note....
You, the user, can always be responsible with ecstasy. Before you drop, make a mental list of things you will and will not do while on e, and keep them.
Please enjoy MDMA as responsibly as possible!
Some serious actions you should be aware of before taking ecstasy include:
possible hospitalization yes, people have DIED taking ecstasy. People who maybe first tried it a rave and had a deadly reaction, perhaps too scared to admit it to the police or with friends already rolling and unaware. Yes, e has taken a few lives. This is not a common occurrence, and is slimmed down by taking real/"good" ecstasy (pure). Also, refrain from dropping for your first time at a large rave-type event, just in case.
driving Don't do it. Ecstasy, unlike other amphetamines such as crystal meth, may have a hallucinagenic affect. ALWAYS wait until you have come down and preferably slept a few hours before you attempt to drive again. Your senses are not as sharp and you may tend to ignore things.... like a red light maybe. Be responsible and be driven by people not under the influence.
hot tub,etc The only problem with these is that although they feel absolutley heavenly, they are an easy way to get dehydrated. You don't have to avoid them, just bring drinks along and don't stay in too long. 
alcohol Alcohol and MDMA can be a deadly combination. Don't ever do it. Think of it this way- you're defeating the upper effect of e when you drink alcohol (downer), and you will dehydrate much faster- increasing the risk of organ collapse or failure. 
quality/quantity The quality of ecstasy (MDMA, accept no substitutes!) is of utmost importance, not only for your health but especially if you are purchasing it for other people (ESP. first time users). There are many fantastic makes out there (see reviews for opinions), but there are also many harmful e substitutes (these are other, sometimes odd drugs, always sold as ecstasy). Also, take as little e as you will require to get an good roll. First time users: it is common split pills in pieces, also an experienced user can measure you out a good amount, which comes in handy if you are snorting or smoking MDMA. Also keep in mind that you will build up tolerance to the drug (which goes down if you stop for a while).... 
*Note: Some brands of e contain LSD. Taking both acid and e (typically seperately) is known as "candy flipping" and can be a great thing. Just try to make sure you know before you take it if it contains LSD.
(such as P/L's)
This site and the information therein do not promote the use of ecstasy. MDMA is an illegal substance and e_scene and its affiliates claim no responsibility for anyone utilizing this information in illegal manner.
e_scene is copyright© 2000