Our mission:
To rock your skull!
We are here to confound. To confuse. Most of all to entertain and to hopefully make some money. We just want to make ourselves rock at your own expense. Yay.
-Erik Leiken, Mr. Bassman.

-Whit Schroder, Mr. Guitarman
Highland dancing requires immense agility and strengh. Piping for Highland dancing demands patience, endurance, your sanity, and the ability to last in long car rides with only one set of batteries in your CD player cranked at full blast.
It's obvious that if you're looking at this site, you have a lot of time on your hands. So, enjoy these links while you're at it!
Hey!  Sign our guestbook!  Tell us who you are, where you're from, and why you're waisting your time by looking at our website.  If you want, you can leave your e-mail address in the place labeled "URL."
Have fun with our favorite Martians!
Drink to your health!
Study US History!
Wake the dead!