Bienvenidos, Benvenuti!
-Welcome Everyone!-

Thank you for coming to my webpage.  I hope that you will find something here that was worth your time.  I just finished restructuring my site, so I hope all the links work.  Also, I just got my scanner working again, so expect lots of updates, especially on my friends page.

My main page contains the heart of my webpage.  Here, one can find my Friends page, a page about me with a lot of pictures, my French section, and more.

Enter My Webpage

If you thought my site was half-decent, or are one of my friends, please sign my guest book! Thanks.  Also, if you are interested in seeing the entries in my Old Guestbook, click there.  It makes me mad that Geocities redid the system so that I can't keep all my entries together, but owell.

Sign Guestbook    View Guestbook

This page is best viewed at 640x480 with the latest version of Microsoft's Internet Explorer or Netscape Communicator.  Through trial and error, I believe Netscape works better if you have a dial-up connection.  For those of you who have a DSL, like Power Link, the browser won't matter.  Sometimes IE6 has the tendency to stop in the middle of loading my graphic intensive photo pages.

This page was last updated May 18, 2003.
Dernière mise à jour: le 18 mai 2003.

© 1999 - 2003 Matt Eppley