CH. 5
1. Minoan civilization and the importance of its location- Minoans lived by the Aegean Sea.  This made for easy trade routes with Egypt.
2. Explain how Sparta's location was important.-  the Spartans isolated themselves  from other Greeks.  They looked down on trade and wealth.
3. Trojan war-took part in around 1250, the war was started due to the kidnapping of Hellen, a beautiful wife of a Greek King, the war lasted for 10 years.
4. geography of Greece created? Greece is part of the Balkan Peninsula, mountains divide this peninsula into isolated valleys. City states were cut off by land or water.  
5.  Post Persian wars domination- Persians conquered an empire stretching to Asia Minor to the border of India.  Greeks rebelled against Persian rule in 499B C. 
6. Peloponnesian War-  in 431 B.C, warfare broke out in earnest between Athens and Sparta, the 27 year Peloponnesian war engulfed all of Greece. The Peloponnesian War ended Athenian greatness.
7. Greek theater origins-the first Greek plays evolved out of religious festivals.  Plays were performed outdoors in large theaters gouged out of sides of hills. Tragedy and comedy were the main playwrights.  
8. Alexander's achievements and empire- Alexander never lost a battle. From Egypt to the fertile crescent to the border of India, was conquered by Alexander the great. 
9. center of Hellenistic world- at the center of the Hellenistic world, stood the city of Alexandria, Egypt.  Alexander encouraged and supported education throughout his empire.
10. geographic characteristics of Greece-mountains divide the Balkan peninsula into isolated valleys.  Beyond the rugged coast, hundreds of rocky islands spread toward the horizon.
11. oligarchy- government in which ruling power belongs to a few people.
12. democracy- government in which the people hold ruling power
14. Spartan childhoods- at age of 7, boy‘s trained for a lifetime of military.  Woman were to produce healthy sons for the army.
15. Athens' golden age-
16. Aristotle's meritocracy
17. Greek values- Greeks were polytheistic. Greeks honored gods with temples and festivals. 

CH 6
1. Augustus-ruled from 31 BC to 14 AD. Helped Rome recover from the long period of civil war, and laid a foundation for a stable government.  Undertook economic reforms. 
2. Julius Caesar-dominated Roman politics with Pompey. Was absolute ruler of Rome. Was stabbed to death by enemies on March 15 44 BC  
3. Hannibal-dedicated his life to the destruction of Rome. Was selected to be the leader of Carthaginian army.  Romans killed Hannibal.  To gentiles
4. Jesus-  founded Christianity.  was born in Bethlehem, near Jerusalem. Worshiped God and fallowed the Jewish law. Worked as a carpenter. Was crucified bye the Romans.
5. Paul- spread Jesus’ teachings beyond Jewish communities. Set up churches from Mesopotamia to Rome.  Paul emphasized the idea of Jesus had sacrificed his life out of love for humankind.
6. Odoacer- a Germanic leader, ousted the emperor of Rome.
7. Ptolemy- He proposed that the Earth was the center of the universe. This idea was accepted in the western world fro nearly 1,500 years.
8. Virgil-a poet who wrote the epic poem the Aeneid to remind his fellow Romans of their heritage.  Wrote this poem after Augustan came to power.
9. martyr- people who suffer or die for their beliefs. Thousands of Christians became martyrs. 
10. mercenary- foreign soldiers serving for pay, to defend its borders. To meet its need for soldiers, Rome hired mercenaries. 
11. messiah- savior sent by God. Jews believed that a messiah would soon appear to lead the Jewish people to freedom.
12. patrician- members of the landholding upper class. The 300 members of the senate were all patrician’s 
13. plebian-farmers, merchants, artisans,
*and traders who made up the bulk of the population. All government officials were plebeians
14. aqueduct-bridge like stone structures that brought water from the hills into Roman cities. Roman engineers built many immense aqueducts.
15. heresy-beliefs said to be contrary to the official church teachings.  Church leaders battled heresies. 
16. legion- basic unit.  Was made up of about 5,00 men.
17. republic-thing of the people.  Romans thought a republic would keep any individual from gaining too much power.
18. sect –a small group. At first Christianity remained a sect within Judaism.