
all that you are is ego
rejoicing in all you have 'given'
all you have 'loved'
but you do not love
you brandish your spears of criticism
embracing all that you fear
controlling the weak
and calling that love
you quest to pull others upon your pedestal
boosting them into gods like yourself
and i despise you
not for the way your quest obliterates
every knowledge the others have of themselves
and leaves them empty shells
after you vampire their souls
i despise that in you i am mirrored
that treachery has inflated our ego falsely
writhing in the battle of similar poles
we repel each other yet you try to extricate my force
i will not let you swallow me
cannot allow myself to capitulate
abort me from your selfish righteousness
you cannot 'give' to me for i am not weak
i am empowered enough to resist your terminal onslaughts
i will succeed where you fail
and withold myself from you
unlike you i will survive

phoenix mckenna © Wed. 20 September, 2000

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