Alma Helaman Hale

 Born: 24 April 1836, Bradford Massachusetts
Married: 24 December 1861, Grantsville, Utah
Died: 30 March 1908, Logan, Utah
Parents: Jonathan Harriman Hale & Olive Boynton
Wife: Sarah Annie Clark


Items extracted from "Bishop Jonathan H. Hale of Nauvoo - His Life and Ministry

Acquisition of Hale Genealogical Record

It was imputed by Alma and his brothers as providential the way by which the Hale Genealogical Record came into their possession.

It appears that United States Senator Robert S. Hale of Vermont approached Congressman George Q. Cannon of Utah in 1874, In Wash­ington, D. C., and made inquiry about the family of Jonathan H. Hale, who migrated with the Mormons to the  Rocky Mountains, inform­ation concerning whom the Senator needed to complete a Hale Family Genealogical Record, which he was compiling.

Congressman Cannon knew all the Hale boys very well and he so informed Senator Hale, adding that he had married Elizabeth Hoag­land, whose brother, Lucas, had married Rachel Hale, the only sur­viving daughter of Jonathan H. Hale. Through information given the Senator by Brother Cannon, the Hale boys in Utah were commun­icated with and the desired data secured for the completion of the Record. However, the book was actually published by Senator Eugene Hale, and George Hale of Maine, as the author died before this accomplishment had been realized.

As strange as it would appear to an outsider, but readily perceived by members of the Church, Senator Eugene and George Hale had no appreciable interest in the record after it had been finally com­pleted and published. Even though it had required many years of toil­some research and an expenditure of thousands of dollars. Senator Eugene Hale at once sent to the Hale brothers in Utah a copy of  the Record, which to them was a providential blessing, as it made immed­iately available an authentic record of their ancestry back for hun­dreds of years, for whom they could perform, vicariously, the saving ordinances of' the Gospel of Christ in the Temples of God.

A Faith Promoting Experience

In regard to the recording of Hale family records, Jonathan H. Hale, son of Alma H. Hale and Sarah A. Clark, recorded the following experience in his journal:

When the Hale family worked in the Logan Temple in the winter of 1888-89, they arranged with Brother Samuel Roskelley to prepare the sheets for temple work. A great deal of temple work was done during the following years .... [Some time later] Brother Roskelley's health began to fail, and he decided to give up all his record work. He brought the Hale records to sacrament meeting one Sunday and gave them to Father [Alma H. Hale] and told him it would be necessary to get someone else to take over the books.

During the following week, Father was very depressed and worried all the time, and was hardly able to work or eat. He could not decide what to do, for neither he nor any of the Hale family knew how to proceed with the work. A great deal of information had been gathered, and the family made it a matter of prayer, morning and evening, for a whole week.

The next Sunday at meeting, Brother Roskelley came to Father and said, `Bring the records back to me. I have to finish them.' Then he told Father and me this story:

"Friday evening as I was returning from the Temple, near Hyde Park, a messenger on a white horse appeared by the side of my buggy and said he wanted me to finish the Hale record. He assured me that the work was done right and that it was all being accepted. He said thousands of members of the Hale family were anxious that the work go on. I explained that I was too busy to do any more record work, and that my health would not permit it. Then the messenger made me this promise: that if I would continue, the Lord would bless me with health and strength, and the way would be opened so I would have the necessary time to do the work. He stayed by my side until I finally promised to do it, and then he blessed me and disappeared."

When Brother Roskelley described his messenger to Father, he answered, "Why, that was my own father, Jonathan Harriman Hale, the first of the Hales to join the Church in 1834. He died in 1847 at Winter Quarters."

When Brother Roskelley finally finished the record, he said that the greatest load he had ever carried was lifted off his shoulders. He had made a promise to a heavenly being and couldn't rest until the work was completed. He enjoyed much better health and found more time for the work than he had ever hoped for.

A strange Phenomenon

It was Authoritatively recognized that up to the time Aroet, Alma and Solomon had completed their personal ministrations in the Logan Temple, their labors in behalf of their progenitors had far exceeded that performed by any other family in the Church, at least in that Temple. It was at this juncture, upon the completion of their record of sealings of husbands to wives and children to parents, following a Hale program in the Logan Temple one evening in February, 1896, that a strange phenomenon was reported; the sacred structure, it is said, became suddenly illuminated ‑ flooded from dome to found­ation with a blaze of light. Apostle Marriner W, Merrill, who was then president of the Temple, observed the phenomenon as he was traveling on the highway that night from Logan to Richmond. It was likewise observed by many residents of Logan.

"President Merrill viewed the occurrence with some concern" the account in the Deseret News read, "and he made anxious inquiry the following morning to determine the cause. There were no electric lights in Logan at that time and no means were provided for illuminating the Temple in any such manner. Furthermore, he had closed the Temple for the night and was on his way home. He could find no physical means by which to answer his interrogations. The following night, however, the Temple was again flooded with illumination, the same as the previous night." President Merrill finally concluded and announced to the general assembly in the Temple that this beautiful and glorious manifestation was a spiritual phenomenon. "The matter was subsequently called to the attention of President Wilford Woodruff," the account continued, "who declared it to be an assembly of the great Hale family from the spirit world, who had gathered within those sacred walls in exultation over their liberation through the beneficent ministrations in their behalf."

Message from Alma

[From the handwritten journal of Alma Helaman Hale, son of Jonathan and Olive]-

My brother Aroet and I had talked and counseled together a number of times concerning the work for our dead which needed to be done. First we talked of going to the St. George Temple to do the work but found it would be too far and as a result so expensive that we were compelled to abandon the idea. So we decided that we would remove to a place near the Logan Temple and do our work there when that structure was completed.

Accordingly, in the spring of 1887,1 moved my wife Ellen and her family to Gentile Valley, Idaho, and in April 1888 my wife Sarah and her family moved to Smithfield, Cache County, Utah, thus placing us in close communion with the Logan Temple ....

Regarding my work for the dead, I will say for the benefit of the readers of this biography that from the time I came to Smithfield until the present, I have spent 5 weeks each year for a period of 13 years working for the dead, making in all 65 weeks work, performing baptisms for 700, obtaining the endowments for nearly 200, and performing the sealing and adopting ordinances for over 300 souls of our kindred.

I am now 65 years of age on the declining side of life. As I approach my goal and crown which is waiting for me, I do it with these words on my lips to all my sons and daughters and their posterity

"Keep the faith, for it is worth the fight of life and every sacrifice that can be made for it. It will unite us in eternity and cause a mighty rejoicing at the glad reunion. Let not one of my children be missing from it, is my constant prayer."

 From January 1889 to 28 February 1896, there were ordinances performed as follows: 1,075 endowments, 1,202 sealings of couples, 2,055 baptisms, and 319 children sealed to 55 sets of parents. These children sealings were the first done by the Hale family and were all done in the preceding two weeks prior to the early evening closing on 28 February 1896. The Logan Temple records clearly indicate that all eligible names were done for seven generations of Hale ancestors by this date. No other date in the whole one hundred years of Hale temple activity was as important as this one.

 During the Hale family meeting held 16 February 1898 in Logan, Utah, Solomon Hale bore testimony to the truth of the work and that the Lord had provided for the genealogies which were handed to us that we might continue. He spoke of what President Woodruff said in regard to the illumination of the temple ....

 No matter what else may have interceded, the joy and happiness which pervaded the whole Hale family upon the completion of this part of their holy work in behalf of their deceased loved ones was glorious to behold. The lighting of the temple on that particular day became a beacon to the Hale family forever afterward. The work for their mother's Boynton ancestors now became paramount till its completion some years later.