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I like reading so there are a lot of e-books stored in my computer. They cover the subjects of Economics, Finance, History, Sociology and Self-Improvement. Some are quite heavy for reading but I will try to select the best bits that would suit most people reference. There will be one book to be uploaded each month until I run out of books....:). Enjoy reading!


1/2005: Art of Money Getting - some old folk teaches us how to make money and how to spend it. Very interesting, except the English may be a bit difficult to read. 


2/2005: Rich Dad, Poor Dad, best seller in the USA.  


3/2005: Tips on Presentation - 101 ways to improve presentation qualitty (my students find this very useful !)


4/2005: Mind Changing Techniques - Ken J Ward teaches you how to control your mind






Why didn't I think of that ? Economist.com 16th December 2004 : Interesting article, telling stories of the best trade deals in the financial market. Very inspiring.


send you comments to dxphuong@yahoo.com


This site was last updated 03/02/05