<BGSOUND src="//www.oocities.org/dwwsmw57/">
Stained-glass window
Before you even start this, let me make one thing perfectly clear; I'm no writer.  I'm probably not even a particularly good Christian, although I try to live my life by Christ's teachings.  I'm a man who is always searching for the "inner meaning of life", and who has found at least a few answers within myself, my church and the world in which I live.

Last Updated:
Tuesday, 7 April 2009
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God Lives!
I've been asked, by almost everyone in my life at one time or another, whether I really and truly believe in God.  To this question, I've always answered "Yes, unquestioningly."

But, I don't think most people really realize just how deeply I truly believe.  Whatever your beliefs may be - whether you believe in the God of the Church (whichever one you may belong to) or the God of the Moslems, I believe we all worship the same God - the living God, the God of the Holy Trinity.
There is only one true God.
Man, in his imperfection, has simply interpreted Him differently, in different places, at different times.

Now, I'm definitely no theologian, so you're not going to see hardly anything from any of the Holy books - except maybe in the section on my church.  I'm not even an amateur preacher, although at times this may begin to look like a preacher's sermon.  If that happens, you have my sincere apology - that's not what I intend for it to become.

I'm a simple man who has studied the Bible, the Koran, the Book of The Dead
(which is a terrible name for a book that speaks only of life), and I've been through translations of the released texts of the Dead Sea Scrolls.  I've read these books, but I can't quote them like some can.  I've understood most of what I've read, but I can't comment on them passage-by-passage.  All these books have led me to one inescapable conclusion,
there is a God, and He isn't me.

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My Favorite Poems,
Stories & Other Things

Click on any of the text in this box to see some wonderful and uplifting stories, poems and other goodies I've collected from many sources.

One other small item, before you press on; I'd like to apologize for the pop-up that appears throughout the Chapel - it's automatically added by the host of my website and there's absolutely nothing I can do about it.  There's also a "pop-under" that appears.  If you simply ignore the first one that appears and leave it alone no others will appear as long as you're anywhere within Wanderings.
Continue on to learn more about my relationship with God!

All music in the Wanderings Chapel is courtesy of Peter Barratt, whose incredible musical and computer talents are a real and lasting tribute to the living God.  I'd also like to thank Mary (the WV girl) for cluing me in to Peter's website.



Music:  In The Silence


(You can hear the music included on this page by clicking on the music title line above. If you'd like to view the actual musical score page simply click on these lines, which will open the page in a new window. Once that's done and you have the music score, simply click the title above and you can sing along with the music.)