Painted Rose

by DWhiteStar

**This tuorial was written using PSP7 but should also work in earlier versions!**

What you will need:
PSP7 or earlier

Save These 2 Images to your own Computer:

Lets Get Started!

The first thing you are going to do is open the rose image (realrose.jpg) and copy/paste as a new image
so you have 2 copies of the flower in front of you.  Keep both images open at all times so that you have one flower you are working on and one to keep as a refernce.

Now, on one of your rose images create a new layer and call it "Outline"
Click on your paintbrush tool with black as your foreground color and the following settings:

size 1
Hardness 100
Opacity 100
Step 25
Density 100

Now with your paintbrush trace the outlines on the roses petals and stem:

Then on your Layer Pallette, click on the eyeglasses on your rose layer to make it invisible so that only your black out line is showing:

Now we are ready to paint. Add a new layer and call it Stem. Open your paint pallette image and click on green #1

 and set your paintbrush tool to:
size 3
Hardness 100
Opacity 100
Step 25
Density 100

and trace your stem outline, add the other stem colors inside trying to follow the color placement of the original roses's stem.  You should then have something like this:

Don't worry if yours is 2 will ever be the same :)  And do not worry about staying in the black lines since that layer will eventually be removed!

On your tool bar click on your retouch Tool  and set it to the following

Now what you want to do is lightly smudge the other colors into each other to give a nice smooth effect, try to move with the natural shape of the stem itself.  Do not smudge too much or you will create mud! LOL! 

HINT:I find it easier to work if you zoom into your image.

you should have something that looks like this:

At this time you can also use one of your stem colors and your paintbrush set on 1 to clean up your edges a bit.

Next go back to your Retouch Tool and choose the following settings:

Stay away from the edges of the image if you can but move around and smooth out some of your colors:
you should now have something that looks like this:


Now on to the Rose!


All Graphics  were designed and created by DWhiteStar 
No part of this page may be copied including graphics and text
without permission. Thank you.
copyright 2001