John Presents:  The Story of Brave Little Mark and his Top Ten List
Top Ten Lists

Top Ten Reasons Denise gets a Top Ten List

10.  Her purchase of a Homer Simpson figure for me
9.  She is the only person that may poke me in the forehead and not receive a barbaric beatdown
8.  She makes me feel better about my body hair
7.  She seemed quite impressed with my ability to drive in the snow
6.  Any Vandals fan is a friend of mine
4.  She doesn't mind that there is no number 5 in John's Top Ten List
3.  She did some advertising for me with a custom made buddy icon
2.  Thanks to her, I am known as "Oh Great One"
1.  I owe her quite a few favors for referring to her legs as "homely" one time (I swear I meant homely in a good way)