About Me
Just Updated 3-10-02


About Me






Here's some biographical information on moi:
Name: Dwain Smith
DOB: September 28, 1981
Location: Lancaster, PA

I have strived much of my life to be a true Renaisance man. In High School (Shout out to all my Delone pals)I was involved in Drama, Student Council, Debate, Speech, Mock Trial, Model UN, Why Wait?,.Track, National Honors Society, and some other stuff.

I had two life changing experiences during the summer of 1998. The first was attending Keystone Boys State - where I first felt the urge to go into public service. The second was spending a week in Appalachia working on a Habitat for Humanity-type project. I now attend the George Washington University. I am majoring in Political Communication with a minor in Electronic Media

I currently have five life goals:
1. Raise a family with a beautiful wife and kids (this is the least likely option)
2. Become President of the United States of America (France look out!)
3. Become a professional wrestler (Hey, it could happen!)
4. Build a theme park (And yes it will have a castle with a moat and drawbridge, John!)
5. Write a bestselling novel (I am currently suffering a three-year long writers block)
That's Me in the middle with my Grandmother and sister in Georgetown.
My Mom and Dad (Aren't they cute?)
Wasn't I the cutest kid?
Ok, so I was a cute baby too!
I was cute once, what happened?