Caingallery (continued)

Annoying people with slow-loading images is fun...but cable has taken that small joy away....

I call this one "21 Bravo" for a small battle in the Iraqi desert. There was another battle, more famous, called "73 Easting," where more than thirty Iraqi armored vehicles and tanks were destroyed by the American M1 Abrams tanks.

I had downloaded Pixia just two days before I did this one. The relatively low resolution (300 dpi) makes the jagged edges on the barrel. Pixia does have anti-aliasing capabilities at higher resolutions.

Okay, another finished landscape...

Dark O The Moon by SGC
Anyway...Pixia has allowed me to entertain myself without creating a gigantic mess. I can make pictures as though I were using oils or acrylics..and I can eat pizza while doing it. You can't beat that with a stick.
Speaking of sticks, I haven't ruined a single brush using Pixia, either.

A tribute to the Third You can't help but marvel at the decisive speed and accuracy of modern armored vehicles.

Iraq now has the opportunity to be something besides a pain in the ass to their neighbors...

Someday, probes we'll send out will transmit some neat shots...?

Thanks to Isao Maruoka and Soldier...months have gone by now, and I still love this program!

I don't wanna hear anymore crying about what America does worldwide...when you whiners can feed yourselves, rise to our standard of living, and stop asking for handouts and bailouts whenever crisis strikes...THEN you might legitimately complain...until then...STFU! Hint: a Constitution is a good start...and why do you bother posting rants here? I delete them, you morons! Write your Senators!

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