What are the strange secrets that link the Council on Foreign Relations, the Trilateral Commission, the worlds most powerful politicians, the Bilderbergers, the CIA, and even the Vatican? (The power of these groups extends as far back as humankind's prehistory.) What was behind the J.F.K. assassination, the WTC tragedy of 9/11/01? Are there really secret societies - the Freemasons, Skull & Bones, the Illuminati, the Knights Templar? What is the real history of the Great Pyramids, the Lost City of Atlantis, Stonehenge, Easter Island, the Nasaca Lines, UFOs, the Bermuda Triangle, Crop Circles? Who are the Anunakki, and the Nibiru?
   Find the answers to all these questions and more in the strange secret links! The result is a masterful synthesis of historical information, much of it long hidden from the public, that sheds light on the people and organizations that rule our lives.

Art Bell


Dutchworld | Gallery | Solo Performances | Strange Secrets | Quiz/Contact | Lessons


Phone: 727-492-2878

Email: dutchy@tampabay.rr.com