Faerie Dance

Moonlit Maiden

The golden maiden sings from thence
As a trail of moonlight leads
She sings of places from whence
The mighty oaks sprang from seed

The red hart of the forest stands
Betwixt the oaks and ancient pines
He listens to the chorus' strands
Dips his head to sip the river-wines

The heron by the lakeside
Watches as silver trout dream
She knows no woe shall betide
As long the maid is by her stream

The maiden, she goes on singing
For the lover she can't have e'er
Her love-sick cries still are ringing
For her the lonely forest has no cares

"Oh when the night is ended
And the moon pulls tides away
No stars in hea'en suspended
At light I cannot stay

"Ye daughters of the moonlight
Come sing a dirge for me
For my love of the daylight
I still have yet to see."

Down comes her lover to the lakeside
In burnish'd armour clad
Betwixt the oaks and pines he rides
His golden heart is sad.

The warrior, he comes searching
Where his love of moonlight strays
Beneath where all the birds are perching
The splashing trout in water play

"What a plight fate has granted
What a curse on me was laid
This world is e'er slanted
That my love cannot stay.

"For I am born of the fire
And she the moon's delight
I am the sun's desire
And she that of night.

"A whole world between us lies
Just as land divides the sea
Sometimes I dream I hear her cries
But 't is only my heart's plea

"Belov'd, I forever long for thee
Some day I'll hold you kind and true
Yet for now and all eternity
My Love, I'll endlessly pursue.

"Oh ye sons of the daylight
Come play a dirge for me
For my love of the moonlight
Still I have yet to see."