Family Pictures

Mom & me - See the pearl necklace? It's a treasure that I am currently keeping.

My mug shot - No comment!

Pamper model - The only age one looks cute with a diaper on. Oh, and probably the only thing that's not hand-me-down!

Mom & me - Hmm...probably taken after a satisfying meal.

Me & Quyen - "Duy no chup do. Nhung tuy xau em muon giu cho anh mot tam hinh ve em."

Reflection - Not too sure where this was taken; probably on the balcony.

Snack time - "buoc duong dau nhiep anh. Em ngoi duoi giuong cua anh lung la cua so.".

Disney 96 - That's 6 years ago! Looking forward to Disney 02.....

Disney 96 - see my old "flame"!!

Dad's visit 06/02- here he is in my office ('xcuse the mess..)

Dad's visit 06/02 - with Myra the co-op, Kevin with his litter, and Brett the engineer.