Are you tired of sex but your husband is not? Read on!

You can take control of the situation and have some fun along the way!

(This is my new home page. I have added some features and links. I hope that you enjoy this page... and your husband a little more!)

The problem is that your husband wants to ejaculate more often than you want to have sex. JOIN THE CLUB! You really do love him, but that penis... oye! If your husband is "normal", he probably wants to ejaculate every day. In fact, he probably masturbates that often and you don't even know it! Lets just pretend for a minute that he doesn't do self-gratification that often.He begs for sex from you. He whines about his balls hurting or being "blue". What can you do about it? The answer to that question is not easy. Every male is different... except for where his "brain" is really located. You can take control of some or all of that penis-brain, and have lots of fun doing it! Each of the following has many levels of discipline. Try some or all and let me know how it worked!

Control his masturbation.

Give him a hand job.

My favorite: Make him have wet dreams! (I used to host an internet club for this... but too many men were in the club. What a pitty!)

More serious ways to control your sex life.

My husband is pretty stupid when it comes to the computer. He types "fantasies" and thinks he can hide them. I have found some of his hiding places and will copy them to the net. If he only knew what I knew about his little secrets. Here's where to find them: geek husband