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In The News
November 10:
Alaska's Oil
Ashcroft's Replacement
Update On Fallujah

Novemeber 8:
U.S. Troops Invade Fallujah
Bush Pushing For Tax Reform
An Unpresidented Up For Security
Pointing Fingers Wins An Election
November 3, 2004
As of November 3rd, The Flying Donkey is back online. This time it's looking like I might have some help with the site.
News Center
November 10, 2004
Last week Attorney General John (couldn't beat a dead guy) Ashcroft released his letter of resignation. He plans to do other things with his time, although he never stated what these things were. In his letter he said that "The objective of securing the safety of Americans from crime and terror has been achieved."

This week, President George (almost died eating a pretzel) Bush has accounced his pick for Ashcroft's replacement: Alberto Gonzales, a former Texas Supreme Court Justice. (Yeah! A mexican, finally a cabinet that really cares for all of America.)

I am planning a little digging into Gonzales record, but I don't have the time now, but I'll get that up ASAP.

The Story
Ashcroft's Letter
November 8, 2004
American forces begin their full attack on Fallujah. Some 10,000 US and 2,000 Iraqi soldiers are currently within Fallujah and its surrounding area in attempt to target Iraq's querrilla attacks by eliminating the source. Two US deaths and approximately 42 Iraqi deaths have been reported. In retaliation an attack has been made on a Christian Orthodox Church resulting in 2 civilian deaths and several more injuries.

The Story
Among the captured is a Fallujian hospital. U.S. officials claim that it was a nessary capture, stating that it was the source of a great deal of false information and propaganda. Forgive me for saying, but if my hometown was being conquered by 10,000 people looking for some querrilla fighters (people who are hiding and have most likely gotten away), I feel that "kill those dirty white Christians" is plenty acceptable and in many cases isn't that far from the truth.

Don't get me wrong, those vigilanties that we are looking for need to be gotten rid of, however I feel (as I have been for the past 4 years) that we might not be aiming directly for the target we say we are. But, with luck, this will all be over with soon and we can all finally sleep at night. God Bless America.
November 3, 2004
As I'm sure you have all heard, Palestinian President Yasser Arafat is in a coma. Although the exact cause is unkown, it is believed that it might have come about in reaction to anesthesia he was given in order to perform certain medical exams. It is uncertain if he is to come out of this coma, and he has not yet named a successor. The most likely to take over is Prime Minister Mahmoud Abbas.

The Story
November 3, 2004
It has been a very sad week for the 48% of the U.S. that is using their brain and not taking this bullshit at face value. Unfortunatley what has happened cannot be undone, and we are stuck with President Torquemada and Co-President Heart Murmer (c'mon baby, third times a charm) for the next four hellish years. But at the end of it, we have another chance to bring the nation back to were it belongs; into the hands of the people. My suggestion:
