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Super Sekrit Agent w/ Time Turner (userinfomsscribe) wrote,
@ 2003-02-26 08:30:00

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Current mood: anxious
Current music: Jay-Z

Baby Dykes and Luxury/Budget Motels
I get this phone call from my daughter's day care center saying they'd like to talk with me about Elise. I'm thinkin', all right, who has the little bugger bitten this time. So we make the appointment, and I go inside, and there is my daughter in the office with another little girl and her mother.

Well, there weren't any visible marks at least...

So I sit down, and the other mother is sitting there, near tears and she tells me our daughters have been kissing each other on the mouth, and how could the center not call her, and that she discovered them kissing in the corner when she came to pick her daughter up. Then she went on to say how she was from a very religious family and that she was concerned with this behavior.

Just so your up to speed, my daughter is all of 18 months old. And hers is all of 17 months.

So at this point I'm thinkin'..what the F#$%? Is this lady kidding me? And it didn't help that I was feeling like a real smart ass yesterday.

But anyhow, this lady starts tearing up, looking towards me for empathy, and tells me her daughter has been kissing a lot of girls on the mouth and that she's worried she might be gay.

So I say (sympathetic person that I am) "Well, your daughter might be Gay, but I think Elise is just experimenting..."

Daycare lady chokes back laughter.

Then; "Does she go for the blue crayon instead of the pink one?"

Daycare lady almost in tears

The mother starts thinking seriously about what I've just said, then you can see her expression change as she realizes I'm screwing with her. So my daughter picks this opportune moment to try and snog her daughter again...and soon the babies are goin' at it in the corner.

And being the sensitve person I am I say "Elise, please don't kiss your girlfriend in front of her Mommy, it upsets her."

Daycare lady loses it.

The mother gets up and claims she isn't bringing her daughter back. (Ours is the best daycare in town mind you, two governors awards in a row..they have their own chef and it's a year waiting list to get into.) And she tells me I'm going to Hell, my daughter is going to Hell, and she'll pray for us anyway.

He He.

Then she gets up, goes out the door and drives away in her classic cadillac with the bumper sticker on the back that says "Seek Salvation". Tacky. I hate bumper stickers on luxury cars.

So I hug my daughter, and tell her she needs to find someone more in line with our political values. And she points to the TV in the daycare office and proclaims "Teletubbies!"

I mean really people. How can anyone be worried about their child's sexuality at 18 months? At 18 months your still trying to keep them from sticking their heads in the toilet. Mine still occassionally runs into our glass door. I can't believe someone would waste time tihinking about this.

Well, since my hubby says I've been "Profoundly Irreverent" lately.

Rant #1 - A good friend of ours tried to convince my husband to invest in what he called a "Luxury Budget Motel". O.K. Now is it just me or is "Luxury" and "Budget" both used to describe the same place an oxymoron. And some oxymorons are all right, like deafening silence...but Luxury Budget is just plain impossible. I mean what do they mean anway? You pay luxury prices and we give you budget service? Or there's a pay toilet in the room, but we put a chocolate on your pillow?

Rant #2 - Dale Earnhardt was a famous race care driver here in the states who was killed (surprise, surprise) in a racing accident. And my rant today is about those memorials on the backs of every other freakin' car in Delaware. Before I begin, I'll say I'm sorry the man died. I'm sure he was a good person, etc...etc.. but why does everyone down here have to have fancy-lettered memorials on the backs of their windshields proclaiming his death a national tragedy. What? Columbia = National Tragedy. 9-11 = National Tragedy. Dr. King being shot =National tragedy. But Dale Earnhardt dying in a car crash because he drove a car 200 miles an hour around a narrow track = Darwinism at work.

Wow, this journal is just like therapy.

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2003-02-26 06:26 (link)
*burst into laughter*

That woman who's daughter snogged yours needs to lighten up. A lot.

Gosh, your lines were hilarious! Why couldn't she see the humor in the situation? And has she read any books on child development at all? Their interaction is perfectly normal. Gah. Some parents really need to get a clue.


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2003-02-26 08:20 (link)

ROFL! This is really funny. I laughed - and cried when you told this in the portkey chat! I kept getting disconnected, because of phonecalls, so I missed all the fun that Max mentioned. *sigh*

Rant2 >> Dale Earnhardt is who? He might be a good person and what not, but I know he didn't even feature a blip on the news here. Ohh... I think an international tragedy was when Diana died :( She helped in so many causes, and it was a real shame that she's gone.

On another note, I'm trying to figure out if anyone in the US even know about America's cup.

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Re: ROFL! - userinfoheinous_bitca, 2003-03-02 14:00:08

2003-02-26 08:25 (link)
Oh . . . oh . . . can't . . . breathe . . .

*dies of laughter*

Ya know, maybe you need to move out here to the good ole SF Bay Area. Yesterday my son told me he wanted to marry a boy. I told him that fortunately we are living in a very supportive socio-political climate for that lifestyle choice.

You know . . . *thinking* . . . maybe we should all teach our toddlers to snog their same sex friends. Would be a good litmus test to weed out the homophobes. And the waiting list for your daughter's daycare would go down a few notches.

-- Babygrrl

P.S. You are going to hell and I will meet you there. *slashy kiss*

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2003-02-26 10:24 (link)
Oh holy shit, that story just MADE MY DAY. I had to share it w/ a friend who had the misfortune to be chatting with me at the time. That is the best. story. ever. We'd just been talking about how we were both going to hell, and how great the company will be. My favorite part is about Elise "experimenting." I'm not sure I would have had the presence of mind to be a smartass, though I'd like to think I would have been.

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2003-02-26 11:50 (link)
This was hilarious. And you are right. Bumper stickers on luxury cars are useless and a sign of tackiness. I hope you don't mind that I've friended you ^_^



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2003-02-27 03:02 (link)
*newbie to your journal waves hello*

And can I just say that this cracked me up? You are soooo my kind of mom. Pity we can't arrange a playdate and make catty comments about the other obsessive mom types. Twould be a blast.

*waves bye*

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2003-03-02 13:58 (link)
Oh, I am friending you on the basis of this post alone. *dies*

I want to be your daughter. And I'm 35!

*hearts msscribe*

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(no subject) - userinfoslightlights, 2003-03-02 19:41:24

2003-03-02 14:23 (link)
Oh my God... I'm dying.

I have to say, though, that I feel so sorry for that other little girl, y'know? Her freak of a mother is going to make her life hell. And hell, I reckon, will be very pink, and Barbie will be there.

You, however, are hilarious, and your daughter is one lucky little dykeling. ;)

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2003-03-02 14:36 (link)
userinfoheinous_bitca linked your post in her journal. So I came. I read. I laughed my ass off. Your comments were just the funniest thing. "Well, your daughter might be Gay, but I think Elise is just experimenting..."

Hey, it's natural for kids to experiment when they're away at school. ;)

And I agree with you about the Dale Earnhardt thing. While driving the other day, I saw a car with his number and racing stripes and everything. I'm like, dude, get over it. You drive a Dodge, not a race car.

I love you now,
Emily (StrangerWithMyFace)

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2003-03-02 15:10 (link)
A friend of mine directed me here in the middle of an IM conversation, and I'm so glad she did. I think the best line is "Elise, please don't kiss your girlfriend in front of her Mommy, it upsets her." Priceless.

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Thar poor child...
2003-03-02 15:15 (link)
..being raised by a mother like that. Maybe you should call your local youth protection authorities before any permanent damage is done.

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Re: That poor child... - userinfomsscribe, 2003-03-02 15:53:37

2003-03-02 16:27 (link)
I'm here via friend-of-friend sort of chain. And I'm in tears from laughing so much. That was priceless, absolutely priceless. Not only your own remarks, but the "Teletubbies" line.... I was trying to read this to my husband and I kept dissolving into laughter.

I hope you don't mind, but I'm going to share this with my (gay) best friends, who have an 18-month-old son. They'll love it....

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2003-03-02 18:17 (link)
*laughs and laughs*

What parent would waste their time worrying about that kind of stuff? Makes you wonder what she would have said if the other toddler was a boy, though. :P

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Just as bad, I'd guess. - userinfotfofurn, 2003-03-26 07:09:18

2003-03-02 18:32 (link)
That is a truly great story. Kudos to you for being on your toes enough to come up with absolutely perfect responses to the other mother.
And, judging from the reaction of the day care lady, you have your daughter in the right place. :D

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2003-03-02 18:41 (link)
I live in a state where the Republicans who have just taken over the state government and are facing a huge budget deficit think that their time can best be spent trying to pass a bill rescinding basic civil rights for gays and lesbians (fortunately, enough of them seem to be coming to their senses that it looks as though it isn't going to get enough support this session). Faced with bone-headed stupidity like that, I really needed the laugh. Thanks.


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2003-03-02 18:50 (link)
Thank you for posting this. And thank you for responding to this fluff-for-brains like a sensible person. Ye gods, I know there are idiots in this world, but it still amazes me how utterly dumb people can be. Bah.

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freaking hilarious
2003-03-02 19:57 (link)
hello i use open diary but i was told to come read your entry i loved it it was sooo funny i mean get real an 18 month old being gay but anyway congrats on your quick wit you are too funny if you want check out my diary at www.opendiary.com diary member *willow* make sure you have the ** on either side of the name or you will go to someone else thanks


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2003-03-02 20:02 (link)
When Dale Earnhardt died, my history teacher's husband (who's the foreman of a construction crew) got a call from one of his workers who told the husband, nearly in tears, that he would need the day off from work to properly mourn the death of Dale Earnhardt with his (the worker's, not Earnhardt's) family and friends. He wasn't related to Ernhardt or even knew him. The worker was just that obsessed with racing and Earnhardt in particular.

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(no subject) - userinfomsscribe, 2003-03-03 08:28:07

2003-03-02 21:08 (link)
*dying laughing*

The daycare story was hysterical. And I agree 100% on the Dale Earnhardtwhatever guy. Darwinism at work!

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(no subject) - userinfobridgelene, 2003-03-12 21:21:36

2003-03-03 01:33 (link)
You don't know me, but I would still like to give you a high five and a pat on the back. This is a work of art, a moment to be recorded and retold over the years. I love unusual children and hearing stories about them.

I wonder what this other woman would think of my son? He decided to start calling himself Butt Boy when he was three and likes to wear jewlery. Maybe we should form a group for parents of toddlers with gay/lesbian/bi/transgendered leanings who are bound for hell. You know, offer support and try to help get them ready for their eternity in the lake of fire?

If these bible thumpers really knew their bibles, they probably would not be getting their drawers twisted so over 'alternative lifestyles' in adults, let alone in very small children. The bible shows that as times change, so does the word, and I don't really recall (though I myself am not an avid scholar of the bible) where it really says anywhere that being gay is wrong, only where it says not to lie with a man as you would a woman, which, like everything else in the bible, can be taken so many ways. So a lesbian shouldn't lie with a man as she would a woman? And even gay men, of course they don't lie with a man as they would a woman, *if* they have ever or would ever again chosen to lie with a woman. The different anatomy pretty much garuntees that. The bible also says that you should go away from the camp (community) and bury your feces with a paddle, and for men not to cut their hair. The bumper sticker gripes me because it also says that you should closet your religion, someone who is truley worshipping has nothing to prove and shouldn't feel the need to advertise it.

Even if being gay was a sin, the bible also says, 'Let ye who is without sin cast the first stone.' So *if* it's a sin, (and it's not even not one of the Big Ten if it is) what makes it so much worse than any of the others? You would never see a mother upset at a day care because a little boy who was snogging her daughter decided to snog another little girl one day, would you? I do remeber prohibiting adultury, stealing, killing, coveting, and so forth, which I know a whole lot more people do, but I don't recall any of these upsetting even the most devout to the extent that they felt the need to attack a person who committed one. Gay people aren't hurting anyone just by being gay, they should leave them alone.

And I know that it is very unlikely that your daughter is of any sexuality yet, and I am sure you know that.

I wonder what would have happened, though, if you had suggested to her that maybe her daughter wasn't gay at all, but maybe she was bisexual instead? Would that have been any comfort to her at all? That poor kid. I would highly reccomend that her mom experience quite a few Prozac moments. Daily.

As for Dale Earnheart, I don't understand racing, don't follow it or anything, I'm sure he did some good works in his time. But Dale Earnhart as compared to so many other things that have happened, things on a much bigger scale or morre tragic, and this is what people want to obsess over?! All the people who died on 9/11, & the Bali bombings, potential war in Iraq, bombing in Afganistan when they *knew* that they weren't going to get Bin Laden, just a bunch of poor people who have been through enough, high school & work place shootings, Oklahoma City, Waco, the number of people who die of AIDS every day, & a little kid in PN who was shot simply for being in the wrong place at the wrong time when some whacko decided to retaliate for a stray snowball outside a church. The child wasn't taking part in something that is known to be dangerous, just standing there and was the victim of senseless violence as opposed to a man who chose to take part in a dangerous sport. I mean, if you want to mourn someone/something, especially like two years after the fact, I would think you could mourn all the senseless cruelty that people inflict on one another.

Finally, if Darwinism was an exact science, that mom at the daycare would never have been born.

I'm shutting up and leaving the soapbox now.

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Amen to that! - userinfomsscribe, 2003-03-03 08:30:14

2003-03-03 03:42 (link)
I love you, and I am going to go read the entire of your journal now.
That was fab.
I blame my mom for the fact I turned out gay. She gave me a blue duvet cover.


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(no subject) - userinfomsscribe, 2003-03-03 08:30:47
(no subject) - userinfotrinker, 2003-03-03 09:58:01
2003-03-03 04:10 (link)
This is like a sketch from SNL...


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Re: SNL... - userinfomsscribe, 2003-03-03 08:31:07

2003-03-03 04:14 (link)
she points to the TV in the daycare office and proclaims "Teletubbies!"

Oh dear. Try to talk her out of dating a celebrity. Nothing good can come of it.

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(no subject) - userinforainbow_goddess, 2003-03-26 09:43:41
2003-03-03 06:56 (link)
*wipes tears from eyes*

Oh that poor little girl. Although I pity her mom when the teen years come, the piercings alone with give her apoplexy.

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Re: Too.Damn.Funny - userinfomsscribe, 2003-03-03 08:31:50

2003-03-03 07:48 (link)
I got here thanks to heinous bitca. and tho everyone else is saying it, i have to jump on the bandwagon and fangirl this entry. oh my god, this was completely awesome. i have to friend you for this entry alone. :)

may you write many more witty entries.

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(no subject) - userinfomsscribe, 2003-03-03 08:32:12

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