I am often asked what kinds of pictures I enjoy taking most. Well to be honest, I have always really enjoyed taking photos that are a bit on the abstract side. I think I now enjoy taking these even more since they are completely different from what I do on a day-to-day basis for HCJB. Some photographers refer to this type of photography as personal work. The following images are some color abstracts that I have taken for my own personal enjoyment over the last few years and are ones that I currently have or often have hanging somewhere around my house.
I call this "Cyclops" since I think it looks like a one-eyed monster. "Cyclops" is one of my all-time favorite abstract images. Part of this is because it was (I think) my first real color abstract photo. I was on a college trip to Atlanta Georgia. I was kind of bored waiting around and happened to look out of the bus window and see this wall a block away. We were still waiting for some of our group, so I managed to get off of the bus and ran down the street to get the shot. Of course by the time I arrived at the wall, they began honking the bus horn and I only got a couple of frames.
But there are many abstract images around that you might drive by every day. This is an office building out near Batavia IL. I drove by it a number of times thinking of the possibilities before finally taking this image.
Growing up in the midst of corn fields in central Illinois, I have always had an attraction to the skyscrapers of Chicago. I know I look like a tourist because I walk slower than everyone else and I'm always looking up. While I am not all that concious of it, my wife and all of my Chicago friends heckle me whenever we go anywhere downtown.
It is hard for me to decribe why I choose to photograph certain sections of any scene. Sometimes it is converging lines or repetitive forms.
Or perhaps a series of repetitive forms in different shapes.
I am sometimes attracted to the contrast between old and new or different colors or textures.
Sometimes the composition just jumps out at me and other times I have to walk several blocks before I find the angle that pleases me.
I've found parking structures extremely helpful for getting a better vantage point and helping make vertical lines straight.
Other times it requires climbing on top of a wall or holding onto a fence.
I used to own a Canon 35mm Tilt shift lens that I used for this picture, but I didn't use it enough to justify keeping it. Actually most of these images were done with Canon or Leica zoom lenses in the 80-200 range.
Once I find a subject I like, I try to visit it at different times throughout the day to find interesting light.
Sometimes it may be colorful reflections that capture my attention.
Or some play on numbers, shapes or colors.
I try to look around for perhaps a shadow and some odd design.
It might be at Disney World.
Or a road-side barn.
Or at some local fuel storage tanks near my family farm.
I took this one while my wife was shopping at a warehouse. I was sitting in the car and decided to stop looking at my watch and look for pictures. To be honest, I would have never stopped nor even looked for this image. Yet I found it because I am constantly looking for interesting and unusual compositions.

I realize that many of you will not care for these images. I know that they don't communicate much and the subject matter may not interest you at all. That's OK with me because I didn't take them for your enjoyment, I took them because they reflect my vision of colors, shapes and designs that surround me. I continue to take them because I personally enjoy it. I have hundreds of B&W abstracts and will some day find the negatives and actually get a few of them on this site too. Either way, I hope that you can find some type of personal photography that you can enjoy too.

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