I Would Settle For Plot Driven Stories
by Liz Coughlin

Everyone can agree that GH no longer gives us character-driven stories. We haven't really had those since Claire Labine left the building. And a lot of people on the net talk about the plot-driven stories that dominate GH these days; how the show just seems to move from plot-point to plot-point, with no rhyme, reason or purpose. But I've been thinking about this, and I've come to the realization that plot-driven writing isn't the problem. The problem is actor-driven writing. And I don't mean the actors are doing the writing, or even that they have influence over the writing (although some might). But what's become very evident to me is that the writers decide they like an actor, and then they write the most absurd storylines in order to keep that actor around, or promote them.

Recently, this has become painfully obvious with three "new" actors: Cynthia Preston, Rick Hearst, and Ted King. I think all three are good actors, and I really enjoy watching Cynthia especially. But liking an actor is no excuse or rational for keeping their character around when it goes against good writing and storytelling. All three of these actors were brought on as foils to Maurice Benard's Sonny Corinthos: Faith Rosco, seeking revenge for her husband's murder; Ric Lansing, seeking revenge for his six year-old brother pouting about wearing a rain slicker; and Lorenzo Alcazar, seeking revenge for…I'm not quite sure. The writers like the three actors so much, that they've basically decided they are here to stay…no matter what the storyline indicates. So Faith can try to kill Sonny several times; arrange to have his wife raped; run his sister down with a car…not to mention kill her own grandmother…and yet, she's untouchable. Sonny cannot kill her. Ric has conspired with Faith; kidnapped Sonny's wife, twice; let her think he'd raped her…and yet, he's untouchable. Sonny cannot kill him. Lorenzo also kidnapped Sonny's wife, and his sister, as well as grabbing Sonny and having him beaten up. He's also trying to take over Sonny's territory and Sonny's wife. And yet…he's untouchable. Sonny cannot kill him.

Let's look at the case of Rick Hearst more closely. Bob Guza, GH's head "writer" has said in the press that the original plan was to make Ric Lansing the half-brother of Lily Rivera Corinthos, Sonny's dead wife. He was going to come to town wanting to totally dismantle Sonny's life, to get revenge for what happened to his sister (whom he probably didn't know about until two weeks prior.) But then, Guza got a brainstorm! Let's make Ric SONNY'S half-brother…that way we can keep him around for a long time! Huh? I guess it didn't matter that they would have to re-write Sonny's history. I guess it didn't matter that Sonny had just gotten a long-lost half-sister under the previous writing regime. And it certainly didn't matter that they'd have to tie Sonny's hands behind his back for a year. No, all that mattered was the writers had figured out how to bring on a character that could torment Sonny, but that Sonny wouldn't kill because of the connection to his "sainted" mother Adela. And now that they've played out that angle; now that Sonny's decided brother or no, Ric needs to die for all he's done…the writers have come up with a half dozen other reasons for Sonny to keep him alive. The latest of which is that the corrupt DA Scott Baldwin is instructing Ric to blame the victim (in this case Carly); to say that she wasn't kidnapped…she went with Ric willingly to the Panic Room. Baldwin's motivation for this tactic is ultimately to bring Sonny down for good. He figures that Sonny will certainly kill Ric for adding insult to injury, and then…Sonny will go down for Murder 1. Too bad Baldwin as a fictional character can't read the writer's mind. If he could, he'd know Sonny wasn't going to kill Ric, and that his plan would fail! Ah yes, the ultimate safeguard for Rick Hearst as Ric Lansing; in order to save himself from prison, Sonny will not kill him.

It's absurd; it's illogical, and it sure isn't any way to write a daytime drama. And it isn't limited to the new actors either. There's one long-time actor in particular that is blatantly favored by the writers, once again to the detriment of Sonny Corinthos. When the writers are motivated by something other than good storytelling; when their "love jones" for certain actors colors what they write…it's a serious problem. And unfortunately, it's a problem I don't see going away until the current writers are gone. How much damage will be done between now and then?

Character-driven writing? Fuggedaboudit. Plot-driven writing? That would be refreshing at this point. Actor-driven writing at the expense of character and plot? Sickening.

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