Answering your interview; Gunnhild Bratset, co-founder and female guitarist of ENTHRAL.

DT: When and why the band was formed?. 
Gunnhild Bratset :
The band was formed back in 1995 by drummer KJETIL HEKTOEN and myself, in Sunndalsøra, our hometown, in the north-westtern region of Norway. We had played in a couple of bands earlier, but nothing serious. Our aim was to have a band dedicated to black metal, and also atmosphere, as this was the form of music we felt the most for, basically.

Tell me about the beginning of the band (1995). 
Gunnhild Bratset :
In the beginning, it was just me and KJETIL, we had a few rehearsals and found the right feeling pretty quickly, as I remember. Nothing serious happened until we both moved to Oslo a little later for educational matters. It wasn't until '96 that we recorded our first Demo(Demo 1996 was printed in an extremely limited number and is the only demo we have released to the public, though a couple more were made at a later stage).

Why the name of ENTHRAL?. 
Gunnhild Bratset :
We had another name in the very beginning, but changed it before recording our debut Demo. You could say we wanted a name that described the feeling we got from the music, and hopefully our listeners also. The name is a verb that means to enslave, spellbind or capture in a kind of magical sense, describing the feeling of being swallowed up in the music, in a way. The name fit really well back then, and although we have changed a great deal musically during the years, I still think it fits.

DT: What topics do you consider in your lyrics?. 
Gunnhild Bratset :
I can't really speak for KJETIL here, as he writes all of the lyrics nowadays. On this latest record, "Subterranean Movement", I view the topics of the lyrics as being about self-empowerment, finding your own way, thinking for yourself, and so forth. As well as the texts being very dark, of course, proclaiming distance and resistance to hypocrisy. And of course it deals with the disgusting phenomenon of religion and betraying your true self. I can't really say more than that. 

DT: Are you into Serial Killers? Do you know TED BUNDY? 
Gunnhild Bratset :
I know the name but not much more... I can find stories and documentaries about these things fascinating some times, but it's not something I'm really interested in.

Your fave bands?. 
Gunnhild Bratset :
I don't have so many favorite bands anymore, but I listen to a lot of different music. I enjoy(in no particular order and depending on my mood this week) BURZUM, MAYHEM, ENSLAVED, DARKTHRONE, IMMORTAL, ULVER, WHEN, KING CRIMSON, JETHRO TULL, BLACK SABBATH, OLD, CATHEDRAL, RACHMANINOV, BRAHMS, WAGNER, MASSIVE ATTACK, CARCASS, SONIC YOUTH, EMMERHOFF, ORANGE GOBLIN, FLAX, VED BUENS ENDE, LED ZEPPELIN.... and the list just continues.

DT: Tell me about the track "AWAITING THE RIDE OF THE FORESTGOD" 
Gunnhild Bratset :
August (1996), and the video for this track. Tell us about HOT RECORDS compilation CD "THE RAPE OF THE HOLY TRINITY" (1997). Well, first of all it's "rise", not "ride". This song was our first experience in a real studio, and was done to, in a way, test our material and what everything would sound like given the opportunity to record it professionally. We recorded the track in '96, the same year as our demo. The studio we used is a local studio in Sunndal, and it was done during a vacation. The track came out sounding great, so we decided to do a video for it as well, as we knew some people who had the equipment and access to editing facilities. This was also a kind of experiment, to see what would come out of it all. The video isn't professional in quality, but it retained some of the atmosphere we were after at the time. It features me and KJETIL playing our instruments in the forests of Sunndal, and has some great scenery, overlooking a fjord with tall mountains. We never released it though, but maybe we will in the future, as a curiousity. The audio track "Awaiting the rise of the Forestgod" however got us a spot on the Hot Records compilation CD in '97, and was the basis for our two-album recording deal with the label. You can say they liked the track!

How MARTIN RAFOSS join the band? 
Gunnhild Bratset :
We met him through one of KJETIL's music student aquaintences, who said he knew a guy that would fit our band. We really wanted to add a bass player, as the ones doing the bass for us earlier didn't last long in the band. We had a local Sunndal friend do the session bass on our Demo, after that another bass player joined only to leave again, and I myself did the bass on the "...Forestgod" track. We met up with MARTIN at rehearsal, played him the "...Forestgod" track, and he was in! It was really good to finally have someone dedicated in the band apart from ourselves. MARTIN's efforts have been an important ingredient in ENTHRAL ever since. 

Talk me about your first album "PROPHECIES OF THE DYING" (HOT RECORDS 1997)?. 
Gunnhild Bratset :
"Prophecies of the Dying" was recorded and mixed in a very short time(I think four or five days), and features songs made by the band's new trio format. The recording process was quite easy, and it was done without any major problems. The tracks are aggressive as well as epic sounding. The instrumentation isn't particularly complex, there's basically two rhythm guitars going, one in the left speaker and one in the right. Some synth was used, played by the mysterious HEKTRA, along with some dark and effective samples and sound effects. INGRID SKRETTING contributed with soprano vocals on one track. The songs have a kind of expressed northern feel, as folk music was one source of inspiration for us at the time. I am still very satisfied with the album. 

DT: Do you believe in SANTA CLAUS?. 
Gunnhild Bratset :
Don't you mean SATAN CLAWS?

Do you believe in Communism like a positive change in this world?. 
Gunnhild Bratset :
Communism, Marxism and the like are excellent ideas, but as we all know these ideologies have NEVER worked in real life, and most likely never will. People have a much too strong craving for wealth, power and personal pleasure to make something like that work. A good example of how this greed corrupts well-meaning ideologies can be found in Orwell's "Animal Farm". 

What do you know about South American Underground Scene?. 
Gunnhild Bratset :
I don't know much about it, other than the things I read from time to time in Magazines, etc. I know you have good bands with a proper Christ fighting attitude. And of course, you have the excellent, mighty SARCOFAGO! Actually, we play a SARCOFAGO cover in our live set. 

What can you tell me about Skaters?. 
Gunnhild Bratset :
Skaters are people too? I'm not really sure where you're heading with this question.

Gunnhild Bratset :
There's no point in contacting them in association with ENTHRAL, if that's what you mean, as they're not in the band anymore. STIAN still contributes as a session synth player and engineer, though. If you're asking how we got in contact with them in the first place, that's another matter. KJETIL had rehearsed a little with ESPEN's old Death Metal band THE FLESH, replacing their original drummer. So when another guitarist was considered for ENTHRAL, naturally KJETIL asked him to join, as he already knew ESPEN was a competent musician. STIAN actually attended the same music school as KJETIL at one time, where we also rehearsed for a while earlier, but that's not why he was asked to join us. We wanted to expand the use of keyboards compared to our first album, and knowing of his abilities as a musician, as well as him being out of DIMMU BORGIR, we called him and asked if was interested. A little while later he was in! 

DT: Do you like bands like D.R.I. & AGNOSTIC FRONT?. 
Gunnhild Bratset :
I haven't heard any of them, so I can't comment on that. 

Gunnhild Bratset :
Star Wars, definitely. I prefer the old movies rather than the new ones.

Talk me about your second album "THE MIRRORS OPPOSITE END" (HOT RECORDS 1998). 
Gunnhild Bratset :
Well, as I said the use of keyboards was greatly increased compared to our first album, and the band was now a five-piece. "The Mirror's Opposite End" is our most symphonic work to date, and contains some superb atmospheres, as well as aggressive moments. It's a long album of about 70 minutes, and the material is pretty diverse. There's an instrumental that I like very much, with a kind of floating feel that's very untraditional for a black metal band, and there's a song where we take our folk influences to their uttermost extremes. Actually I haven't heard anything similar to it. Like on the first album, there's a song featuring Ingrid, but this time around I don't think it worked out as good. It's my least favorite ENTHRAL track, but there seems to be quite a lot of people that worship it, especially abroad. The rest of the material is more in line with "Prophecies...", but way more symphonic. There's also more parts with acoustic guitars. The recording was more stressful than last time around, much due to one of the engineers there. The sound is different from the first album, darker and muddier. A clearer production would fit better, I think, but I know there are those who disagree. I'm still satisfied with it, though as I mentioned, I think a different production could have made it even greater.

DT: Your fave Horror Movies from all times?. 
Gunnhild Bratset :
"The Shining" is terrific. I prefer movies that have this cold, gruelling, demonic feeling. I'm not so fond of the pure splatter films, those are just funny. One of the recent movies I like is "The Ring", that had a great feeling.

Gunnhild Bratset :

What can you tell me about the period of 1998/1999 and your two 
Gunnhild Bratset :
Demos at this time? After "The Mirror's Opposite End" was released, our two-album recording contract with HOT RECORDS was fulfilled. We didn't rush to get a new deal, but rather concentrated on making new material and trying to develop our sound. During this period our material went in a lot of different directions -we sort of wanted to experiment to find out what we could and couldn't do as a band. This material was recorded in two sessions (two demos), and we actually sent some of it around to see if someone was interested in these new directions our music had taken. We actually got some offers, but nothing happened. Today I am glad that it wasn't released, as it was too early in our development phase we had entered. The real positive changes were to come later. 

What can you tell me about OSAMA BIN LADEN?. 
Gunnhild Bratset :
I know he used to be an exteremely wealthy businessman, well educated, from Saudi-Arabia, that went from passively endorsing and supporting organisations like AL-QAIDA, to actively participating in violent actions and warfare. He wasn't a fanatically religious warrior to begin with.

Do you prefer JACK DANIELS or 100 FUEGOS?. 
Gunnhild Bratset :
JACK DANIELS. But LAPHROAIGH is a better whisky anyway.

Why ESPEN SIMONSEN left the band?.
Gunnhild Bratset :
He had to focus on his education at the time, so he had to quit. He didn't have the time for rehearsals, etc. 

Are you satisfied with your "Demo 2000"?.
Gunnhild Bratset :
Yes. "Demo 2000" represents ENTHRAL's new direction, and the three songs featured on this demo can also be found on our latest album "Subterranean Movement". 

How was your experience on KING DIAMOND Tribute Album (2000), released on NECROPOLIS RECORDS?.Tell me about your track "THE PORTRAIT". 
Gunnhild Bratset :
We heard about NECROPOLIS' plans to release a KING DIAMOND tribute album, and we thought it would be a nice opportunity for some exposure. We of course liked KING DIAMOND's stuff as well. The track "The Portrait" was chosen because we thought we could do a good version of it, incorporating some of our own ideas, and not just "playing the song". I think it came out great. We recorded it in PANZER STUDIOS in Oslo, but unfortunately, NECROPOLIS ripped us off. To this day we haven't received our money back. They were supposed to pay for the studio, but as you might guess from later actions and affairs this label have been involved in, they didn't. 

DT: What do you think about ABANTO MORALES?.
Gunnhild Bratset :
The name doesn't ring a bell. 

How contact with DANNE PERSSON?. 
Gunnhild Bratset :
We wanted to start rehearsing a live set, and needed an extra guitarist for that. We had gotten to know him a little earlier, basically just hanging out and having some drinks, you know. We thought he would fit well within the band, both musically and personnally, and he did. He also began writing a little bit of material with us, and everything worked out fine, until he had to leave because of his massive workload. As is the case with ESPEN, he didn't have the time to be in a band anymore. 

Do you believe in extra-terrestrials? experiences with UFOS?. 
Gunnhild Bratset :
No. There might be microbic life out there, but as for the saucer-flying little grey men, no I don't. H.P.LOVECRAFT'S vision of life in outer space is fascinating though, I think. The cosmos is vast and awesome, but you can't really believe in that stuff. 

DT: Do you know RONNIE EIDE?.
Gunnhild Bratset :
No, I don't. 

DT: How signed a deal with Dutch label DISPLEASED RECORDS?. 
Gunnhild Bratset :
DISPLEASED were one of the labels we sent our Demo to, and simply put, they came up with the best offer. Nothing more to say about that, really. 

Your best concerts?. 
Gunnhild Bratset :
We have played some shows in Norway lately, and they all turned out great. The two last ones were the best; one show in Hamar at the Legions of the North festival together with CREST OF DARKNESS, DISIPLIN, TIDFALL, KOLDBRANN and some others. The last one we played was in Oslo at South of Heaven #3 together with VESEN. The audience reaction at both shows was very satisfying. But we will of course play more concerts in the future. The next one planned is in Trondheim at the Nattrock festival. 

Are you into S&M?. 
Gunnhild Bratset :

Do you like GIGER's Art?. 
Gunnhild Bratset :
Yes. His works are intriguing, though I prefer his earlier stuff more, when he painted in oils as well as using air-brush techniques. I'm not so much into him these days, as there are far better artists out there. He's been much copied but never surpassed in his technique. But if you compare the original of "Toteninsel" with Giger's copy, the original is so much better.

PC or MAC?. 
Gunnhild Bratset :
If you're going to work with Graphic Design or Music recording/editing, the Mac is the superior choice. If you're just going to use your computer as a normal person would, it might save you some hassle to choose a PC.

Are you into PS2, GAMECUBE, X-BOX? or any VIDEO GAMES? Do you remember ATARI 2600? Games like COMBAT, BREAKOUT, PITFALL, DONKEY KONG, INDY 500, MISSILE COMMAND, SPACE INVADERS, do you remember this time?. 
Gunnhild Bratset :
I remember some of the old games you mention, but I'm not particularly interested in computer games. Personally, I would never buy a gaming console. There are better things to do with your time, like making music. 

Tell us about "SUBTERRANEAN MOVEMENT" (2003)?, is your best production?.
Gunnhild Bratset :
"Subterranean Movement" is our greatest effort, yes. Musically, productionwise and in outlook, this is our strongest work. The music is much more aggressive and complex than earlier, as well as having a totally dark, eerie and bizarre feel. The album continues the thread from our "Demo 2000", but exceeds even that in extremity. It's like nothing you've ever heard before, at the same time as having that distinct northern feeling. Of course there are patterns and ideas you can recognize, but it's all put together in a very original way. The album was written over a long period of time, and that contributes to its complexity. The symphonic element is very toned down, and the keyboards now function as a way to bring that extra eerie, sick element into the music. RONNY HANSEN, our new guitar player, makes his debut in ENTHRAL on this album. He joined in due time to start rehearsing the songs before we were to enter the studio. We recorded it in a place called MLP STUDIOS in Gjøvik, an excellent studio also used by CREST OF DARKNESS, KJETIL's other band. The sound is quite organic, at the same time as being cold and hard. The lyrics and vocal delivery are better than ever, and I'm really satisfied with the riffs and arrangements this time. The guitars sound really cold and aggressive, and the rhythm section executes some amazing patterns. It will take some time to get into, but it's well worth it.

You´re future plans?. 
Gunnhild Bratset :
To release an even better album - our fourth assault on mankind. We will also look into rereleasing our previous two albums in some way or another, because they are hard to get these days. We will also do more concerts. 

Any last comment for the DEATHTHRASHER readers?. 
Gunnhild Bratset :
Get "Subterranean Movement" and hear for yourself what we're about. For more information go to Horns!