Weekly Visitor  Online Edition

Decatur-Trinity Christian Church 2449 Altruria, Bartlett TN 38134

R. Scott Pricer, Sr. Minister


901/388-4511 FAX 901/388-1049


May 7, 2001

We have just begun the middle four months of the year and the results are in for the first four month period. Attendance has been holding its own and even growing some. Committees appear to be working and people in general seem to be getting along. Based on the treasurer's report at the Board meeting last Sunday, giving is down from a year ago. Added to that fact that the congregation voted to increase the overall budget for 2001, it makes the decline in giving that much more significant.


Terry Mattingly wrote an article that was carried in the Commercial Appeal about three months ago titled: Money and the church: Who gives, and why. Mr. Mattingly leads the Institute of Journalism at the Council for Christian Colleges and Universities in Washington D.C. Mr. Mattingly quotes a study done by Sylvia and John Ronsvalle who operate a think tank that analyzes data on giving in religious institutions. They addressed two questions that the Ronsvalles said affect many churches. Why are so many content to see their congregations limp along when it comes to evangelism, missions and benevolence work? Why do people give what they give? They concluded that the answers are rarely comforting.


In short the Ronsvalles come to four conclusions. 1) Some people make major donations in order to control the institution that frames life's major transitions. As the old saying goes, people want a church when it comes time to "hatch, match and dispatch" family members. 2) Many people view their offerings as payment for services rendered by the staff and clergy. 3) Others are buying a culture. For some members, this may be classical-quality, or even cable-television quality, music or drama. 4) Finally, the Ronsvalles' research shows that many church members sincerely see giving as a matter of faith, the natural result of gratitude and a Biblical vision. However, they report that in some denominations giving has fallen to levels lower than in the Great Depression.


What does of this have to do with DTCC? I suspect that we can be identified in the four reasons people give to the church. If you are giving because of one of the first three conclusions that the Ronsvalles discovered, then you are giving for the wrong reasons. Only if your giving is because you see giving as a matter of faith will you be giving for the right reason. And only then will we, as a congregation, move forward in the areas of missions, evangelism, and benevolence work. One other statistic do the Ronsvalles mention. "Here is one of the unwritten laws: 20 percent of the members give up to 80 percent of the annual budget. In most cases, 50 percent or more give little or nothing."


Think on these things as you consider your commitment to DTCC.







Mary Jean Morris has a couple of cracked ribs.

Harold Wiginton.

Thelma Brown.

Robbie Jacobs, daughter of Dub and Nora Carter.

Robert Roaten, 6 wk old great nephew of Dennis, LeBonheur.





Our congregation was deeply saddened to learn of the death of Mae Anderson last Thursday. Funeral services were held Saturday afternoon. Mae was very active in the life of Decatur serving as Sunday School teacher, deaconess, and many offices in the Christian Women’s Fellowship.






In memory of Mae Anderson from

Joe & Bernie Schingle (debt)

Buck & Daisy Avery

Helen & Frank Fly (debt) Christian Builders Class

Doris Masserano

Dub & Nora Carter

Doris Ellis

Quindel Keith

Margaret Ward

Russell & Elizabeth Parks

Paul & Bessie James (debt)

Maurice & Betty Ingram (debt)

Jack & Jimmie Pannell (debt)

Ruth Group (CWF)

Freddie McGee

In memory of Toar McMillan from

Joe & Bernie Schingle (debt)

Bonnie Heckle

Edith Frey

Marie Neal

Doris Ellis

Quindel Keith

Russell & Elizabeth Parks

Mary Jean Morris (debt)

Jack & Jimmie Pannell (debt)

In memory of John Robert Hollingsworth from

Maurice & Betty Ingram (debt)

Jack & Jimmie Pannell (debt)

In memory of Dorothy Weakley’s mother from Jack & Jimmie Pannell (debt).





Sunday we welcomed into the fellowship of DTCC Aimee McAlister. She has been visiting for sometime now and we are thrilled that she is now a member.





Brandon and Tiffany Cockman are the proud parents of a son born Sunday night. Dalton Heath weighed in at 6 lbs. 12 ozs. Grandmother is Charlotte Potter and great-grandmother is Virginia Harmon.





Toar was special to Tom and me, we loved him dearly. We give thanks to our church for the prayers, calls and many cards. Thanks to Bob for the many times he visited Toar. Thanks for all the love the church has given us.

Eleanor Palmer and Tom McMillen





We welcomed the following visitors: John Sanders, Aimee McAlister, Sandy Jarvis, John Macier, Debbie Hill, Amanda Halford, Janan Lindley





Church School 133

Worship Service 239

SALT Service 50

Received May 6 $10,807

Rec’d to date in May $10,807

May Budget Needs $31,229

Debt/Touch the Dream $1,839

Total Debt/Touch Rec’d $153,608





Speaker for SALT this week will be Paula Coss.






The Christian Women’s Fellowship will have their new cookbook for sale on Sundays between Sunday School and worship and after services






The young adults will be selling chances for a house cleaning or a roast beef dinner on May 6, 9 & 13. These chances are $1 each or 6 for $5. The drawing will be held on May 13. All proceeds go to the young adult summer programming. If you have any questions, you may call Debbie Sisk. Thank you for your support!





If you have something you would like to sell or looking for something to purchase or maybe you have a service to offer, you need to check out the "Swap Board" in the narthex of the Education Building. Each square is available for $5 a month to advertise – proceeds will go to the Youth Ministries Programs.





This year’s DTCC roller-skating season will come to a close Friday night May 25 (note change of date). The new season will begin on Friday, September 7. Reserve your time now for your Skating Birthday Parties next year. Contact Dave Luechauer.





Our regular Sunday School teachers in the children’s division need a break. If you would be willing to teach from June 3 – Aug. 5, please contact Theresa Utley. We are planning a fun day of training to help you.





The young adults will begin a video Bible study this Sunday entitled "The Beverly Hillbillies." Money, wealth and God!


We will meet at the church at 6 p.m. Friday, May 11, to go to the Red Birds game.





Evan and Patty Williams will celebrate their Twenty-fifth Anniversary on Saturday, May 12, from 2 – 5 p.m. at their home.








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