The Weekly Visitor Online Edition

April 3, 2001


From the Minister's Desk


For years I have believed that old adage "What goes around comes around." Fashion design is a good example. Just save those ties you were wearing 30 years ago and you will be right in fashion today. If you women had saved those "peddle pushers" of the 1960's you would find yourself right in fashion wearing "Capri's." I suppose that is one reason I hate to jump on the wagon when it comes to trying new things. Change just for the sake of change isn't necessarily good.


In 1962 I began college in San Jose, California and it wasn't long after that we began hearing about the "free speech movement" that started in Berkeley, California. That is where I mark the beginning of the radical movements from wild dress, verbal assaults, and protesting the Vietnam War. It seems that the youth had moved into a no man's land that said "anything goes." Anything that had been considered wrong was now right and vise versa. Well, I can't tell you how happy I was to read in Sunday's Commercial Appeal about David Horowitz. He was one of those young people that was leading the way on pushing the envelope clean off the table back in the 60's. But low and behold, Mr. Horowitz has grown up. He has seen the light and made a radical change. He was recently at Berkeley, California speaking to a group of college students at the University of California. What he had to say was not well received because he challenged the youth about their intellectual snobbery. Having been a left-wing intellectual, Horowitz understands the youth of today and throws their arguments right back at them.


Oh my! It does my heart good to see that there are some who have seen the light. I have always considered myself above average intellectually, but I have never had the time nor the inclination to move to the right or left when it comes to thinking. I believe they both end up in the same place- a black and white world. The world that I live in has too much gray area to speak in such finite ideologies. So it did my heart good to see a former "left wing" radical see the light and begin challenging the next generation. In fact he has moved so far away from the liberal left that he is now a respected Republican. Imagine that! I suppose that if we wait long enough we will see everything again and again and again.


There is one place that I just can't get enough of you all- and that is in church. See you this Sunday for Palm Sunday services. You won't want to miss.


Your Pastor





Caralyn Brown – knee surgery on April 5.

Patsy Keith – hip surgery Friday at Baptist East.

Joy Johnson 

Helen Fly 

Ann McGee, Freddie’s daughter-in-law,will be starting chemo therapy Friday in Pennsylvania.

Glenda Byrd, Eddie’s sister-in-law, will have a leg amputated this week at the Med.

Patricia Middleton, sister of Janet White, will have surgery Tuesday at Baptist East.

Billie Hawkins, Ray Stevens’ aunt, had a heart attack and is at Baptist East.

Rick Brown’s mother had gall bladder surgery last week at Crittenden Memorial Hospital.








We welcomed sisters who have been visiting DTCC for some time into our fellowship Sunday by transfer of membership. Jeanette Lawshe and Catherine Hudspeth have been active in the Edna Burk class as well as worship. 







In honor of Bob and Jane Williams’ 50th Wedding Anniversary from

Ann Wooten

Bill and Paula Coss

Evelyn & Greg Pleasants


In memory of Clifford Gipson from

Ann Wooten

In memory of Laura Poole from

Ann Wooten

Harry and Sandy Davies

In memory of Malcolm Yelvington from

Ann Wooten

Harry and Sandy Davies

In memory of Jan Wesdell from

Harry and Sandy Davies

Harold & Helen Proctor

In memory of Hillie Roaten from

Harry and Sandy Davies






Church School 129

Worship Service 250


Received April 1 $10,252

Rec’d to date in April $10,252

April Budget Needs $43,163

Debt/Touch the Dream $996

Total Debt/Touch Rec’d $150,224





Our SALT speaker this Sunday will be Rick McDade.







We welcomed the following visitors: Jay Page, Stacey Payne, Janet White, James & Elizabeth Briley, Eric & Jennifer Ellis, Ann & Aimee McAlister, Jason Peternell







I feel so blessed to belong to this family of Christians. Thank you all so much for the cards, calls, and prayers at the loss of my dear sister, Jan. Thanks to Scott for contacting a Disciples minister in St. Louis for me.

Margaret Fann


The family of Laura Poole wishes to thank everyone for the many calls, cards, visits, food, prayers and memorials given in her memory. A special thanks to Scott, Bob and Harold for their many visits and prayers and for the outstanding service they delivered. The love and support shown by the entire congregation has meant so much during this very difficult time. We love all of you,  

A.D., Joy and Gary Poole.


 We wish to express our genuine appreciation for the church’s sharing in our 50th wedding anniversary celebration. It was a joy to see church friends mingle with our family on that day. Thank you, Decatur, for your thoughtful presence, cards and well wishes for the day.

Bob and Jane Williams







Have you made your reservations? If not, be sure to do so Sunday – we need a fairly accurate count to prepare the meal. Our menu for April 12 is spaghetti, salad, rolls and banana pudding.


Cost for the dinners this year are as follows: $5 per adult, $3 per child ages 5-12 and children 4 and under free.







The CYF will be selling flats of bedding plants on Sunday, April 21. Be sure to wait to buy your plants from us! All money raised will go towards our summer mission trip.






What: We will be tasting recipes from our newest DTCC cookbook with the beverage of your choice.

When: Saturday, April 28, 2-4 p.m.

Where: DTCC Activity Building

Suggested Attire: To include your favorite hat and gloves

Childcare: yes - Admission: Free

Guest Speaker: Melanie Lewter Doberenz

Look for special announcements in your Sunday School Class each Sunday!






Maundy Thursday Service - April 12 - at 7 p.m.

Join us for this inspirational service!






Sunday, April 8 1:30 – 2:30 p.m.

Ages 3 – 5th grade

Bring your basket and 12 filled eggs.







Start watching for the "Official" start and stop times. More to come.







Tabitha CWF Group will meet at the home of Theresa Utley on Tuesday, April 10 at 6:30 p.m. The group will be watching "Jesus of Nazareth."







Sharing Christ transforms lives!


Do you believe it? Is it worth it when the one you share Christ with either turns his back or laughs? Is our country becoming hardened to the message of Christ? When many in Russia and China, our former enemies, are turning to Christ.

So, what does Easter mean to you? Instead of a new dress or new flowers to plant, it should mean CHRIST LIVES! And therefore I will live for Him, because He died for me/you/us all.


Your EASTER OFFERING is about sharing Christ through evangelism in our church, our country, our world.







There is an elders meeting scheduled for Thursday, April 19, at 7 p.m. in the Disciples classroom







There are still some lilies available. The lilies are $8 each and you may take them home after worship Easter Sunday. Please complete the form below and place in the offering plate along with your check to order yours.

NAME ___________________________

In Memory of ______________________

In Honor of ________________________

No. of lilies ______ Amount $_________







The CWF Service Project for April is Ronald McDonald House. We have planned a "cook-out" lunch this Saturday, April 7. Lunch will be served at 12 noon. We will meet at the church at 10:15 a.m. on Saturday and "caravan" together. Each CWF group has been asked to furnish 4 dozen cookies, brownies, etc. for the lunch. The CYF youth group has planned an Easter Egg Hunt for the children after lunch. If you are going to help cook or prepare the food, please let Trina Luechauer know by this Friday, April 6.


Thank you! Trina Luechauer, Service Ch.





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