The Weekly Visitor Online Edition

January 23, 2001


From the Minister's Desk


There are some things I shouldn’t tell the congregation. Like this past Sunday I confessed that I don’t always pay close enough attention to everyone who is in church. I told about how I would often ask Karen, as we drove home, if Mr. or Mrs. were in church. Sometimes she would tell me that I should have remembered because I shook hands with them as they left the sanctuary. My point was that sometimes I don’t pay very good attention to those who are present and I need to work more on that issue.

Well, you guessed it! At least a dozen or more people reminded me that they were in worship as they firmly shook my hand. The point of the message was that in our busy life we often overlook the really important things such as caring for the less fortunate. The story came from the rich man and Lazarus found in Luke 16. The rich man wasn’t condemned because he abused Lazarus, but because he had ignored Lazarus. It was one of those great stories that Jesus told about the after life. His point then was for all of us to honestly consider what is important in life and what is not. Recognizing one’s parishioners is very important and I will try to do better in the future.


Now for something I don’t want any of you to miss. This Sunday is Laity Sunday. It is a time to get behind and support the many men and women in our congregation who are going to take part in the morning service. We do this once a year and it has proven to be worthwhile for both the participant and the congregation. Please make a special attempt at being in worship and supporting your fellow Christian servant. I know that your presence would mean a lot to those who are giving their all to make the morning worship service meaningful.


If you have a child between ages 10 and 13 who wants to be baptized this Easter, please contact the office to find when and where the classes are to be held. We have several so far ho will be in the class.

See you all this Sunday,


Your Pastor




Russell Parks – St. Francis.

Sarah Carr – Health South.

Thelma Brown- Health South.

George Acred – ICU, Baptist Hospital DeSoto.

Mary Elizabeth Acred – Allen Morgan Health Center.

Grady Burks – Methodist Central.

Debbie Eubanks.

Malcolm Yelvington.

Hillie Roaten – Baptist East.

Hunter Horn, Ann Morehead’s grandson, surgery Tuesday at St. Jude.

Glenda Byrd, Eddie Byrd’s sister-n-law, the Med.

Mary Mitchell.

Mae Anderson.

Dick Rhine, Carol Smith’s father, is have skin cancer surgery February 5.



In honor of Sue Echols’ birthday from Helen and Frank Fly (Debt).

In memory of Marion Sanders from his daughter and son-in-law, Mary and Ben Anderson (Keenagers).



We welcomed the following visitors: Carter Broadway, Jerry & Mary Cumberland, 

Jeanette Lawshe, Catherine Hudspeth, Ricky Hutchens, John-Paul Pannell, Jack Ford.



STATISTICS – SUN. January 21

Church School 129

Worship Service 259


Received Jan. 21 $5,032

Total Rec’d in January $21,961

January Budget Needs $36,611

Debt/Touch the Dream 1/21 $245

Total Debt/Touch Rec’d $143,794



Dear Loved Ones,

Thanks to all our church family who called, visited and prayed for us and our family during our sister-in-law’s hospital ordeal. Thanks also to Bob and Scott for their visits and concern. Our special thanks to our friends, Paul and Ginger Moore, who stayed with us and supported us as we supported our other family members. Your concern is greatly appreciated.

Eddie and Dawn Byrd

The Young Adults would like to thank everyone for their support this last weekend – for the snacks, donations and especially the prayers.



LAITY SUNDAY – January 28

Our Laity Sunday theme is "Gather at the Welcome Table," and our speakers are Brandon Bostian, Jean Goforth, and Rick Pilon. If you are a participant in the 

service, there is an important rehearsal Saturday at 10:30 a.m. in the sanctuary. Please be present, especially if you are an offering or a communion deacon. Thank you.

Carol Rogers, CWF President

Karen Pricer, Worship Chairman


Our SALT speaker this Sunday will be Bill Parks.




Mark your calendars now to attend the 2001 Sweetheart

Banquet Sat., February 10 at 6:30 p.m. Dinner and

dancing to the #1 local swing band – Sugar Water. Cost - $7 adult and $5 child – Tickets on sale Sunday in Education Building – only two Sundays left to get them!




There will be a Diaconate meeting immediately following church on Sunday, February 4. We will meet in the Christian Builders classroom.




Troop 27 will sponsor an "All You Can Eat" Breakfast on Scout Sunday, February 4, from 7:30 0 9:30 a.m. in the CFC. Eggs, pancakes, hash browns, bacon, grits, muffins, sausage, biscuits, coffee, juice & milk. Adults $5 – children (4-12) $3 – children under 4 free with a paid adult meal.




We have planned a motorcoach trip on February 8 to Reelfoot Lake. We will have a ranger guide for viewing the eagles and have lunch at Boyette’s. A stop at the Sag Harbor Outlet is included. If interested, call Helen or Frank Fly.




Spiritual Journey 2001 will be held March 17-18 at Bethany Hills. I am thrilled that Rev. Lesleigh Carmichael, Associate Minister at Woodmont Christian Church, has agreed to serve as our Resource Leader. Lesleigh is young, dynamic and is sure to lead us through an inspirational journey. Pack your bags and come journey with her!

The registration is $40 for overnight stay and meals and $25 for day-only participation. The deadline is March 9. No late registrations will be accepted, so please register early. Lodging is on a first come, first serve basis. Also while this event is sponsored by the TCWF, it is not limited to CWF members. Registration forms are available in the church office or from Carol Rogers, CWF President.




If any of you are disposing of your old phone books, please call Judy Sandlin or drop them in the box provided in the Education wing. These will be used to provide funds for Keystone School. Thanks!




Scheduled to resume on Friday February 2nd, from 7-9:30 p.m. in the CFC and will continue every Friday night through the end of May.




     Ruth – Mae Anderson, leader, will meet at the church next Thursday, February 1, at 11:30 a.m. in the CFC – Please bring a sandwich.

     The Mary & Sarah Groups will meet on Thursday, February 1, at 6:30 p.m. at La Hacienda on Austin Peay.

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